"Hey, do you like playing ADC top?"

After getting the kill of Skateboard Shoes, the factory manager showed a proud smile on his face.

In the past, Shen Lang had used ADC top in both official competitions and training matches, and the factory manager was very clear about the characteristics of this system.

It is indeed easy to suppress the opponent by taking advantage of the long arm in the early stage, but it is also very easy to catch.

If Skateboard Shoes wants to suppress Jayce, he must push the line in the early stage. As long as he creates the illusion of blue start for the opponent, Skateboard Shoes can be said to be dead without any advance notice.

There was a burst of applause from the audience.

After IG chose Skateboard Shoes top, many EDG fans were still worried that this game would be difficult to play.

Now they are finally relieved. From the beginning, this game is much smoother than the previous game.

"I thought IG chose Skateboard Shoes to be the top laner because they were going to have a big wave, but I didn't expect it to be a big one."

"Why is there a problem in the top lane again? Can we play well? If not, switch to Duke."

"Will it work if we switch to Duke? He will only be beaten more badly by the mighty brother."

"Will IG be shut out by EDG today?"


In the live broadcast room of the event, the barrage of comments quickly scrolled.

The loss at the beginning of this game made many IG fans feel uneasy.

Commentary seat.

Miller and others had predicted the result of Skateboard Shoes being killed when they saw Prince appear in the top lane.

"I can only say that EDG handled this wave really well. IG wanted to invade the jungle at the beginning, but they were strongly blocked back by them, which resulted in IG not knowing the position of the prince at the beginning."

"At this time, the bottom lane combination created the illusion of helping the jungler to open the buff, making IG think that the prince started with the blue buff. The shy probably got this signal, so he played so fiercely in the early stage, and was found by the factory manager."

"In the previous game, Brother Weiwu did perform very well, but EDG has come to this point, and it is definitely not just relying on Brother Weiwu."

Miller analyzed with emotion.

When he spoke, Skateboard Shoes had resurrected, and The shy directly handed over the teleport to the line.

After going online this time, Skateboard Shoes no longer dared to suppress Jayce like before, not because The shy was afraid, but because he was worried that the prince had not left.

Combined with the previous training games, he knew that the factory manager could really do this kind of thing. In order to let the top laner develop, the EDG jungler could make sacrifices.

Shen Lang also teleported to the line directly after replenishing his status.

However, Jayce was still no match for Skateboard Shoes in the laning exchange, so he just took advantage of the time when The shy didn't dare to suppress him too much to last hit.

But this situation didn't last too long.

When Pig Girl brushed to the upper jungle area, Skateboard Shoes, who was a little conservative, became fierce again.

Shen Lang could only avoid the sharp edge, control Jayce to retreat, and use the Q skill to last hit as much as possible.

It must be said that Shen Lang's ability to withstand pressure is still very strong. Even in this state, Jayce's last hit is still very strong, and Skateboard Shoes' advantage in last hit is not very obvious.

"Brother Weiwu's ability to withstand pressure is still very strong."

Changmao said with admiration.

"You don't know this, do you?" Baby's face showed a smug expression: "Since the summer season playoffs, most of the heroes that Weiwu has used in the game are relatively strong top lane heroes, and he is also very strong in the laning phase, but don't forget that when he was in RNG, he was best at resisting pressure."

"Now it seems that his ability to resist pressure has not declined."

For Skateboard Shoes, if he just suppresses Jayce for a few last hits in the laning phase, then there is no point in picking this hero.

With the improvement of level and equipment, Jayce will only get better and better, and because of the assists at the beginning, Jayce is not only not at a disadvantage at this time, but is actually ahead of Skateboard Shoes in economy.

Such a situation in the top lane undoubtedly made other IG members worried.

"Junglers and mid laners should go to the top lane more often, and never let Jayce develop."

Jackeylove reminded.

Lissandra and Piglet will indeed make the bottom lane more comfortable, but in comparison, Jackeylove is more worried that Shen Lang will gain a huge advantage in the laning phase like in the last game.

Hearing this, Ning Wang and Rookie nodded slightly.

Since Skateboard Shoes couldn't suppress Jayce by just laning, it was very necessary for the two of them to roam to the top lane.

After returning to the city for the first time to replenish the status, Ning Wang controlled Zhu Mei to go straight to the top lane.

Since the top lane soldiers were in a forward-pressing position,state, Pig Girl easily blocked the vision and entered the bush above.

"Jayce is in danger this wave!"

Looking at the position of Pig Girl, Wawa immediately became worried.

Although he had flash in hand, if Pig Girl got it first, combined with the damage of Skateboard Shoes, Jayce would still be killed with a high probability.

After Pig Girl was in place, The shy began to consciously control the line back.

Although his behavior was very obscure, it still attracted Shen Lang's attention, and when he saw the upgraded light on his body in advance, Shen Lang's mouth corners could not help but slightly rise.

"Pig Girl is in the top lane, Qijiang can go down to look for opportunities."

He fed back the information to his teammates very confidently.

Although he successfully killed Skateboard Shoes before, Shen Lang did not push the line, and The shy directly handed over the teleport to the top line later, and did not lose any experience.

In other words, the experience of Skateboard Shoes and Jayce is actually similar.

Now the soldiers on the top lane are more from IG, so Skateboard Shoes should be ahead in experience, but it was Jayce who reached level 5 first.

The reason for this phenomenon is not difficult to guess-

Someone is sharing Skateboard Shoes' experience next to him!

And from the distribution of vision around him, it can be inferred that Pig Girl is most likely in the bush above.

After feeding the information back to his teammates, Shen Lang began to act.

He pretended to control Jayce to go forward to last hit, but his position was close to the river below.

Looking at Jayce's position, Ning Wang in the bush frowned immediately.

This position made him feel that there was a chance, but it was outside the range of the Q skill. Jayce would lean up from time to time, but when he was ready to take action, he could quickly turn around and distance himself.

"He is playing me!"

After a brief moment of confusion, Ning Wang's mind suddenly flashed with inspiration.

Although he didn't know how Shen Lang knew his position, Ning Wang was sure that he had definitely been discovered, and Jayce's actions were nothing more than a waste of his time.

"Be careful in the bottom lane."

Ning Wang hurriedly reminded.

But he did not turn around and leave, but gritted his teeth and used his Q skill directly towards Jayce's position.



Zhu Mei suddenly appeared in the field of vision, and Shen Lang did not expect the opposing jungler to suddenly attack.

Fortunately, his reaction was fast enough. The moment Zhu Mei appeared in the field of vision, he also used flash backwards, so he was not hit first.

Seeing Jayce use flash, Ning Wang showed a satisfied smile on his face, showed his dog tag to Shen Lang, and then controlled Zhu Mei to turn around and leave.

This wave, he did not expect to be able to open Jayce at all, but just used his flash to replace Jayce's flash.

"No, buddy, you are a fool!"

After using flash, Shen Lang realized that his acting skills were a little poor and Ning Wang successfully saw through it.

But even if he saw through it, he could just leave the top lane and it would be over. Shen Lang never expected that Ning Wang would be desperate and use Q Flash to force him to kill him.

With Flash in hand, even if Sejuani hit Jayce first, he might not die, but Shen Lang didn't dare to gamble, so he could only be safe and use Flash to avoid Sejuani's Q Flash.

"Jace didn't flash, it will be difficult for Weiwu to fight next."

Miller quickly found the key to the problem.

Ning Wang's use of his flash to exchange for Shen Lang's flash was not just a simple reckless behavior.

For Sejuani, it would be difficult to catch people without Flash, but for Jayce, during the CD time of Flash, whether Lissandra or Sejuani went up, there was a chance to cooperate with Skateboard Shoes to kill him.

Sejuani and Jayce exchanged flashes, and Sejuani won no matter how you look at it.

Due to Ning Wang's timely reminder, Zz1tai did not find a suitable opportunity in the bottom lane.

The main bottom lane soldiers were controlled by Jackeylove and his two men in front of the defensive tower. Meiko wanted to take the initiative, but was immediately interrupted by Titan's Q skill. Luo was instead consumed by Kaisa.

However, although the bottom lane did not find an opportunity, the prince was able to take the opportunity to enter IG's lower jungle area.

Just when the factory manager was full of joy to counter the jungle, the middle lane Rookie quickly cleared the soldiers and then controlled Lissandra to walk towards the top lane.

Looking at Lissandra's movements, Miller couldn't help but be amazed: "The jungler just left the top lane, and the mid laner followed and roamed to the top lane. IG is really afraid that the powerful brother's Jayce will develop."

"Jayce has no flash, even if Lissandra is not yet level 6, there is still a big chance."

Wawa added, and he became worried again.

After Lissandra disappeared, the middle lane Scout quickly reminded his teammates in the voice.

Hearing this, Shen Lang decisively controlled Jayce to retreat.

It's obvious that the opponent's mid laner must be targeting him

Lissandra has flash, and can also use the E skill to cross the wall from a distance and go directly to the top lane. With Jayce's current health, he will definitely die if he is controlled by Lissandra's flash W skill. It is precisely because of this that Shen Lang decisively controls Jayce to return to the defensive tower.

Due to Shen Lang's vigilance, Rookie roamed the top lane but did not find an opportunity.

It was just that under the interference of Pig Girl and Lissandra, Shen Lang did not develop well for a long time. The last-hitting that was very tight before soon widened the gap.

The game time soon came to 8 minutes.

The junglers of both sides reached level 6. After Ning Wang upgraded his ultimate, the first thing he thought of was still the top lane.

"Why is this Weiwu brother so cunning?"

He and Rookie roamed the top lane crazily but did not find a suitable opportunity to kill Jayce, which made Ning Wang a little depressed.

At this time, Rookie also cleared the mid lane soldiers and also controlled Lissandra to go up: "I will also go to the top lane this time, and go over the tower directly. No matter how cunning he is, it will be useless."

Before, I didn't dare to go over the tower directly to kill Jayce because I was afraid of being counter-camped by the prince, and Clockwork also had a teleport in his hand, ready to support at any time.

Now that Sejuani has reached level 6, there is no need to worry about the opponent's jungler counter-camping. Clockwork also gave up the teleport to go online just now. This wave, as long as Jayce dares to defend the tower, it can be said that he will die.

However, Shen Lang's alertness played a role again.

Hearing the junior say that Lissandra missed, he didn't think about it and directly controlled Jayce to retreat. He didn't even eat the soldiers of Skateboard Shoes pushing the tower, and retreated directly to the autistic bush in front of the inner tower.

"He is really too stable!"

Seeing this, Miller couldn't help but sigh. Jayce, who didn't have flash, was targeted by Sejuani and Lissandra, but he hadn't been found a chance until now. Shen Lang's pressure resistance performance is top-notch.

But the doll next to him was not happy: "Although IG's mid and jungle didn't find any opportunities, Jayce's development is not good now, and he is even more than 20 knives behind Skateboard Shoes in last hits."

Jayce's strength lies in the early and mid-terms, and if he wants to play well, he must have the support of equipment, otherwise it is easy to fall into the embarrassing situation of no damage, no tankiness, and no team fight.

The problem is that Shen Lang was targeted so badly in the top lane, but EDG's bottom lane did not open up the situation.

Jackeylove knew that when his jungler and mid laner were roaming the top lane crazily, the opponent's jungler and mid laner might target the bottom lane, so he played very steadily in this game. Even the factory manager who was very professional against ADC kept going to the bottom lane in this game and did not find a suitable opportunity.

"It's really disgusting for the opponent to play like this."

Shen Lang was also a little depressed. IG's decision of Skateboard Shoes' top lane and the mid and jungler roaming the top lane crazily made him not know how to deal with it for a while.

Flash was still on cooldown, and before Lissandra reappeared in the middle lane, he didn't even dare to go back to the defensive tower.

"Can Clockwork follow me to the bottom lane?"

Zizi suddenly said in the voice chat.

He also knew that the situation was a bit unfavorable now. Although Jayce had not been found by the opponent yet, it was only a matter of time before the opponent found a chance to let Sejuani and Lissandra roam around like crazy.

So he wanted to break the situation from the bottom lane as soon as possible, let Clockwork follow him to roam the bottom lane, and the two of them teamed up to cross the tower and kill Kaisa.


Scout responded quickly.

Lissandra's clearing speed was too fast. Before, he never had the right to the middle lane, and could only watch Rookie roam.

But with the improvement of level and equipment, Clockwork's ability to clear the line is not bad. He doesn't need to continue to bind spirits in the middle lane, and can try to roam.

As for why Zzizi and Scout didn't go to the top lane to counter-camp?

The reason is also very simple.

Their lineup is more inclined to the early stage, but due to the presence of Skateboard Shoes, whether it is 2V2 in the top and jungle or 3V3 in the middle, top and jungle, they are not the opponent of the opponent, and at most they are just stalemate to delay time.

But if the game is delayed like this, it will be very disadvantageous for them. In comparison, it is a better way to find a way to break through from the bottom lane, so the factory manager will choose to go to the bottom lane to cross the tower.

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