Seeing Urgot turning around and pulling away, Shen Lang felt a little regretful.

The opponent didn't make a move!

In fact, when dodging Urgot's E skill, he didn't release the Q skill upwards, but moved towards the river, just to lure Qing Gangying to take action.

As for whether he could react in time and hand over the W skill.

Shen Lang had no scruples at all.

If he didn't know that Qing Gangying was right next to him, he might not be able to react, but knowing that the opponent might make a move, Shen Lang was absolutely confident that he could react in time.

In the absence of the jungler, Urgot was naturally no match for Fiora.

Shen Lang first placed the trinket eye in the river, and then turned around to suppress Urgot.

Fiora is a hero with good control of the line, but it is a bit unrealistic to want to prevent Urgot from last-hitting.

Using the Q skill and forced last-hitting, Urgot didn't miss too many soldiers, but because Shen Lang's last-hitting skills were very superb, the difference in last-hitting between the two top laners gradually widened.

When the level reached six, Shen Lang quickly pushed the line into the tower, and then returned to the city to replenish equipment.

When he walked out of the fountain again, Fiora had already synthesized Tiamat.

Compared with suppressing Urgot, Shen Lang was more inclined to push the line to help the jungler establish an advantage.

But before Shen Lang could return to the line, the bottom lane suddenly started fighting.

Since being killed by Luo at the beginning, the EDG bottom lane combination has been suppressed by the opponent.

The first dragon was the Earth Dragon, and Jackeylove knew that his jungler did not start well, so he wanted to give some help to Shen. Therefore, Xia and Luo in the bottom lane did not control the line, but chose to push the line quickly, and then invaded EDG's lower half jungle area to arrange vision.

Jackeylove and the others only thought about guarding against the jungler's gank, and did not expect EDG's bottom lane combination to take action.

Pushing the line into the defense tower again, Baolan controlled Luo to walk towards EDG's red buff jungle area.

But at this moment, Meiko under the defense tower suddenly took action.

E skill released.

Shen taunted Xayah at the limit distance, and iboy stepped forward decisively to output.

Jackeylove was shocked and hurriedly gave up Purification, while Baolan quickly turned around and released the E skill towards Xayah, and then gave up the W skill [Grand Debut] to control Shen.

Under Xayah's counterattack, Shen lost a lot of health.

However, Meiko keenly sensed the arrival of the opportunity: "Xayah didn't purify, I have E flash, I think I can try it."

"Do you need me to come down?"

Zizi also quickly realized that this was a very good opportunity.

Meiko shook his head: "There is vision in the jungle, you will be discovered in advance if you come here, just Galio come."

EDG people acted quickly.

After clearing the upper half of the jungle, Zzizi controlled the prince to come to the middle lane.

The purpose is not to catch Lissandra, but to create an opportunity for Galio to return to the city.

Scout used his E skill first to close the distance, but just as he was charging his W skill, Rookie used his E skill in the direction of the defensive tower in time. Without waiting for Zhazi to release her skills, Lissandra used her W skill to imprison Galio, and then pressed her E skill to exchange positions with Ice Claws at the moment when the taunt time was over.

Lissandra successfully opened the distance.

Zhazi also followed the original plan and pretended to fail in ganking to help Galio push the line.

The mid lane soldiers entered the tower, and Scout returned to the city.

After replenishing his equipment and status, he controlled Galio to walk directly to the bottom lane.

When Xayah and Rakan sent the soldiers over again, Meiko took decisive action.

E flash!

Shen suddenly appeared behind Xayah, successfully taunted her, and immediately put on Ignite.

iboy hurriedly controlled Kaisa to get closer, A followed by Q skills, [Icathia Rain] poured on Xayah, taking away a lot of her health.

Seeing this, Baolan hurriedly used his W skill on Kaisa.

At the moment of [Grand Debut], iboy used his E skill to speed up and move to the side, twisting away Luo's skills to the limit, and then continued to attack Xia.


The audience was instantly boiling.

Wawa on the commentary seat also showed a surprised expression: "iboy is good at positioning, Kaisa is doing well this time, it seems there is a chance to kill Xia."

While speaking, the younger brother behind him used his ultimate.

Galio hero appeared.

Although Rookie also used the teleport in time, the TP chanting time is 4 seconds, and Galio's ultimate only takes less than 2 seconds to land.

When the ultimate landed, Xia was knocked up, and then used the QE skill, and then charged the W skill...

Under the chain control, Jackeylove simplyWithout any chance to trade skills, Luo next to him was powerless. The shield provided by the two-stage E skill was not enough in front of the concentrated fire output of the three EDG players.

With Kaisa's final basic attack, Xia's remaining health was quickly taken away, and the head was taken by Kaisa.

It was not until this time that Lissandra's teleport landed.


In the EDG voice, everyone cheered, and iboy's cheers were particularly obvious.

He was found an opportunity by the opponent at the beginning. Although Shen Lang didn't say anything, iboy himself still felt a little guilty, and at the same time he felt a little unwilling.

How old is Shen Lang?

How long has Shen Lang been playing professionally?

Why can Shen Lang be the C in every game, while he can only lie down in every game?

Seeing that Shen Lang is the Tsar and the other EDG players are sand soldiers on the Internet, you may just smile and not say anything when you see it, but you will take it to heart.

The bottom lane battle doesn't prove that he is stronger than Shen Lang, but at least it proves that EDG's bottom lane is not just a breakthrough point, and it's not just for Shen Lang to clean up the mess. After giving the opponent a chance, they can fight back by themselves.

"Awesome, brothers, this game is already stable!"

Shen Lang smiled immediately after hearing the good news from the bottom lane.

After Kai'Sa was killed by the opponent at the beginning, he was mentally prepared for the bottom lane to be broken, but he didn't expect that he could seize the opportunity to fight back in this situation.

"Take the little dragon, take the little dragon."

Zhangzhuang quickly controlled the prince to walk towards the little dragon pit.

The people in the bottom lane calmed down their excitement, quickly released skills to send the soldiers into the IG defense tower, and then followed to the top.

In the absence of ADC, IG still didn't have the courage to join the team.

The wailing of the little dragon soon sounded.

On the commentary seat.

Miller immediately analyzed: "From the lineup, IG should have the initiative in the early stage, but the current situation is that EDG's top laner Weiwu's Fiora has an advantage in the laning phase, and after the bottom lane battle, Kai'Sa, who got the kill, can quickly recover the economy."

"The key is that they got the first Earth Dragon. For EDG, as long as they play steadily in the next period of time, they can easily win this game."

Hearing this, the long-haired man next to him shook his head and retorted: "From the lineup, EDG obviously can't play steadily to avoid opportunities. Although they have an economic advantage now, I still think the initiative is on IG's side."

"The ability of the two heroes, Yasuo and Lissandra, to find opportunities is too strong!"


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