"Good afternoon, everyone. This is the 2018 League of Legends World Championship quarterfinals. Next up are two teams from the LPL region, EDG and IG. I'm the commentator for this game, Wawa."

"I'm Miller."

"I'm Changmao."

The official still attaches great importance to this game and has arranged the most luxurious commentary lineup.

After saying hello, Wawa quickly sighed:

"This year's LPL's luck is really not very good. The three teams are assigned to the same half zone, and civil war is definitely inevitable. No matter whether IG or EDG wins today's game, the final result is destined to be full of regrets."

"But this is e-sports. The road to the championship is always full of regrets, so I hope the players of these two teams will put aside those messy things and play today's game seriously."

Miller nodded: "Although EDG successfully defeated IG in the summer finals, I believe that IG will definitely make adjustments during this period, and I have seen rumors on the Internet that the two teams often arrange training games and should be very familiar with each other, so the players' status and performance will affect the outcome of today's game."

"Let's not talk too much, let's move on to the pre-match declaration session."

After Miller finished speaking, the director immediately switched the screen to play the pre-match nonsense recorded by the two teams in advance.

"Only Wave from EDG deserves our attention. I feel like there's no need to study the others. They can just play against each other and gain an advantage."

The shy came up and was very fierce.

"We are not facing the entire EDG team, but the Tsar and his four soldiers."

Rookie added immediately.

From this, we can see how much pressure Shen Lang brought to the IG players. Even in the pre-match declaration session where they could say whatever they wanted, they didn't dare to criticize Shen Lang easily, but focused on the other EDG players.

"Shen Lang is the worst among us. Usually, we don't need to take action in the game. He can handle it alone. I feel like we don't need to take action in today's game...haha——"

Iboy couldn't help laughing before he finished his words.

The director switched the camera, and the IG players rolled their eyes.

Then the camera switched to Shen Lang again.

"Although today is only the quarter-finals, I feel it is similar to the finals. I can't wait to choose the champion skin after today's game. IG players can tell me what champion skin they like. I will use it in today's game to beat them."

Shen Lang said this, not only targeting IG.

IG fans are not angry yet, but RNG fans in the live broadcast room are the first to get angry.

"Playing IG is equivalent to playing in the finals, where does RNG fit in?"

"Brother Weiwu knows how to show off. He wants to choose the champion skin. Have you asked RNG for his opinion?"

"Tell a joke. We can't beat VIT or C9 in the group stage. Now we are choosing the champion skin."

"Don't say RNG, I'm afraid even KT can beat EDG."


The crazy rolling barrage made the IG fans who were about to type dumbfounded.

This should be my word!

You RNG fans have finished speaking, what am I talking about?

"It seems that Wave players are still very confident."

Miller said tactfully.

Both teams in the game are from LPL. It is not easy for commentators to do their job. They have to think carefully when speaking, otherwise they will be punished by fans after the game.

"Let's not talk too much. There is news from the backstage that the players' equipment debugging has been completed. Let's go directly to the BP stage."

As Changmao finished speaking, the director quickly switched the screen.

The camera was given to the battle seat. The coaches of both sides walked back and forth behind the players with notebooks, and kept communicating with the players.

"What are you going to eat after the game tonight?"

"We are leaving Busan tomorrow, so let's eat something special."

"This is a port, the seafood should be very good."


It is estimated that neither the commentator nor the audience would have thought that in the EDG team voice, the content of the players' communication had nothing to do with the game.

What should be said has been said before the game, and the lineup BP has been simulated countless times before the game. Nofe feels that it is superfluous to talk about tactics now, so it is better to talk about something else to relieve the players' nervousness.

During the conversation, the first three ban positions of both sides were quickly released.

IG banned Alistar, Titan, and Irelia, while EDG banned Nightmare, Ryze, and Akali.

Xayah and Rakan, the powerful combination in this version, and Kaisa were all left out.Both sides were very tacitly not to ban.

EDG was on the blue side, so naturally they quickly locked Kaisa down. When it was IG's turn to choose, the bottom lane combination quickly locked Xayah and Rakan.

Although IG gave Kaisa to EDG, they banned the auxiliary Alistar and Titan, who were stronger with Kaisa. However, Nofe countered the move. At his signal, EDG quickly locked Shen and Prince.

If other teams choose Shen as a hero, the opponent will definitely think it is a top laner.

When EDG locked this hero, Kim Jeong-soo didn't even think about going to the top lane.

Shen is obviously a support!

If EDG let Shen Lang play Shen, then Nofe can only be said to be a fake coach.

Then IG quickly locked Qinggangying down.

Unlike Shen, this Qinggangying is a real swing position. Both The shy and Ning Wang can play it, and they are both their own heroes.

After the three selections, both sides continued to ban two heroes.

Unlike other teams facing EDG, IG did not deliberately target Shen Lang's hero pool.

Through the training matches these days, Jin Jingzhu knew that Shen Lang's hero pool was unfathomable, and it was obviously not enough to rely on 5 ban positions.

Even if the strong top-lane warrior heroes were banned, he could still take out the top-lane shooter.

In comparison, it would be better to release all the strong top-lane warrior heroes and turn to target other EDG players, which is obviously more cost-effective.

IG continued to choose heroes.

"The task of the top lane in this game is to help the top lane target Weiwu brother, so... take Lissandra."

Jin Jingzhu made a decision quickly.

Although Lissandra does not have a big move that can quickly support like Ryze or Taliyah, it has a very fast line clearing speed in the early stage, and after reaching level 6, it has a big move that can provide stable control.

In comparison, Jin Jingzhu thinks this hero is easier to target the top lane.

"With the combination of Shen and Lissandra, IG's lineup is really good at finding opportunities!"

Seeing the mid laner that IG had locked on, Miller's eyes lit up on the commentary stand.

EDG side.

"Let's take Gangplank or Fiora."

Nofe suggested.

These two heroes at least have the means to handle control skills. If they choose other heroes, they will definitely be targeted by the opponent. If they choose tank heroes to resist pressure, it will go against EDG's core tactics.

Shen Lang nodded: "Then let's take Fiora."

The heroes were quickly locked on. As for the mid lane, Nofe asked the junior to choose Galio.

With Shen and Galio, they have the ability to play defensive counterattacks.

In the end, only IG's counter position was left.

After hesitating for a long time, Jin Jingzhu finally decided to let Shen play in the jungle, and help The shy to lock down Urgot in the top lane.

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