With IG's final counter position determined, the lineups of both sides for the first game were also released:

EDG on the blue side: top lane Fiora, jungle Jarvan IV, mid lane Galio, bottom lane Kaisa and Shen.

IG on the red side: top lane Urgot, jungle Shen, mid lane Lissandra, bottom lane Xayah and Rakan.

Just by looking at the lineups of both sides, it is already foreseeable that this game will be very intense.

Miller excitedly analyzed: "IG's lineup is very strong in finding opportunities in the early stage. Rookie and Ning will definitely roam around and find opportunities in the early and mid-term. Although EDG's lineup is not strong in finding opportunities, they have Shen and Galio, so they can let go and counterattack. This means that it is impossible for both sides to develop peacefully in the early stage of this game..."

Compared to the LCK game that develops steadily in the early stage and decides the outcome in the late stage, the audience and commentators prefer games with fierce collisions in the early stage.

"It's not easy for Weiwu to play this game. Combined with the previous games, IG will definitely focus on the top lane in this game, and Weiwu will face great pressure." Wawa added.

Anyone who has studied EDG's games knows that targeting the top lane is the key to defeating them. IG and EDG have played so many games, there is no reason not to know this.

Qing Gangying and Lissandra, this combination can be said to be prepared for Shen Lang.

As he spoke, the game loading was completed quickly.

Entering the Summoner's Rift, the EDG team immediately ended the topic of what to eat in the evening and quickly focused all their attention on the game.

After purchasing Doran's Blade, Shen Lang quickly walked towards the top lane.

But just when he came to the entrance of the jungle above, the voice of the younger brother suddenly sounded.

"The opponent is going to invade the jungle!"

The five IG players appeared in the field of vision, and the younger brother could only quickly control Galio to retreat.

If Luo was lifted up first, and Shen upgraded his E skill, he would have a chance to keep him. If he didn't retreat, he might not even have the chance to use flash.

The jungle must not be given to the opponent.

Shen Lang didn't think much, and hurriedly controlled Fiora to move down, and the other EDG players also controlled their own heroes to support.

In the past, EDG always invaded other people's jungle at the beginning, but now IG invaded EDG's jungle at the beginning, which made many spectators feel unreal.

The two sides quickly gathered in the lower half of the jungle.

Just when the audience thought that a fierce battle would happen, the IG players left vision and quickly evacuated EDG's jungle.

The fight didn't start after all.

When the soldiers came out, Shen Lang and Xiaoxuedi controlled their own heroes to return to the scene, and Zhazi started with the help of the bottom lane combination.

After helping the jungler A twice, iboy controlled Kaisa to go to the bottom lane.

However, just as he entered the river and wanted to go to the bottom lane, a Rakan suddenly jumped out of the river bush.

The IG bottom lane combination did not help Qing Gangying to open the jungle. After withdrawing from the EDG jungle, Jackeylove and his team went straight to the river bush and quietly waited for Kaisa to come online.

Qing Gangying's jungle clearing speed was very slow at the beginning. Without the help of the bottom lane combination, Ning Wang's jungle clearing rhythm in the early stage would be very uncomfortable. It was precisely because of this that iboy did not expect that the opponent's bottom lane combination would choose to squat on him at the beginning instead of helping Qing Gangying to open the jungle.

Under the deliberate calculation, iboy did not react at all.

Kaisa was knocked away by Rakan's [Grand Debut], and Jackeylove next to him hurriedly activated the W skill and threw feathers at Kaisa frantically.

The skills of the two heroes, Xayah and Rakan, are linked. When Xayah activates the W skill to attack normally, the Rakan next to him can also launch feathers at the target unit. The damage of the two is enough to take away Kaisa with full health.

Meiko also knew this, so in a flash, he quickly upgraded his E skill and decisively released it towards Xayah, trying to stop Jackeylove from continuing to output.

However, Jackeylove was very decisive. The moment Shen used his E skill, he decisively used his Flash, dodged the taunt, and continued to attack Kaisa frantically.

With the combined efforts of Xayah and Rakan, Kaisa's health dropped rapidly.

When iboy used his Flash to distance himself, Kaisa was already at low health. Baolan followed up with his Flash, and attacked Kaisa with basic attacks to make up for the damage. With the damage from Ignite, he successfully took away Kaisa's remaining health.


The audience was instantly boiling.

"Xayah and Rakan killed Kaisa at the beginning of the game. IG's bottom lane combination found a very good opportunity!"

Miller excitedly explained.

He thought that the two sides would play very fiercely in this game, butBut they didn't expect that a kill would happen before the troops even gathered.

"It's a pity that the support Luo got the kill this time, otherwise the bottom lane matchup could be declared over directly, and Kaisa would have no chance to play."

Changmao shook his head and added.

Wawa sighed: "Even so, EDG's bottom lane combination is still very uncomfortable. Kaisa was killed at the beginning and couldn't get the troops. In addition, the Xayah and Rakan combination itself is very strong in the laning phase. Next, Kaisa and Shen should only be able to develop under the defensive tower."

IG is a team that is very good at playing the early rhythm. After getting the advantage at the beginning, they can always quickly expand the advantage. Kaisa was killed at the beginning, which is tantamount to exposing the weakness to the opponent.

"My, my!"

iboy covered his head with both hands, with a painful expression on his face.

During the group stage, many netizens accused him and his junior brother of knowing how to win by doing nothing. At first, he was very dissatisfied and always felt that he played a very key role in the game. It was because EDG played around the top lane that the bottom lane was always at a disadvantage.

Now that the opponent has seized the opportunity at the beginning of the first game, iboy clearly realized that he seemed to have some problems.

"Keep calm, keep calm. It may not be a bad thing for the opponent to find an opportunity in the bottom lane. If you can attract the opponent's jungler and mid laner, you will have done a great job."

Shen Lang's mentality is still very good.

He really doesn't need his teammates to carry more, as long as they don't give away heads crazily.

The director switched the camera to the top lane.

It's easy to play with Fiora against this version of Urgot. It's not easy to play.

The easy point is that the pre-swing action of Urgot's E skill is very obvious. Not to mention Shen Lang, even gold and silver players can react and use the heart knife to block the skill.

The difficult point is that when Fiora goes to attack Urgot's flaws in different directions, she will inevitably be affected by Urgot's passive in different directions. After the revision, the passive damage of this hero is very high, and Fiora may not be able to gain an advantage in blood exchange.

In this game, Shen Lang chose the regular Conqueror talent, while The shy chose the Unsealed Secret Book talent.

As the soldiers gathered, Shen Lang did not rush forward.

Urgot has a passive, and Fiora will definitely not be able to win the push. Instead, she will be broken by the Bone Plating if she goes directly.

When the melee soldiers have little health, Shen Lang controls Fiora to walk out of the bush.

The shy surrenders the Q skill, Shen Lang moves in the opposite direction, easily twists away, and then turns around to release the Q skill, [Breaking the Sky] accurately hits the flaw on the side of Urgot.

Although she was also hit by Urgot's passive, due to the talent Bone Plating, Fiora did not lose too much health. Shen Lang turned around and A the soldier to make up the knife, and immediately pulled away after eating the melee soldier.

After all, Urgot has a long arm, for Fiora, at this time, she can only avoid his edge, and it will be easier to fight after level 3.

"Qijiang, come up quickly."

Shen Lang gave orders in the voice.

Many people may think that shaking the jungle is a very shameful thing, but Shen Lang has no such idea in his mind.

This is a game, and winning is the ultimate goal.

Since there is no teammate to help with the jungle, the speed of the blue steel shadow's jungle clearing is behind the prince at the beginning, and Ning Wang does not want the prince to get two river crabs, so after hitting the blue buff, he did not go to the upper jungle area, but first brushed the magic frog, then went to the lower river to get the river crab, and then went back to the city to replenish the state and go up.

After hearing Shen Lang's words, the factory manager chose the fastest way to clear the jungle. After hitting the red buff, he went directly to the upper jungle area to hit the blue buff and the magic frog, then brushed the river crab, and then went straight up.

There is a vision arranged by Urgot in advance in the river. No matter how the prince ganks, he will definitely be seen by the eye position.

But due to the existence of the passive, Urgot has no way to control the line at the beginning. At this time, the upper lane soldiers are in a state of pushing towards EDG.

In this case, it doesn't matter even if he is seen by the vision.

Seeing the jungler in position, Shen Lang immediately stepped forward to release the Q skill. After hitting Urgot, he used A and E skills to cancel the backswing...

The shy was thinking about counter-attacking at first, but when he saw the figure of the prince, this idea disappeared instantly. Without any hesitation, he decisively used the E skill in the direction of the defense tower.

But at the moment when Urgot's E skill was launched, Shen Lang suddenly used the flash.

The golden light lit up, and the sword lady suddenly appeared next to Urgot.


[Laurent Heart Eye Knife]


A crisp sound rang out, and Urgot's E skill was blocked by the sword lady, and because of the skill stiffness, the subsequent stab accurately hit Urgot, stunning him on the spot.

"Ah? This is also possible?"

In the commentary booth, Miller was dumbfounded.Fiora used flash to block the path of Urgot's E skill, and then used W skill to stun him in place. He could not even think of such an operation.

After being stunned by Fiora, The shy also showed a stunned expression on his face.

Before he could make any operation, the factory manager had already controlled the prince to approach.

EQ skill was released, and after the connection control, he followed up with a general attack...

With the combined efforts of Fiora and the prince, Urgot's health was quickly suppressed.

The system prompt sounded soon, and Fiora successfully got Urgot's head.


Shen Lang cheered softly.

"In fact, if Urgot directly used flash, Fiora would not be able to keep him, but the problem is that without seeing the prince, The shy could not use flash first."

Changmao began to analyze.

Miller nodded: "I can only say that Brother Weiwu grasped the timing very cleverly, and he really dared to operate. After Fiora got the kill in the top lane, the next laning will undoubtedly be much easier to fight."

After reaching level 3, Fiora will have a much easier time against Urgot, and now she has an economic advantage, and Shen Lang is the kind of player who is very good at laning.

Combined with many factors, Miller's words are actually a bit euphemistic.

After killing Urgot, Shen Lang did not choose to push the line. After killing two low-health soldiers, he went back to the city directly in the bushes next to him.

Urgot has Teleport, and pushing the line at this time will not cause Urgot to lose too many soldiers. Instead, it will give him the opportunity to control the soldiers in front of the defensive tower.

At this time, Fiora did not have Flash, and Urgot's Flash was still in his hand. Shen had also brushed to the top lane. If the soldiers were controlled by Urgot, it would be Fiora who would be uncomfortable in the next laning.

After returning to the city, he bought two long swords and straw shoes, and Shen Lang also handed over the teleport to go online.

After clearing the upper jungle, Qing Gangying came to the top lane.

Knowing that Fiora did not have flash, King Ning wanted to help his top laner to fight back the economic disadvantage.

The prince was able to appear in the top lane so quickly, and King Ning could already guess the factory manager's jungle route in his mind. If the jungle was not cleaned up, the prince would definitely go to clear the three wolves and F6 and stone beetles in the lower jungle.

As for whether the decision to gank the top lane would be noticed by Shen Lang, King Ning did not care.

Many times, it is not possible to avoid being ganked by knowing that the jungler will come to gank. After Fiora teleported to the line, she had not had time to arrange the vision around the top lane. Qing Gangying had E flash in hand and could enter the field from a super long distance.

At this time, if Fiora went to the river to arrange the vision, Qing Gangying would take the lead. If she did not arrange the vision, she could not be sure whether Qing Gangying was next to her. She could not just not develop.

So if you want to kill Fiora, there is only one last key point left -

Cheat out its W skill.

The shy controlled Urgot to move forward. Looking at the opponent's posture, Shen Lang could actually guess that the opponent's jungler was right next to him.

As soon as this thought came up, The shy directly used the E skill towards Fiora.

Ning Wang's hand holding the mouse tightened involuntarily. As long as Fiora used the W skill, he would immediately E flash into the field, and Fiora would definitely die.

On the commentary stand, looking at the situation in the top lane, Wawa's heart instantly rose to his throat.

Under normal circumstances, Fiora has an advantage in equipment, and Urgot actively releases the E skill first. As long as the W skill is used to stun him, Fiora can consume a lot of his health.


Facing Urgot's E skill, Shen Lang did not use the W skill to block, but released the Q skill to the side, using displacement to avoid Urgot's E skill.

"I didn't use the Heart Eye Knife!"

Wawa's eyes lit up immediately.

Ning Wang frowned slightly, and Fiora was holding the W skill in her hand. If she wanted to continue ganking, she could only bet that Shen Lang would not be able to react to his E flash.

But thinking of Shen Lang's exaggerated reaction ability, Ning Wang still didn't have the courage to bet.

For Shen who had not yet reached level 6, flash was very important. Compared with betting on whether Shen Lang could react in the top lane, it was obviously more cost-effective to look for opportunities in other lanes.

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