The game was a big success.

When the exclamations ended, the audience at the game site immediately shouted the name of the IG team!





In the official live broadcast room, Guan Zeyuan saw that the atmosphere of the audience was so high, and couldn't help but laugh:

"IG team brought us a big surprise today!"

"They actually brought out the bottom lane combination of Draven and Thresh in this game!"

"It seems that the bottom lane of this game will be extremely bloody!"

"After more than half a year, IG once again brought out their best lineup!"

"That is the fighting lineup that belongs only to the IG team!"

Rita was also smiling at this time said with satisfaction:

"I feel that since Unfair came on the stage, the blood hidden in the blood of the IG team has been re-stimulated."

"After all, this is Draven and Thresh!"

"A combination that either explodes itself or the opponent explodes!"

After Rita finished speaking, Guan Zeyuan smiled and concluded:

"In short, when IG selected the combination of Draven and Thresh, the pressure has come to the JDG team!"

"Next, let us look forward to how JDG will resolve this oppressive move of IG!"

At this time, on the JDG team side.

JDG team coach Homme was frowning and thinking about how he should deal with IG's Draven and Thresh combination.

"As I expected, as long as I release Thresh, IG will definitely choose Thresh for Unfair."

"But I really didn't expect IG to give Jackylove Draven."

"What should I do now?"

"Should I continue with the BP lineup I originally expected, or should I slightly adjust our lineup according to the situation?"

At this time, Coach Homme has fallen into deep entanglement.

As time goes by, the time left for this round of hero selection is getting shorter and shorter.

At this time, even Green Hair and others have vaguely sensed the pressure that Coach Homme is facing.

When there are less than 7 seconds left, Green Hair suddenly speaks out.

"Coach, just pick the heroes according to your original lineup."

"You have to believe in my strength, and also believe in imp's strength!"

"I don't think that the strength of me and imp will be weaker than Jackylove and this Unfair!"

As soon as Green Hair finished speaking, imp also said:

"Trust us, coach!"

Coach Homme looked at Green Hair and imp's resolute expressions, and finally chose to believe Green Hair and imp!

"Okay, then let's go with the original lineup!"

"Kanavi, you take Olaf!"

"Toothpaste, you take Doomsday!"

As Coach Homme finished speaking, JDG chose the combination of Olaf and Doomsday!

And the moment the JDG team took out Doomsday, the game scene also ushered in a round of cheers again!

At the same time, Guan Zeyuan also shouted with a look of realization:

"I almost forgot that JDG's Green Hair player has such a Doomsday!"

"If we look at Green Hair's performance in the first game, Doomsday plus Kaisa can fight against Draven and Thresh!"

Rita also said with surprise:

"I feel that Coach Mafa is only thinking about limiting the life-saving ability of JDG's bottom lane duo, so he released Green Hair's Doomsday?"

"Now it's IG's turn to be uncomfortable!"

However, after JDG showed these two heroes, Coach Mafa smiled with some disdain.

"Want to rely on Doomsday to restrain Haozi's Thresh?"

"You may think too much, Homme!"

Then, Coach Mafa commanded Rookie to lock down Lee Sin!

So far, the first round of BP for both sides has ended!

When it was IG's turn to ban the fourth player, Coach Mafa directly chose to ban Iron Man.

Because he didn't want ZOOM to get Iron Man and survive!

When it was JDG's turn to ban someone, JDG banned the hero Qiyana, hoping to limit Rookie.

When it was IG's turn to ban someone again

, Coach Mafa banned another Ornn.

The purpose is still the same, anyway, you ZOOM, don't think about staying in Theshy's hands!

When JDG made the last ban, JDG chose to ban Akali!

Then, it was IG's turn to choose.

Because the counter position should be left to Theshy, Coach Mafa first gave Rookie a hand of Irelia!

Just after IG's Irelia came out, Coach Homme was in a dilemma again.

There was no way, because Homme knew that the hero Irelia could be used by Rookie and Theshy, and they were both good!

So he had to consider whether Zoom could beat Theshy's Irelia, or even whether he could develop safely in Theshy's Irelia.

After thinking again and again, Coach Homme finally gave ZOOM a hero who was easier to beat Irelia: Darkin Sword Demon!

Of course, the reason why Coach Homme picked Aatrox was not to allow ZOOM to suppress or even kill Theshy's Irelia alone.

He just wanted ZOOM to be able to hold his own in Theshy's hands!

As for Toothpaste?

Because Coach Homme himself was very worried about Toothpaste's mental state, it was naturally impossible for him to give Toothpaste some heroes with strong carry ability to continue to boost Toothpaste.

So, Coach Homme gave Toothpaste another fan mother.

With JDG's lineup selection completed, it was IG's turn to choose the last hero.

"Very good, the opponent, under pressure, really chose a Sword Demon for ZOOM."

"In that case, Theshy!"

"I'll let you play Gnar this time, is that okay?"

"You have only one task this time, that is, to suppress this Sword Demon without dying yourself!"

Hearing this, Theshy said very confidently:

"No problem!"

"I promise I can suppress him!"

After getting Theshy's reply, Coach Mafa asked Lu Hao to lock Gnar!

At this point, the BP of both sides was completely over!

Just as Coach Mafa turned around and prepared to shake hands with Coach Homme and then leave, Theshy smiled and said:

"Open the letter, open the letter, my most Western fantasy is the long-lived one beating the short-lived one! (Happy, happy, I like long arms beating short arms the most!)"

Jackylove laughed and joked when he heard it:

"Hahaha, it seems that Coach Mafa's selection this time really hit the mark for our Shy brother!"

Ning Wang also joked at this time:

"This is just the beginning, if Coach Mafa had chosen a skateboard shoe for our Shy brother, That's the one that really hits the spot in Shy's heart!"

"No, wait till this game is over, I'll ask coach Mafa to let Shy get the skateboard shoes!"

After hearing what Ning said, Theshy shyly adjusted his glasses, then said with a smile:

"This, this can fix the problem, right? (This, this may not be good, right?)"

"But I think it's worth a try! (But I think it's worth a try!)"

As Theshy said this, Ning and Jackylove burst out laughing!

At this time, Lu Hao also said with a smile:

"Since you have given Shy brother Skateboard Shoes, why don't I ask Coach Mafa to give me a Xerath?"

"I think this hero is very good!"

Jackylove smiled and replied:


"If Coach Mafa really gives Brother Hao a Xerath, then I will directly apply for a first-hand Ice support!"

"My main role is to support Brother Hao!"

As Jackylove said this, Lu Hao and others laughed again!

However, what Jackylove didn't know was that Lu Hao was really thinking about the feasibility of adding Ice to Xerath at this time!

In this way, Lu Hao and others spent the last waiting time in laughter!

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