"No way to play, let's give the jungle to the opponent."

Looking at his gray screen, Ning Wang sighed in the voice chat.

Although Qing Gangying and Zhao Xin have used their ultimates, they are short of one person.

With Tam's ultimate in hand, EDG's bottom lane combination can quickly support the jungle. Varus, who has two kills, is very powerful. In this situation, they basically have no chance of winning.

Jackeylove frowned: "Something is wrong. The opponent's ADC and jungler seem to have a good development. We should have no advantage now."

The players can't see the specific economic panel, but through the kills and last hits, it can be roughly inferred that at this time, only the top lane has an economic lead, and the other lanes have even fallen into disadvantages.

Although the top lane is ahead in economy, Duke chose Sion in this game. With the advantage, he can't even suppress Qing Gangying, let alone help his teammates.

"We can't always focus on Shen, his development is not very good. We don't need to worry about Weiwu in this game. We should find ways to target Varus and Xin Zhao next."

Rookie suggested.

In his opinion, Shen is not to be feared. Varus and Xin Zhao are the biggest obstacles to their victory in this game.

Ning Wang felt a little uneasy when he heard this.

"Weiwu...really don't worry?"


Kassadin and Alistar turned and walked towards the middle lane, and Sion also returned to the top lane to clear the soldiers. The upper jungle area of ​​IG naturally became the bag of Shen Lang and the others.

"Tsk tsk, is this still the IG I know?"

Looking at the movements of the opponent, Shen Lang couldn't help curling his lips.

He wished that the opponent would get angry. For Shen, if he wanted to catch up with the others' development, it was obviously not enough to rely on last-hitting and jungle clearing. He could only take kills to speed up his own development.

As long as the fight started, Shen Lang had the confidence to get the kill. In his opinion, no matter whether the team fight was won or lost, as long as he could exchange kills with the opponent, it would not be a loss.

After clearing the opponent's jungle, Shen Lang returned to the top lane.

IG started to act.

Taliyah was resurrected quickly. Ning Wang first cleaned up his upper jungle, and then directly controlled Taliyah to drive to the middle lane.

At this point in time, both sides were fighting for the vision of the jungle and the river. It was obviously not enough to rely on the jungler alone. The support had to follow the jungler to arrange the vision.

In other words, Tam couldn't always stay by Varus' side.

After seeing Taliyah approaching, Jackeylove and the other player quickly cleared the line of soldiers, and then Baolan controlled Minotaur to disappear in the middle lane.

The focus of the two sides' next fight was the little dragon. Meiko naturally thought that Minotaur was going to the lower river to help Taliyah arrange the vision, so he didn't think much about it. After seeing Zhao Xin approaching the lower river, he also followed to the river.

However, what he didn't know was that after the Alistar disappeared from the middle lane, he didn't leave, but went straight to the F6 position in the EDG jungle.


Taliyah's cheers soon rang out, and at the moment when Tam disappeared, Ning Wang decisively released his ultimate move towards the EDG middle lane defense tower.

At the same time, the Alistar in the F6 pit decisively gave up his flash.

WQ skill release.

In the absence of vision, iboy had no time to react, and Varus was instantly knocked away by the Alistar.

Jackeylove hurriedly gave up his ultimate move.

Kaisa and Taliyah quickly came to Varus' side.

"Nice, nice!"

On the commentary seat, PDD had already shouted excitedly: "IG's decision was very decisive. Can Kaisa take Varus's big head?"

When the voice fell, Varus's health had already reached the bottom.

With two summons in hand, iboy had no chance to trade them. Varus's equipment was indeed luxurious, but he was an ADC after all, and his small body could not withstand the damage from Rock Bird and Kai'Sa.

After killing Varus, the Minotaur, who was taking damage from the defensive tower, activated his ultimate move, but Baolan did not retreat directly to leave the attack range of the defensive tower, but chose a shorter path, wanting to enter the EDG upper jungle from the entrance in front of the EDG inner tower.

Normally speaking, his choice was fine. After all, if he went directly towards his own middle tower, he would have to resist more damage from the defensive tower. The remaining blood of the Minotaur might not be able to withstand it. Although being killed by the tower would not allow Varus to get the head money, it would also waste a lot of time.

But just as he entered the jungle, Baolan was stunned.

The figure of Qing Gangying actually appeared in the field of vision.

With Tiamat in hand, Qing Gangying's clearing speed was still quite fast. After dealing with the soldiers in the upper lane, Shen Lang would lean down like a conditioned reflex. Although it was difficult to find opportunities in the middle lane,But he never gave up.

Facts have proved that his persistence is worth it.

"Thanks to the gift of nature!"

Seeing the low health of the Minotaur, Shen Lang immediately smiled.

With the Q skill activated, using the acceleration effect of [Precision Etiquette], Qing Gangying quickly came to the side of the Minotaur.

A followed by the Q skill, and then connected with the W skill [Tactical Sweep] to slow down.

Baolan immediately handed over the W skill to push Qing Gangying away, but at the moment when the Minotaur released the skill, Shen Lang quickly handed over the E skill towards the wall.

The control was offset, and the Qing Gangying who was knocked away quickly closed the distance and kicked the Minotaur, stunning it on the spot.

The Q skill was strengthened, and A followed by pulling up.

Under the blessing of true damage, the health of the Minotaur dropped sharply and soon became residual blood.

The IG team moved towards the upper jungle area of ​​EDG, trying to save the Minotaur from Qing Gangying.

But at this moment, Meiko released his ultimate move.

Tam and Xin Zhao quickly came to the middle lane. Seeing this situation, King Ning suddenly sobered up.

"Retreat, retreat!"

He frantically pinned the signal.

Although Minotaur was already at low health, Qing Gangying did not seem to be in a hurry to kill it. After releasing the Q skill, Qing Gangying was quickly knocked away by Minotaur's Q skill, and then stunned by the E skill...

From this alone, Minotaur seemed to have a chance of survival.

But when Ning Wang woke up, he found that Qing Gangying never handed over his ultimate skill. According to Shen Lang's reaction, when Minotaur released the Q skill, he could react in time to use the ultimate skill to evade the skill, and then easily take away the remaining blood of Minotaur.

But he did not do so. On the surface, he wanted to save skills, but King Ning had already seen that he was fishing.

If he really went to save Minotaur regardless of the consequences, the final result would only be that not only Minotaur was killed, but they would also be double-teamed by Xin Zhao and Tam who came to support them. At that time, I am afraid they would also be trapped.

Hearing Ning Wang's signal, IG decisively sold the Alistar and retreated to their own jungle area.

Shen Lang exclaimed that it was a pity.

Knowing that the team battle could not start, he could only control Qing Gangying to go forward and take away the remaining health of Alistar.

One for one.

It is reasonable for IG to trade the support's head for the well-developed ADC's head, but it was Qing Gangying who got the head.

"Qing Gangying got the head again, it feels like someone is committing a crime. Brother Weiwu will not really develop in this game."

PDD felt a little uneasy.

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