Although the remaining HP was not much, Cuvee didn't care much.

As long as he had the ultimate in his hand, he was fearless.

"Be careful in the top lane, this Irelia is quite powerful, don't let her kill you by crossing the tower."

Looking at the situation in the top lane, Haru reminded.

Cuvee waved his hand: "Don't worry, the opponent doesn't dare. If Wave dares to cross the tower to kill, I will kill him back!"

As he spoke, he began to clear the soldiers under the defensive tower.

Shen Lang first watched Qing Gangying last-hit outside the defensive tower. When the soldiers under the tower were about to be cleared, the E skill was ready.


Shen Lang's eyes suddenly became cold.

Just give up the ultimate.

Cuvee's reaction was not slow. The moment Irelia's ultimate was used, he also gave up the ultimate.

"What a quick reaction!"

Guan Zeyuan's eyes lit up and he became excited.

Qing Gangying used his ultimate to successfully avoid Irelia's ultimate. In his opinion, Shen Lang's idea of ​​crossing the tower to kill would end in vain.

But then, the smile on Guan Zeyuan's face froze on his face.

It turned out that while handing over the ultimate, Shen Lang also released the E skill in front of him.

Before he took action, he had already thought that Cuvee would be able to react.

Even if the ultimate could not hit, the E skill was a sure hit. Qing Gangying's action of jumping into the air after releasing the ultimate could not be canceled, and its flash was not turned well, so it could only watch itself jump onto Irelia's E skill.

The moment [Double Blade] hit, Shen Lang immediately released the W skill, then handed over the Q skill to Qing Gangying's side, and attacked normally...

Until this time, Cuvee finally panicked.

The E skill had just cooled down, and he hurriedly released it towards the side wall, trying to use it to increase the distance.

But as soon as the hook was released, Shen Lang handed over the Q skill again.

[Blade Impact] hits, directly taking away the remaining health of Qing Gangying. After doing this, Shen Lang quickly flashed out of the tower and successfully escaped from the attack range of the defensive tower.

Irelia escaped with low health and successfully killed Qing Gangying by crossing the tower!


The audience was boiling instantly.

Not only the domestic audience was cheering, but even the Korean audience couldn't help but exclaim at this time.

Professional players have always been playing safe in the arena, especially in the LCK region. Shen Lang's operation like dancing on the edge of a knife brought them a huge shock.

Irelia didn't have much health when she crossed the tower. If there was any mistake just now, it would not only fail to kill Qing Gangying, but even Irelia herself would be buried under the defensive tower.

If Irelia was really killed by Qing Gangying, the advantage that EDG had established in the top lane would be gone.

"This guy is a lunatic!"

Many Korean audiences sighed in their hearts.

"No way?"

Guan Zeyuan's expression was a bit painful. He really thought that Cuvee could kill him in this wave.

"You can not believe me, but you can not not believe Brother Weiwu!"

Wawa said proudly.

Gen.G side.

Looking at his gray screen, Cuvee was a little confused.

He didn't even expect that Irelia would kill him by crossing the tower in this wave, not to mention that Shen Lang actually succeeded in doing it.

Cuvee really didn't understand: "How dare he?"

If it were him, no! If it were any LCK top laner, he would not think of crossing the tower to kill him in this wave.

After being surprised, Cuvee's heart was soon filled with helplessness.

The top lane was already difficult to fight, and now Irelia got the kill again. The gap between the two was already very obvious. His next Qinggangying laning would only become more difficult.

More importantly, the Rift Herald is about to refresh.

The disadvantage in the top lane is so great that if they want to compete for the Rift Herald, they can only fight against the opponent in a teamfight.

"Give the Rift Herald to the opponent."

Haru sighed.

The thing he was most worried about finally happened. The top lane was broken, which would directly affect his jungler's development.

10 minutes later, the Rift Herald refreshed.

Shen Lang deliberately returned to the city to replenish his equipment, and after synthesizing the three items, he handed over the teleport and returned to the top lane.

Zhanzhang came to the upper river in advance and started scanning to clear the surrounding vision.

Knife Girl's advantage is indeed great, but this does not affect EDG's cautious treatment.

Watching Knife Girl hand over the teleport to the top lane, the factory manager started to play the vanguard, and while playing the vanguard, his eyes were always on the surroundings, ready to deal with possible enemies at any time.


Until the health of the Rift Herald was at the bottom, the Gen.G jungler still did not appear.


Shen LangHe pouted, thinking about killing everyone in the vanguard team battle, but he didn't expect that the opponent didn't even think about fighting this wave of team battles.

If it were an LPL team, even if the top lane was at a disadvantage, most teams would not easily give you the Rift Herald. It is not common to get the Rift Herald without fighting in the summer season.

Once the vanguard is in hand, it is naturally to be placed in the top lane.

Shen Lang did not refuse. He wanted to speed up the game and did not want to continue to fight with Qing Gangying. After destroying the opponent's top lane defense tower, he would go roaming, which could help his teammates establish an advantage and expand the overall economic advantage.

Now Gen.G's top tower still has two-thirds of its health. It is obviously not enough to rely on the Rift Herald to destroy the defense tower.

Shen Lang originally wanted to call Olaf up and find a way to beat Qing Gangying back home, so that they could destroy the tower with peace of mind.

As a result, the top lane soldiers had not yet advanced into the defense tower, and Cuvee actually directly controlled Qing Gangying to retreat.

Before they started, the opponent was already scared!

"You gave up the Rift Herald and the First Blood Tower, why don't you give up the Crystal as well?"

Shen Lang felt a little pity.

If Shen continued to defend the tower, even if his ultimate was still on CD, he would still have a chance to kill him by crossing the tower with Olaf, but the opponent didn't give him any chance at all.

Zizi directly summoned the Rift Herald, and with the help of the soldiers sent into the tower, the two began to destroy the tower.

At this time, Haru wanted to take advantage of Olaf's opportunity to gank the bottom lane, but Xayah and Rakan were not so easy to catch, and Lee Sin's gank only forced Xayah's ultimate out.

"The red team has destroyed the first defensive tower."

The system prompt sounded soon.

After getting the bounty of the First Blood Tower, Irelia's advantage became more and more obvious, but Cuvee was relieved.

The outer tower in the top lane was destroyed, at least he would have room to develop next, and he didn't have to worry about being killed by Irelia crossing the tower all the time.

As for whether Irelia would roam...

It had nothing to do with him!

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