
Seeing the hero EDG chose for the counter position, Miller couldn't help but widen his eyes.

He actually thought that Shen Lang would also choose a shooter in the top lane, but he never thought that the hero he chose would be Rat.

After the Censer version, this hero has not appeared on the field for a long time.

Looking at the lineups of both sides, Wawa wanted to laugh: "It feels that the hero choices of both teams are quite strange. Brother Weiwu chose Rat because he wanted to use the stealth ability to find opportunities, so the rhythm of this game should be very fast."

While talking, the coaches of both sides came to the center of the stage to shake hands.

The game started loading.

The lineups of both sides are as follows:

EDG on the red side: Rat on the top, Sejuani on the jungle, Taliyah on the middle, Xia and Minotaur on the bottom.

IG on the blue side: Lucian on the top, Qinggangying on the jungle, Card on the middle, Tristana and Braum on the bottom.

Entering the Summoner's Rift, the players quickly bought equipment and rushed to the fountain.

"See if we can invade the lower jungle area."

Shen Lang said in the voice chat.

Everyone quickly rushed to the lower jungle area of ​​IG, but IG seemed to have been prepared. After the five people walked out of the fountain, they also came to the lower jungle area in a group.

"I know EDG too well!"

Seeing all the EDG people appear in the field of vision, Ning Wang's mouth corners slightly raised.

Regardless of invading the jungle area to counter the jungle or arrange vision, he would not let the EDG people come over. Anyway, with Braum, they are not afraid of fighting in the early stage.

Looking at the determined IG people, Shen Lang could only pin the signal to signal his teammates to retreat.

However, after retreating, he did not choose to go to the top lane, but controlled the rat to squat in the grass in the river.

"Xayah and Minotaur go online directly and find an opportunity to make a wave of things."

Shen Lang commanded.


iboy didn't quite understand. It seemed that Shen Lang didn't want to go back to the top lane, but was preparing to catch people in the bottom lane.

"No, you play games like this?"

Meiko was also a little surprised.

Due to the existence of the Q skill, Rat can indeed find opportunities in the bottom lane at the beginning, but he is a top laner, not a jungler. If he catches the bottom lane at the beginning, he will definitely lose the soldiers. This is equivalent to The shy having an advantage without laning.

"Fortune is sought in danger."

Shen Lang did not change his mind.

Seeing his firm attitude, Meiko and the others had to do as he said.

iboy was a little touched: "Brother Lang is still good to me. He chose to help me at the beginning. Do you know that I can carry this game?"

Shen Lang rolled his eyes: "If you don't use some tricks, I'm worried that you will be beaten by Jackeylove in the laning phase."

iboy: ...

The soldiers came out quickly, and the junglers of both sides started normally.

After helping Shen A twice with the red buff, Jackeylove controlled Tristana to walk towards the bottom lane.

At this time, iboy and the others were squatting in the grass in the river, and Shen Lang controlled Rat to stay in front of the dragon pit.

Seeing Tristana and the other two appear in the river, he immediately released the Q skill and walked towards the triangle bush in stealth. Because the distance was very well controlled, there was no exclamation mark above Tristana and Braum, and Jackeylove and the other two did not realize that Shen Lang was in the bottom lane at this time.

Seeing Tristana and the other two approaching, Meiko in the bush suddenly took action.

Q flash!

Under the deliberate calculation, Jackeylove and the other two could not react at all. In the blink of an eye, they were knocked away by Minotaur and their heads were set on fire.


Jackeylove was a little surprised at first, but when he reacted, he felt it was ridiculous: "Why are Xayah and Minotaur hiding us?"

If it was a Xayah and Rakan combination, it would be understandable. The skills of the two heroes are linked, and the burst damage is very high, which is enough to kill people instantly, but in this game, EDG's bottom lane combination is Minotaur and Xayah.

At this time, these two heroes used their heads to attack Braum and Tristana.

The moment he landed, Baolan quickly upgraded his Q skill and quickly released it towards Xia. Jackeylove also had no intention of retreating. He released his E skill on Xia's head and put a bomb on it.

"He's dead!"

Jackeylove said very pretentiously.

Xia was hung with Braum's passive. Even if he gave up his flash, he could quickly flash. As long as he could hit the stun effect of Braum's passive, Tristana's E skill would be able to hit the full damage, and killing Xia was no problem at all.

However, as soon as he said this, a shocking scene appeared in front of him.

"It's me——"

The figure of the mouse appeared behind him.

"No, why is the mouse here?"

Jackeyloveve lost his confidence instantly and became flustered.

Who would have thought that the top laner would not go online at the beginning, but would gank people in the bottom lane?

While he was stunned, Rat's attack had already arrived. Shen Lang deliberately chose to go around and attack, not giving Jackeylove any chance at all.


The golden light lit up, Tristana used flash to distance himself. At this time, Jackeylove had no intention of killing Xia at all. He just wanted to escape.

But even if he used flash, Tristana was still within Rat's attack range, and Xia, who was not far away, also used flash to close the distance and activated her W skill to attack Tristana crazily.

In 2v2, Xia plus Minotaur were indeed no match for Tristana and Braum, but with Rat, the situation would be completely different.

With the combined efforts of the two, Tristana's health dropped rapidly.

In the end, under Shen Lang's conscious K, Rat successfully took down the head.


The EDG players cheered in the voice chat.

After killing the opposing ADC, Shen Lang ignored Braum who flashed into the river, but teleported directly to the top lane defense tower to minimize the loss of soldiers.

"Is this Brother Weiwu?"

In the commentary booth, Miller and others looked at each other in surprise.

They had a God's perspective, and they had guessed Shen Lang's intention when Rat stayed in the lower river.

The top laner did not go online at the beginning, but chose to gank the bottom. They could not think of such a method even if they racked their brains.

The most important thing is that Shen Lang really played it clearly.

Although Rat lost soldiers at the beginning, he successfully got Tristana's head. After teleporting to the line, he was not at a loss. Although Xia and Minotaur did not get heads, they successfully got the economy of assists.

It takes a long time for Tristana to revive and go online. At least Jackeylove cannot eat the first wave of soldiers, and the EDG bottom lane combination also makes a lot of money.

"Actually, I know that Weiwu will not stay in the top lane with Lucian when he chooses the hero Rat, but I really didn't expect him to gank the bottom lane at the beginning. Before, Zz1tai ganked the bottom lane at level 2, and now Weiwu ganked the bottom lane at level 1. I really want to open his head and see what kind of structure can produce such a brain circuit."

Wawa smiled and sighed.

"In fact, many players will have all kinds of strange ideas on the field. What is really rare about Weiwu is that he has the courage to put all kinds of ideas into action. Perhaps this is the difference between him and other professional players."

Changmao added.

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