"Brother Weiwu, why are you so disgusting!"

Jackeylove was a little upset.

The coach had high hopes for him in this game. Out of trust in him, he chose the combination of Tristana and Braum, hoping that he could suppress the opponent in the laning phase.

He also played very actively, otherwise he wouldn't have seen Xia and Alistar counterattack without thinking.

No one could have thought that Rat would actually gank the bottom lane at the beginning.

You are the top laner!

"Don't worry, the most important thing for the bottom lane now is to stabilize."

Ning Wang hurriedly spoke to comfort him.

Because they wanted to target Shen Lang, he and Rookie must focus on the top lane in this game. Shen Lang got a kill at the beginning of this game, so targeting the top lane became even more important.

If the bottom lane was hit too hard by the opponent in the laning phase, Ning Wang and Rookie would be in an awkward situation of not caring about the end.

The director switched the camera to the top lane.

After teleporting to the ground, Shen Lang did not control Rat to go forward to last-hit. Lucian was about to reach level 2. If he went forward at this time, he would inevitably be robbed by The shy and exchanged blood.

Rat did have an economic advantage now, but because Shen Lang teleported directly to the line, the economic advantage did not turn into an equipment advantage, and he was naturally no match for Lucian, who was ahead in experience.

The shy also knew this.

So after reaching level 2, he directly released the E skill forward, and then connected the Q skill to consume Rat's blood.

Shen Lang had no temper at all, so he could only continue to retreat and wait for Lucian to send the line of soldiers over before last-hitting and developing.

Seeing The shy's suppression effect on the line, the audience suddenly cheered.

Fortunately, Shen Lang also used a long-range hero. After the line of soldiers entered the tower, Lucian could not consume blood like a melee hero. Shen Lang's tower knife skills were still very good, and he did not lag behind too much in last-hitting.

The junglers on both sides quickly cleared the upper jungle area, but Ning Wang did not go up as everyone expected, but turned around and controlled Qing Gangying to come to the middle lane.

Rookie and Xiaoxuedi fought very fiercely in the early stage, and both Card and Taliyah were now only half-health.

Seeing Qing Gangying enter the bushes on the side of the middle lane, Miller directly asserted: "This wave of Taliyah seems to be dying!"

As soon as the voice fell, Rookie made a decisive move.

The W skill instantly cut the yellow card, and then decisively flashed to close the distance, and attacked...

The moment Card handed over the flash, Xiaoxuedi noticed something unusual, and he reacted quickly, and hurriedly handed over the flash in the direction of the defense tower.

But because Card's yellow card was a designated skill, Taliyah was still stunned on the spot.

Ning Wang directly E flashed.

Qing Gangying instantly came to Taliyah's side, A followed by Q skills, and then connected with W skill [Tactical Sweep], and the Card next to him also quickly stepped forward to release skills to make up for the damage.

With the combined efforts of the two, the remaining health of Rock Sparrow was quickly taken away.

When Ning Wang took action, the factory manager was squatting in the triangular bush in the top lane. He was originally thinking about helping Shen Lang to counter-squat, but he didn't expect that Qing Gangying didn't come to the top lane at all.

The factory manager hurriedly controlled Zhu Mei to walk out of the bush, wanting to take advantage of Qing Gangying's opportunity in the middle lane to gank Lucian, but The shy was prepared. The moment Ning Wang and Rookie took action in the middle lane, he did not hesitate to release the E skill backwards and walked towards the direction of the defense tower.

Rat did not have any means to keep people, Shen Lang and the factory manager could only watch Lucian pull away.

"IG's counterattack was very sharp. Ning Wang did not frantically target the top lane from beginning to end like in the previous game, but unexpectedly came to the middle lane, and with the stable control of the card, he successfully killed Rock Sparrow. In this way, Rookie's next laning will undoubtedly be much easier."

Changmao analyzed.

Card was not good at fighting Taliyah in the early stage, and he was not Taliyah's opponent in the early stage of grabbing the line. However, after the gank of the Blue Steel Shadow, Scout naturally did not dare to be too aggressive in the next laning, and Card would naturally be much easier.

More importantly, because Taliyah lost experience, Card was able to reach level 6 first.


There was no opportunity in the top lane, and the factory manager had to return to the city.

The junglers of both sides replenished their equipment, and the mid-lane directly handed in the teleport to go online.

In the following time, Ning Wang and the factory manager did not make trouble, but brushed the jungle at ease, and helped the line from time to time.

The game time soon came to five minutes.

Shen Lang finally found an opportunity to return to the city to replenish his equipment. When he walked out of the fountain again, the rat had synthesized the attack speed shoes.

In comparison, Lucian only had enough money to buy a pair of straw shoes and an attack speed dagger.

"Do you think I look like the past?"

When he was about to go online, Shen Lang saidThen he activated the Q skill to become invisible, and took the initiative to come to Lucian to exchange blood.

From the perspective of the hero, Lucian is indeed stronger at this point in time, but he can't resist the equipment lead of the rat, so The shy will naturally not retreat, and he will release the skill to exchange blood with the rat.

But when the two sides finished fighting and pulled away, Lucian's blood loss was obviously more than that of the rat.

When Ning Wang was brushing the jungle, he kept switching the screen to pay attention to the situation in the top lane. Seeing that Lucian did not win the blood exchange with the rat, he suddenly became nervous.

"Brother Shy, stay calm and wait for the card to reach level 6."

He hurriedly reminded in the voice.

Ning Wang was really worried that The shy would be killed by Shen Lang in the laning phase. The rat was originally very comfortable at the beginning. If he got Lucian's head again, he would have to raise another big devil in the top lane.

While reminding, he controlled the blue steel shadow to come to the middle lane again.

The flashes of Card and Blue Steel Shadow were still on cooldown, and Scout was very cautious in the laning phase, not giving Rookie any chance to play cards. It was not easy for IG's mid and jungle to find another chance.

However, Ning Wang did not expect to kill Taliyah again when he came to the middle lane.

He first entered the bushes, and when Taliyah came forward to release skills, Ning Wang released his E skill facing the wall.

Blue Steel Shadow quickly came to Taliyah, and hit with his W skill [Tactical Sweep], and then A followed by Q skills to output.

Junior brother hurriedly released his EW skills, used [Rock Thrust] to lift Blue Steel Shadow away, and then walked towards the defensive tower without looking back.

Seeing that Taliyah was pulling away, Ning Wang did not chase him, but turned around to help Card clear the soldiers in the middle lane.

The soldiers in the middle lane entered the tower, and Card and Blue Steel Shadow quickly disappeared from sight.

"Miss the opposing mid laner!"

Scout hurriedly fed back the information to his teammates.

"Has Card reached level 6?"

Zhaozhuang looked at the game time, and it was close to 6 minutes.

Scout shook his head: "Not yet."

He clearly remembered that when the mid lane soldiers were cleared, Card's level was still level 5.

However, what he didn't know was that after pushing the mid lane, Ning Wang and Rookie went directly into the jungle.

Ning Wang actually gave F6 to Card to eat.

With the help of Qing Gangying, Card quickly got six birds and reached level 6.

Rookie quickly upgraded his ultimate and then released it directly.

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