The new game was a big success.

On the IG team side, after hearing that Lu Hao had "trained" three new heroes, or two heroes to be exact, Coach Mafa urgently made two sets of BP lineups, and then took Lu Hao and others to the game site.

As for why it was said to be two heroes?

Because Lu Hao's Xerath was directly PASSed by Coach Mafa!

In the words of coach Mafa:

"As long as Xerath is selected as a support, he will inevitably take away a lot of the team's economy."

"Instead of that, it's better to let Xerath go mid."

"In this way, Xerath will not have only a mediocre economy."


When the members of both teams went to the game site, the audience in the official live broadcast room had already started to discuss which side would win the next game:

"IG will win! Just because the strength of IG's new support Unfair is so strong, IG can't lose!"

"To be honest, JDG's support Green Hair is also strong! JDG's current chance of winning is really not small."

"Haha, IG beat JDG to a Linglong Tower in the last game, and there are still people who think JDG can win?"

"It's just one game. Did the people in front forget that JDG also played in the first game? Did they win the game by crushing IG with a huge advantage? "

"It was a crushing victory, but didn't you see who played on IG in the first game?"

"It's hard to say. IG's coach might even bring Le Yan and Bao Lan to play in the game."


Just then, Guan Zeyuan, the commentator in the official live broadcast room, greeted again:

"Hello everyone, I'm Guan Zeyuan, the commentator!"

After greeting, Guan Zeyuan didn't waste any words and went straight to the point:

"I guess everyone should be very concerned about who IG will choose to play in the next game?"

"It just so happens that I have also got the list of players for IG in this game."

"IG team once again chose Ning Wang and Unfair, who are in hot form, to play!"

As Guan Zeyuan said this, the barrage in the official live broadcast room was instantly occupied by the two words "IG"!

During this period, there were only a few scattered "Come on, JDG!"

After Guan Zeyuan finished speaking, the commentator Rita also smiled and greeted the audience:

"Hello everyone, I am the commentator Rita!"

After greeting, Rita began to analyze Guan Zeyuan's words:

"It is reasonable for IG to choose Unfair and Ning Wang to play."

"After all, I believe everyone has seen how hot these two players are."

"The next question is how JDG will restrict the new players Unfair and Ning Wang."

As soon as Rita finished speaking, Guan Zeyuan coughed twice in a pretentious manner, and then continued:

"If nothing unexpected happens, JDG will definitely not release Unfair's robot."

"I don't know if you noticed that Unfair's robot had an astonishing 100% hit rate of hooks in the last game!"

"Yes, you heard it right!"

"From the last game to the last game At the end of the game, as long as Unfair's robot chooses to hook, it will definitely hook someone! "

"I won't say anything else. I really don't believe that JDG will release Unfair's robot."

Hearing Guan Zeyuan say this, Rita exclaimed:

"One hundred percent hook hit rate?"

"Isn't this too exaggerated?"

"I feel like even novels don't dare to write this way, right?"

"What's more, this is still in reality?"

Hearing this, Guan Zeyuan spread his hands helplessly and said:

"This is indeed the case. Anyway, Unfair's performance in the last game was really too scary."

"I guess this is why the official will award the MVP to Unfair."

"After all, Unfair has turned a team-opening hero like the robot into a strong opening hero!"


While the two commentators were still discussing, the official live broadcast room's bullet

The scene was also very lively:

"It's just a 100% hook hit rate. The fans of our Brother Hao's live broadcast room have long been accustomed to it!"

"That's right, how can Colonel Guan be so shocked after commentating on a game?"

"Pass it on, our Colonel Guan has never seen the world!"

"Brother Hao: Isn't the robot's hook a directional skill?"


Soon, Lu Hao and others came to the game site under the leadership of Coach Mafa.

After the equipment test was completed, Lu Hao and others entered the custom room again.

The third game between IG and JDG immediately entered the BP stage!

Because the JDG team lost in the previous game, the JDG team chose the side in this game.

And JDG chose the blue side again in this game!

Therefore, JDG has the power to ban first and choose first.

When JDG was banning people, Jackylove smiled and looked at Lu Hao and said:

"Brother Hao, I can guarantee that your robot is gone!"

"Because JDG has never seen such an outrageous robot like yours!"

"If JDG doesn't ban the robot, I will eat three pounds of rice on live broadcast!"

"I, Jackylove, keep my word!"

Hearing this, Lu Hao smiled and joked:


"Why are all the guys here to play the game seriously, but you are the only one who comes here to eat and drink for free?"

Ning Wang also added:

"Although JDG is unlikely not to ban the robot, I really hope that JDG will be stubborn and not ban the robot!"

"I don't mean anything else, I just want to see Jack eating rice on live broadcast!"

"Tsk tsk, just thinking about this scene is full of flavor!"

As soon as Ning Wang finished speaking, JDG had already banned their first hero: Steam Robot!

Next, it was IG's turn to ban players.

Coach Mafa saw this and interrupted Ning Wang with a smile:

"Okay, okay, stop chatting now."

"You can chat slowly after the game. I don't care who you are or how much rice you eat, okay?"

"Theshy, Ning, you two continue to ban Morgana and Lulu!"

Hearing this, Theshy calmly adjusted his glasses and replied:


Ning Wang also laughed and replied:

"No problem!"

So, IG chose to continue to ban Morgana and Lulu!

When JDG banned players, JDG first showed Thresh, then switched to Pike, and then switched back to Thresh!

Seeing this, Lu Hao was amused:

"No, what is the opponent doing?"

"Why are they switching between Thresh and Pike?"

"Don't they have two more bans?"

"If it doesn't work, I can just ban my Thresh and Pike."

Coach Mafa couldn't help but smile:

"Haozi, BP is not as simple as you think."

"The opponent can indeed choose to ban both Thresh and Pike."

"But what about the rest of us?"

"They just So they will release Theshy and Rookie to two people? "

"So they must be considering whether your Thresh is more threatening to them or your Pike is more threatening to them."

"If nothing unexpected happens, JDG's second BAN will indeed continue to be given to you, but their third BAN will definitely be given to someone else in our team."

"And it will most likely be given to Rookie's Jayce."

As soon as Coach Mafa finished speaking, JDG chose to ban Pike!

And, after banning Pike, JDG chose to ban Jayce!

Seeing that Coach Mafa had indeed predicted the opponent's choice, Lu Hao smiled and praised:

"Great, Coach Mafa!"

Hearing Lu Hao's praise, Coach Mafa just smiled softly:

"This is just the most basic thing for a coach, there is really nothing to praise."

"Rookie, you ban the cat for me!"

"We can't give the cat to them!"

Rookie immediately banned the cat after hearing this!

After Rookie banned the cat, Coach Mafa's eyes instantly became sharp!

"Since you are right,

"If they dare to put Thresh on the other side, then we will teach them a good lesson!"

"I'm going to give you the combination of Thresh and Draven in the bottom lane."

"Jack, Haozi, do you two have the confidence to beat JDG's bottom lane duo with the help of Ning Wang?"

Before Lu Hao said anything, Jackylove shouted very actively:

"Of course no problem!"

"Even if Ning doesn't come to the bottom lane once this time, Brother Hao and I will definitely beat the opponent's bottom lane!"

After getting Jackylove's answer, Coach Mafa looked at Lu Hao again.

Seeing this, Lu Hao smiled and made an OK gesture to Coach Mafa.


At the same time, JDG has also selected their first hero: Kaisa!

When it was IG's turn to select players, Theshy and Ning Wang directly locked Draven and Thresh as required by Coach Mafa!

With the locking of these two heroes, the entire game scene burst into a huge exclamation!

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