"The lineups of both sides in this game are not bad, but I feel that Gen.G is better. They are not bad in the early stage of fighting, and we can still look forward to Kaisa of Chidi."

Guan Zeyuan is still carrying.

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. In fact, if we analyze it carefully, the early stage ability of EDG's lineup is not bad.

"The lineup is similar, it depends mainly on the performance of the players."

Miller added.

As he spoke, the game loaded quickly.

Gen.G has Braum, and the lineup is not bad in the early stage. It is not realistic to invade the jungle and counter-jungle at the beginning.

The players on both sides just guarded the entrance of the jungle to prevent the opponent from invading the jungle.

The soldiers came out quickly.

Shen Lang returned to the top lane and first controlled Irelia to enter the bush above.

This version of Irelia is still very strong. Although she was targeted by the designer right after the rework, she only nerfed the reduction of AP damage by the W skill, and her passive is still very strong.

The soldiers gathered, Cuvee controlled Qing Gangying to go forward to last hit, while Shen Lang still squatted in the bushes without making a sound.

When the melee soldiers in front were at low health, Shen Lang controlled Irelia to walk out of the bushes.

Q skill was released.

Swish, swish, swish——

The three melee soldiers in front were quickly killed, and Irelia also stacked up three layers of passive.

With three layers of passive, there was no need to be afraid of Qing Gangying.

Shen Lang controlled Irelia to attack Qing Gangying. Cuvee also knew that he could not stand and shoot, so he quickly released Q skill to Irelia, and after the passive was triggered, he used the acceleration effect to try to distance himself.

But as soon as Qing Gangying pulled away, Shen Lang immediately gave up Q skill to catch up, continued to attack twice, and then turned around to continue to last hit.

"Irelia made a small profit by exchanging blood at the beginning!"

Miller's eyes lit up immediately: "Brother Weiwu's laning suppression is still very strong, and he fought very fiercely when he came up."

Guan Zeyuan curled his lips: "The impact is not very big. Unless Irelia and Qinggangying can kill these two heroes, the blood exchange advantage is useless."


After exchanging blood at the beginning, Shen Lang began to last hit with peace of mind.

Before reaching level 6, whether it is Qinggangying or Irelia, it is not realistic to want to kill the opponent alone.

4 minutes.

Both junglers came to the top lane at the same time.

Cuvee took the lead and used the E skill directly against the wall, and then kicked directly at Irelia.

At the moment when he was kicked by Qinggangying, Shen Lang used the W skill, while being immune to control effects, using the damage of the W skill to reduce the health of the front line, and then used the Q skill to the minions.

[Blade Impact] Kills the low-health minions, and Irelia quickly stacks up the passive.

Haru's ward closed the distance, but at the moment Lee Sin appeared, Irelia's two-stage E skill quickly attacked.

"What a fast double-winged blade!"

Miller said in surprise.

Irelia's E skill hit both Shen and Lee Sin at the same time, and Haru was punished to stand still as soon as he entered the field.

Shen Lang continued to use his Q skill on the two. After Irelia's passive was fully stacked, her basic attack could add extra damage. Even if she only had the Doran's Blade she used when she went out, the damage was still very exaggerated.

What made the Gen.G top and jungle brothers even more uncomfortable was that Olaf appeared in the field of vision.


Two golden lights lit up, and Lee Sin and Lee Sin both used flash at the same time.

If they didn't quickly distance themselves, they might not even have the chance to use flash if Olaf stuck to them.

Seeing the Gen.G top and jungle brothers use flash first, Wawa showed a satisfied smile on his face: "Brother Weiwu's skill with Irelia is really high, otherwise even if Olaf was counter-camping next to him, he wouldn't be able to use the flash of Lee Sin and Shen at the same time."

"Teacher Zeyuan, say something."

Miller looked at Guan Zeyuan next to him teasingly, he wanted to know what Guan Zeyuan would say this time.

"Actually, it's not a big loss. Cuvee just needs to be a little bit more sneaky in the laning phase. Even if there is no flash, EDG's top and jungle won't cross the tower to kill Shen."

Guan Zeyuan analyzed.

Miller was speechless after hearing this and gave him a thumbs up.

After forcing Gen.G's top and jungle to flash, Irelia continued to laning, while Zz1tiao went back to the city to replenish his status, and then went straight to the bottom lane.

Haru was just the opposite, he went back to the city to replenish his status and continued to go up.

There is no obvious restraint effect between the two heroes, Shen and Irelia. Now that Irelia has flashed first, Shen will definitely be very passive in the subsequent laning. He wants to help Cuvee catch Irelia's flash.

"Blind Monk is still catching up, targeting Weiwu brother like this?"

Looking at the movement of the blind monk, Wawa suddenly became worried.

If Shen and the blind monk cooperate well, there is definitely a chance to kill Irelia.

When Lee Sin arrived at the top lane, Irelia just sent the troops into the defensive tower.

It was still Qing Gangying who took the initiative. Cuvee used his E skill against the wall and kicked directly at Irelia.

The troops entered the tower, and Qing Gangying, who did not flash, took the initiative to kick up. It was obvious that there was someone behind him.

Shen Lang hurriedly charged his W skill, but his eyes were fixed on the side.

Sure enough, Lee Sin appeared in the field of vision, and decisively touched his eyes to close the distance.

Just like last time, Shen Lang's reaction was still very fast. The moment Lee Sin appeared from behind, he quickly used his E skill.

"Ah, shit!"

Haru was a little annoyed. The top laner on the opposite side reacted really fast, and he was punished to stand still every time.

After the E skill hit Lee Sin, Shen Lang quickly released his Q skill on it, using the displacement of [Blade Impact] to distance himself from Qing Gangying, and then walked towards the defensive tower without looking back.

Freed from the stun effect of Irelia's E skill, Haru quickly released his Q skill. If [Soundwave] could hit Irelia and slow her down, there would still be a chance.

What surprised him was that at the moment [Soundwave] was launched, Irelia suddenly moved to the side and actually twisted Lee Sin's Q skill to the extreme.


The audience immediately exclaimed.

You should know that Lee Sin and Irelia were very close. In this case, Shen Lang was able to move and twist [Soundwave] away, which was enough to show how strong Shen Lang's reaction ability was.


After pulling away, Shen Lang did not forget to show his dog tag to taunt.

Just when Lee Sin ganked the top lane, the factory manager below was not idle either. After approaching the bottom lane, he directly activated the predator.

At the same time, Meiko handed over his W skill to Kaisa and the two in front.

Unfortunately, Chidi reacted very quickly. Kaisa used the acceleration of the E skill to successfully move around and turn away Luo's W skill. Although Braum was knocked up, he used the W skill on Kaisa behind him after landing, and also quickly opened the distance.

"What a pity!"

Zhanzhang shook his head slightly and turned to leave the bottom lane.

"There is no future in catching the bottom lane, Qijiang, come to the top lane to cross the tower."

Shen Lang's voice sounded in the voice chat.

At this time, his Irelia had reached level 6 and had synthesized the Radiance. It was still a bit difficult to cooperate with Olaf to cross the tower and kill the Blue Steel Shadow, but there was no chance at all.

Zhanzhang heard this and controlled Olaf to go up.

Shen Lang was still pushing the line frantically.

Compared with the Blue Steel Shadow under the tower, the Lee Sin who also had no flash was obviously easier to kill. Shen Lang hoped that the opponent's jungler would continue to gank the top lane, so that he could take the opportunity to find an opportunity to kill the Lee Sin.

With the intentional release of the line by the Blue Steel Shadow, the top lane soldiers were quickly pushed into the Gen.G defense tower.

Cuvee was still very sober. It was very difficult for him to suppress Irelia in the line. Since there was no chance to suppress Shen Lang, he would settle for the next best thing and try not to let him find an opportunity.

After the soldiers entered the tower, Shen Lang first came to the river grass, placed the trinket eye in the grass, and then placed the true eye in the opposite triangle grass across the wall.

Olaf quickly came to the grass behind the Gen.G defense tower.

Seeing the two people's posture, Guan Zeyuan was a little confused: "The two brothers of EDG's top and jungle don't want to cross the tower to kill Blue Steel Shadow?"

"I'm afraid this is a bit too much, Blue Steel Shadow's E skill and ultimate are in hand, what can Irelia and Olaf use to cross the tower?"

Miller and Wawa were also uneasy, and obviously they were not very optimistic about the decision of EDG's top and jungle to cross the tower.

As he spoke, Olaf had already walked out of the bush.

Cuvee was a little surprised to see the opposing jungler appear behind him, but was soon filled with surprise.

This is an opportunity!

Olaf first released the Q skill, [Reverse Throw] passed through the body of the Blue Steel Shadow, successfully slowing it down.

Shen Lang quickly used the Q skill on the low-health soldier in front, and after closing the distance with the Blue Steel Shadow, he quickly used the E skill.

Irelia's E skill was very tricky, and Cuvee could only use his ultimate.

[Hex Ultimatum] restricted Irelia in place, and successfully avoided the control effect of [Double Blades].

"Ionia, high and immortal!"

Shen Lang decisively used his ultimate, and quickly released the Q skill on the Blue Steel Shadow, attacked with a normal attack, and then connected with the W skill to cancel the backswing...

Irelia's passive layer quickly filled up, and Olaf had also closed the distance.

Cuvee used his E skill against the wall on the side, but just as he was trying to distance himself with the help of displacement, Shen Lang used his Q skill again.

Irelia moved to the side of the Blue Steel Shadow and successfully intercepted his E skill.

Continue toAttack...

Under the concentrated fire of the two, Qing Gangying's health dropped rapidly.


Qing Gangying's head was taken by Irelia, but Olaf was also killed by the damage of the defensive tower.

From the beginning, the factory manager did not think of retreating unscathed. The purpose of this wave of tower crossing was to replace Qing Gangying and expand Irelia's laning advantage.

Seeing this result, Miller's hanging heart finally relaxed:

"Olaf's head in exchange for Qing Gangying, this result is still acceptable. Qing Gangying can't eat the line of soldiers under the tower, which is actually a bit uncomfortable."

"But it got the head!"

Guan Zeyuan still has a different opinion: "For Qing Gangying on the disadvantaged side, the head exchange is completely acceptable, and did you notice that the blind monk is going down? This wave of Gen.G can control the little dragon, which is definitely not a loss."


Miller was speechless for a while.

Normally, Gen.G won't lose this wave if they exchange heads in the top lane and get the dragon in the bottom lane.


It was Shen Lang who got the kill of Qing Gangying!

Irelia got the first blood, and at this time, she was more than ten ahead of Qing Gangying in last-hitting. The game was only 7 minutes in, and Shen Lang got this advantage. According to EDG's previous game records, the snowball will roll quickly in the top lane in the subsequent games.

After cleaning up the soldiers under the tower, Shen Lang returned to the city to replenish his equipment. When he walked out of the fountain again, Irelia had two more long swords.

After going online, Shen Lang played more actively in the laning phase.

First, he used the Q skill on the soldiers with low health, and then used the W skill to suppress the health of other soldiers, and then continued to release the Q skill on the soldiers, stacking the passive while closing the distance with Qing Gangying.

E skill released.

[Double Blade] hit again.

Directly Q to the face of Qing Gangying, attack twice, and then connect with the Q skill...

When Cuvee used the E skill to distance himself, Qing Gangying's health was only a little over half.

"There is a cheat, brothers, it seems that the E skill of Weiwu has never been used until now, right?"

Miller said with a smile.

Wawa realized it later: "It seems to be true. After the revision, the E skill of Irelia is not easy to hit. With the hit rate of Weiwu, Cuvee can't line up at all now."

The cooldown time of Qing Gangying's E skill and Irelia's E skill is 15 seconds, but the radiance on Irelia can provide 10% cooldown reduction.

In other words, Irelia's E skill is better than Qing Gangying's.

Shen Lang turned around and pushed the line.

The line of soldiers was quickly sent into the defensive tower.

Cuvee controlled Qing Gangying to go forward to make a kill, and Shen Lang directly charged the W skill and released it directly at Qing Gangying.


Directly Q to Qing Gangying's face.

Although she continued to suppress the health of Qing Gangying, she obviously lost more health due to the damage from the defense tower and Qing Gangying.

In the eyes of unfamiliar people, Shen Lang's behavior was very stupid. This wave directly ruined the health advantage established before.

But Wawa's eyes lit up when he saw this scene.

He often commented on EDG's games and knew Shen Lang very well. Such hard blood exchange scenes often appeared in EDG's games.

"Brother Weiwu wants to kill Qing Gangying by crossing the tower!"

He said excitedly.

Qing Gangying did lose more blood in this blood exchange, but she was able to suppress Qing Gangying's health to the kill line.

When the big move is ready, Qing Gangying will die!

Miller also reacted: "The cooldown time of Qing Gangying's ultimate is 140 seconds, while the cooldown time of Irelia's ultimate is 125 seconds, and it also has a 10% cooldown reduction, that is to say, when Irelia's ultimate is cool, Qing Gangying's ultimate is still on CD. If you think about it this way, Brother Weiwu really has a chance this time!"

While speaking, Irelia's E skill has finished cooling down.

Shen Lang directly used his E skill first, and Qing Gangying's E skill was almost cool down. Cuvee could only move, but failed to turn away.

After [Double Blades] hit, Shen Lang directly Q Qing Gangying's face.

When Cuvee handed over his E skill to pull away, Qing Gangying's health was taken away again.

Shen Lang turned around and pushed the line, with a slight smile on his face.

His ultimate skill has finished cooling down!

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