The first game ended, and EDG successfully won the first game.

When they took off their headphones and walked off the stage, the IG players all looked unhappy.

Seeing this, Shen Lang laughed and teased: "A Shui, why don't you laugh? Don't you like to laugh?"

"Get lost!"

Jackeylove immediately cursed: "I'll smash your head in the next game!"

"Fight now, fight now, I'll help you hold down his hand."

"I'll hold down his foot."

Several EDG players nearby followed suit and encouraged.

While chatting and laughing, the players on both sides quickly returned to the lounge.

Nofe thought that this game would most likely win, but he didn't expect it to end so quickly.

Originally, he thought that he would rely on Fiora to slowly operate the game, and the game would be delayed until the late stage to end the opponent. Who would have thought that the situation would change rapidly, and the player seized the opportunity to steal the home and actually killed the game directly.

"Who came up with this trick of stealing the home? What a clever little ghost!"

Nofe exclaimed loudly.

Everyone looked at Shen Lang, and Abu immediately realized that this was definitely Shen Lang's work.

"What a steal, what a steal!"

Abu laughed and sighed.

As a manager, he didn't think it was shameful to win the game by stealing the home. As long as the team could win the game, it was a good thing in his opinion, and the process was not important.

"Although we got off to a good start, everyone should have felt through the last game that the opponent's strength is still very strong, so I hope everyone will not take the next game lightly and strive to win today's game 3:0."

Looking at the players with smiles on their faces, Nofe immediately spoke up to remind them.

As a coach, not only should you boost morale when the team is low, but you should also pour cold water on the players when they are in high spirits.

IG side.

The players who returned to the lounge became more and more angry.

If there is anything more uncomfortable than losing a game, it must be losing the game by stealing the home of the opponent.

"We still can't let Weiwu get too much advantage in the early game, otherwise we will be very passive in the later games."

Ning Wang complained.

Although EDG won the game by stealing the home, it was because they couldn't deal with Fiora later, so the opponent found the opportunity to steal the home.

Rookie nodded regretfully: "We should have targeted Fiora in the early stage."

"After the bottom lane got the advantage, it can actually switch to the top lane to suppress Fiora."

Jackeylove followed up with the analysis.

Although they were angry, the IG players were not discouraged by losing the first game, but quickly discovered the problems in the previous game.

Coach Jin Jingzhu nodded with satisfaction when he saw this.

Losing the game is not terrible, what is really terrible is not knowing how to lose.

If the players simply think that the reason for losing the previous game is that the opponent stole the home, then Jin Jingzhu thinks that there is no need to play the next game, and they will definitely lose.

"Let's use the shooter top system in the next game."

After the players discussed, Jin Jingzhu suddenly spoke up.

In fact, he was not very willing to use this system in today's game, because it was stolen from EDG, and EDG might have a countermeasure.

But for IG now, they have no choice.

If they lose today's game, this season will be over directly, and there is no need to hide it.

"Brother Weiwu is very fierce in the early laning phase. He can't be stabilized with tank heroes, and he can't be beaten with warrior heroes. Choosing a shooter top can use the advantage of long arms to suppress him in the early stage. It is indeed very suitable for dealing with the current situation..."

The analyst next to him spoke up.

The shy opened his mouth and wanted to argue for himself, but thinking of the miserable situation in the last game, the words on his lips were not spoken after all.


After a short break, the director switched the camera to the commentary seat.

"Welcome back, summoners. After the last game, EDG is now leading 1:0. In the second game, the two sides switched sides. EDG came to the red side and IG switched to the blue side..."

Miller quickly explained the current situation of the game, and then quickly shifted the topic to the game: "If you were the IG coach, how would you adjust after losing the first game?"

Changmao thought for a while and replied: "In my opinion, it is better to directly replace Duke and let the top lane withstand the pressure. The top lane is EDG's strong point. In comparison, the middle and bottom lanes are still relatively weak. As long as IG can withstand the pressure on the top lane, and the jungler can find a way to find an opportunity to open a breakthrough from the middle and bottom lanes, the game will be easy to win..."

"The problem is, Duke can't stand it!"

Wawa quickly grasped the key to the problem: "It is right to limit Weiwu Ge's advantage in the laning phase, but it is not realistic to rely on the tank top laner to resist pressure. The jungler and mid laner have to go to the top lane more."

In the analysis room, the director switched the camera again.

BP began.

There was not much change in the first three ban positions of both sides in this game and the previous game. Xayah and Rakan combination and Kaisa were released.

Since they were on the blue side, IG took the lead in grabbing Kaisa, and EDG naturally locked in Xayah and Rakan combination.

In the support position, IG locked in Titan.

Compared to passive defense, they still prefer to take the initiative, and the mid laner still chooses Lissandra.

However, in this game, EDG did not continue to take Galio in the middle lane, but chose the more versatile Clockwork.

After the third selection, both sides banned two heroes again.

Both sides still had junglers and top laners left.

EDG took the lead. After the communication between Nofe and Zz1tai, they still chose Prince as the jungler in this game. This hero can enter the field with Clockwork's ball and can effectively target Kaisa.

"The lineups of both sides in this game don't seem to have changed much. I don't know what top and jungle combination IG will come up with. I feel that Ning Wang can continue to take Qing Gangying..."

Miller hadn't finished his analysis yet, and IG's fourth floor quickly locked in the hero.

Sejuani, Fury of the North.


Miller was stunned for a moment. He never thought that IG would choose a herbivorous jungler in this game.

However, the more surprising thing is yet to come.

After confirming Zhu Mei, IG immediately locked in Skateboard Shoes.

"Wait, Skateboard Shoes is a jungler?"

Wawa was a little confused.

Changmao shook his head and said, "No, Skateboard Shoes should be the top laner! ”

“IG should be thinking about using Skateboard Shoes to go to the top lane, and the lineup may lack a front row, so the jungler will choose the slightly more tanky Pig Girl.”

“Using the advantage of long arms, Skateboard Shoes can easily gain an advantage in the laning phase, and Pig Girl is very good at finding opportunities in the early stage of the jungle, and it is easy to cooperate with Skateboard Shoes to expand the advantage.”

EDG side.

“Fuck, there is a thief! "

Everyone was a little confused when they saw IG choose Skateboard Shoes as the top laner.

In the last game, they stole the base, and in this game, IG directly stole the system. The opponent actually took out the things they didn't have time to use, and used them against them.

How can this be justified?

Compared to the surprised teammates, Shen Lang was very calm.

Although he couldn't remember which team first took out the shooter top laner system on the field, the reason why Shen Lang had a deep memory of this system was still attributed to The shy.

Besides, Shen Lang had proposed this system to the coach a long time ago, but Nofe never had the courage to choose it on the field, while IG had the courage to use it in the key game, so it was not considered stealing at all.

In addition, in the professional arena, it is a very normal thing to borrow systems from each other. The words that teammates blurted out were mostly teasing, and they didn't mean to blame IG.

After Skateboard Shoes was locked, it was EDG's turn to choose a hero.

"How about Jayce? ”

Nofe suggested.

Shen Lang nodded slightly after hearing this. Jayce’s arms were not short, so it was not that hard to fight Skateboard Shoes.

With the last hero locked in, the lineups of the two sides for the second game were officially released:

EDG on the red side: top lane Jayce, jungle Prince, mid lane Clockwork, bottom lane Xayah and Rakan.

IG on the blue side: top lane Skateboard Shoes, jungle Sejuani, mid lane Lissandra, bottom lane Kaisa and Titan.

After the lineup was determined, Miller quickly analyzed:

“In comparison, EDG’s lineup is obviously more stable, and IG’s choice of Skateboard Shoes top lane should be to target the strong laning ability of Weiwu Ge in the early stage. It’s hard to say how effective it is, but the direction is not wrong. It depends on whether The shy can play the effect. "

Wawa nodded: "I remember that in the summer season, Weiwu used Vayne as the top laner, and it seemed to work well. Although it has the advantage of long arms, it also tests the player's operating ability. If The shy can play well, Weiwu will have a hard time in this game."


The game was quickly loaded during the commentary analysis.

Entering the Summoner's Rift, both sides quickly bought equipment and rushed out of the fountain.

"I'll start with red and see if I can catch it."

Zizhang said in the voice.

Skateboard Shoes can easily suppress the effect in the early stage, but the hero itself is still very fragile. If the prince can catch it first at level 2, combined with Jayce's damage, there is a chance to catch it.Kill.

However, if you want to start with red buff and gank top, you can't let the opponent set up vision in the jungle at the beginning.

So after leaving the fountain, EDG performed very strongly.

IG originally wanted to enter the opponent's lower jungle to set up vision at the beginning, but as soon as they entered the river, the figures of EDG's five players appeared in the field of vision.

Baolan controlled Titan to move forward.

Scout didn't think much, directly upgraded the Q skill, and decisively released it on Titan. Shen Lang also controlled Jayce to move forward and made a gesture to take action.

Baolan upgraded the Q skill and released it directly on Jayce.

However, the moment Titan hooked, Jayce suddenly moved to the side and twisted Titan's Q skill away.

"Good positioning!"

Wawa exclaimed loudly.

Titan hooked in vain, and IG's intention to invade the jungle instantly vanished. If they wanted to keep people in this lineup, they relied heavily on Titan's first move. When Titan's Q skill was cooled down, it would definitely be too late.

"Retreat, retreat."

Ning Wang shook his head regretfully, and controlled Zhu Mei to turn back to the jungle.

Seeing the opponent leave, the EDG team also retreated.

Zhanzhang controlled the prince to come to the upper jungle, while iboy and Meiko did not rush to go online, but waited in the jungle first.

The wild monsters refreshed, Meiko controlled Luo to attack the magic frog, resisted two damages and then went to the line, while iboy released the W skill, consumed a little mana and then followed Luo to the line.

The auxiliary lost blood and the ADC lost mana, which created an illusion for the opponent that the two helped the jungler to open the buff.

But in fact, the prince was hitting the red buff on the top.

In pursuit of speed, the factory manager directly handed over the punishment, killed the red buff to level 2, and then directly controlled the prince to go to the top lane.

"Qi-chan seems to have an idea!"

Looking at the movements of the prince, Miller's eyes suddenly lit up: "The bottom lane combination is acting. IG probably doesn't know that the prince started with red. I feel that this wave has a chance."

After the soldiers came out, The shy played very fiercely in the laning phase.

He practiced playing ADC top lane a lot in normal Rank, so he naturally knew how to use the advantage of long arms to suppress the game at the beginning.

Upgrade the E skill directly when going online, use the passive to jump forward while attacking the soldiers, and then attack Jayce after the distance is shortened. Then use the E skill, pull out the spear to kill the soldiers, and the E skill is refreshed directly. At the same time, the talent Deadly Rhythm is also successfully triggered...

Jayce's early combat power is not bad, but in comparison, Skateboard Shoes is better.

When the two of them pulled away, Shen Lang's Jayce only had half of his blood left, while Skateboard Shoes only reduced his blood by one-third, and the difference was very obvious.

"Don't eat it, don't eat it!"

The shy showed a happy smile on his face, watching Jayce want to go forward to make up the knife, and directly controlled Skateboard Shoes to push forward.

However, at this time, Shen Lang also smiled.

The prince had entered the river.

Skateboard Shoes had arranged vision in the river grass in advance, but the factory manager was best at blocking vision.

I saw the prince clinging to the wall above and slowly moving forward.

It was obviously very close to the top lane, but the director turned on the vision shadow and the prince's figure disappeared in the field of vision.

Seeing this posture, Miller shook his head directly: "This wave of skateboard shoes is going to die!"

Seeing the jungler coming, Shen Lang, who was originally retreating, suddenly controlled Jayce to turn back, and then turned on the W skill to accelerate the general attack towards skateboard shoes.

The shy was naturally not afraid, and jumped on Jayce's face while stabbing it with a spear.


The prince's figure appeared behind him.


The shy widened his eyes, a little unbelievable.

After a brief surprise, he quickly reacted. With the prince behind him, this wave was already a sure death.

So he didn't retreat, but continued to attack Jayce, wanting to replace Jayce before he died.

But the factory manager obviously wouldn't let him do that.

After using the EQ skill, Skateboard Shoes moved to the side, but he still couldn't twist it open.

After being hurt by the prince, Skateboard Shoes' health quickly became dangerous.

Shen Lang continued to attack Skateboard Shoes in the form of a cannon, and with the combined efforts of the two, Skateboard Shoes' health quickly reached the bottom.

The shy handed over the E skill before he died, but the damage of the spear still didn't kill Jayce.

First Blood!

The system prompt sounded, and the prince took the first blood.

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