After using Tam's ultimate to close the distance, iboy quickly released his ultimate towards Kaisa, successfully imprisoning her in place.

Galio's ultimate landed, connected the control to knock her away, and followed up with the subsequent control. Kaisa's health was emptied before she could release her skills.

After killing Kaisa, everyone turned their attention to the clockwork next to him.

At this time, everyone in IG had already noticed something was wrong. Rookie went down just to lure Zhao Xin and Galio to the bottom lane, so as to create an opportunity for his teammates to kill the Blue Steel Shadow. He never thought that EDG would really attack them.

When he wanted to leave, Zhao Xin had already come to his side.

Although the start was not very smooth, after getting the head of the clockwork, the factory manager's Zhao Xin still developed very well. Although he might not be able to kill the clockwork alone, it was still no problem to delay until his teammates came to support.

iboy controlled Varus to go forward to output, and with the help of his teammates, he quickly took away the health of the clockwork and successfully got a double kill.


iboy cheered excitedly: "Thanks to the gift of nature!"

In normal laning, it is still very difficult to kill Kaisa because of the low level at the beginning. He never thought that the opponent would take the initiative to give him a chance.

The factory manager also laughed: "The opponent is really a little unclear. In order to target the top lane, he actually took the initiative to sell the two Cs."

"It's mainly because my brother Weiwu is awesome!"

Meiko replied.

For them, this wave of rhythm is very critical. After Varus got the double kill, the situation instantly became comfortable. The development of Qing Gangying is indeed poor, but they can play around Varus in the bottom lane in the next game.

"It may be difficult for me to come to the top lane next time."

The factory manager said euphemistically in the voice.

The tactics deployed by the coach before the game did take the top lane as the core rhythm point, but the players should also adjust the tactics according to the actual situation on the field.

The current situation is that the development of Qinggangying is very poor, but the development of Varus is very good. Galio and Zhao Xin play around the bottom lane, helping ADC to expand their own advantages is obviously more cost-effective.

Shen Lang was not surprised to hear this, but just nodded and responded: "It's not a big problem, I can hold on in the top lane."


On the court.

After killing Qinggangying, Ning Wang quickly summoned the Rift Herald.

He was also helpless when the two Cs were killed, but there was no way, he could only destroy the top lane defense tower and try to recover some losses.

Just when the IG team destroyed the top lane defense tower, the EDG team quickly took the bottom lane defense tower.

At this time, the economic gap between the two sides was very close, which made PDD on the commentary seat extremely disappointed:

"I feel that IG did not play well in this game. With such a big advantage in the early stage, not only did they not snowball, but they even let EDG play to a tie."

Miller next to him analyzed: "It's not that IG did not play well, but EDG played too tenaciously. If it were any LPL team, the game would end very quickly against IG's opening like this."

"But the EDG players performed very tenaciously, especially the mighty brother in the top lane. You really don't see any rookie in him. Even many old players will explode when they are targeted by the opponent at the beginning. His mind is very clear from the beginning. Don't look at the poor record of Qing Gangying. EDG can turn the game around without the help of Weiwu brother..."

Shen Lang's Qing Gangying record is not very good, and even now he is still suppressed by Sion, but this performance has been recognized by many viewers who doubted him before.

Who can't play a favorable game?

Shen Lang's record in the first two games was very impressive, and many viewers thought it was entirely because EDG played around the top lane.

In this game, Qing Gangying was targeted by the opponent from beginning to end, but Shen Lang was still able to play a very critical role. The audience who had previously questioned him were speechless. Adversity is the standard for testing a player's strength.

After the defensive tower was destroyed, the two sides switched lanes.

The mid laner switched to the bottom lane, the bottom lane combination switched to the middle lane, and the top laner was still laning in the top lane.

The top lane outer tower was destroyed, and Qing Gangying's situation was much better.

At least when Sion pushed the line over, he could rest assured to last-hit and develop, without worrying about being caught by the opponent's mid and jungle and killed by crossing the tower.

However, Shen Lang did not stick to last-hitting and developing. After clearing the line, he would control Qing Gangying to roam as before.

Since his teammates could not come to the top lane to help him, he would take the initiative to walk towards his teammates.

With Tiamat in hand, the lane soldiers were quickly cleared, and Shen Lang immediately said in the voice chat: "Invade the opponent's jungle area."

The factory manager was moved when he heard this.

HeEven after all this, he still wants to help me invade the jungle. If this isn't true love, what is?

"If you meet a top laner like this, just marry him."

Meiko said with a smile.

Qing Gangying and Xin Zhao quickly entered the upper jungle of IG. The vision in the jungle soon saw the two of them, and Ning Wang immediately pinned the signal frantically.

"Brothers, support!"

Taliyah is no match for Xin Zhao now, and there is also Qing Gangying next to him.

Hearing this, Duke immediately controlled Sion to go to the jungle.

The director switched the camera to the jungle. Looking at the scene in the picture, Wawa shook his head and analyzed: "It shouldn't be a fight. It's just for two groups of wild monsters. EDG shouldn't take such a big risk."

The moment the voice fell, Shen Lang suddenly took action.

The E skill was released towards the wall, and then kicked directly towards the Taliyah in the distance, and even directly handed over the flash that had just cooled down.

Ning Wang didn't expect the opponent to take action. He asked his teammates to lean towards him just to put pressure on the opponent and make the opponent leave his jungle.

In fact, not only he did not expect it, but the factory manager did not expect it either. Shen Lang did not even discuss it with him, and he directly used E to flash and kick.

After a brief moment of surprise, he could only use flash, close the distance, and then release E skill on Taliyah.


Wawa's eyes widened: "Brother Weiwu is so decisive, brother, you are at a disadvantage now!"

Although the disadvantaged Qing Gangying seemed to have a huge advantage in Shen Lang's hands, and he started to fight directly without saying a word.

In fact, Shen Lang's judgment was correct.

If you wait until the other opponents come to support, it will be very difficult to kill Taliyah, but before the other people come to support, it is a very good time to kill Taliyah.

After E flash, connect the ultimate move, [Hex Ultimatum] will restrict Taliyah in the area and make it unable to move. Then you just need to hand it over to Zhao Xin. This kind of Zhao Xin has no problem killing Taliyah before the other opponents come.

The factory manager did not disappoint Shen Lang's trust. After a little surprise, he decisively chose to flash and follow.

Ning Wang tried his best to operate, but within the range of Qing Gangying's ultimate, he had no room to operate at all. [Turtle Thrust] was twisted away by the factory manager's position, and Taliyah naturally became the fish on the chopping board.


The factory manager's cheers soon rang out, and Zhao Xin successfully got the head of Taliyah.

After Taliyah was killed, there was no need to worry about the opponent's attack in the jungle. 4V3, the advantage is on EDG!

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