Rookie released his ultimate, and the skill effects immediately lit up above the heads of the five EDG players.

Looking at the eyes above his head, Shen Lang suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Due to the wrong information provided by Scout, he thought that Card had not reached level 6 yet, so he did not choose to retreat, but thought about sending the top lane soldiers into the defensive tower first, and then using the Q skill to restrict Card or Shen.

But now the embarrassing thing is that the top lane soldiers have not been sent in yet, and he is still in the state of pushing the line.

Card's ultimate landed and easily went around to the back.

The shy directly released the E skill forward, controlling Lucian to go forward and output.


Rookie did not make any mistakes. After the ultimate landed, he quickly gave a yellow card and stunned the rat on the spot.

Later, he connected the Q skill, and Lucian's damage was all poured on the rat. Although he did not kill it directly, because the line was pushed too deep, Shen Lang still had a long way to go to get back to the defensive tower.

Shen Lang didn't use his flash in the end. Lucian also had flash. Even if he used flash, he would definitely die. Instead, it would make the next laning difficult.

Rat's health was quickly emptied. Rookie deliberately gave the kill to The shy so that Lucian's economy could be recovered. In the absence of equipment gap, Lucian could maintain suppression in the laning phase.

"Hey, you are the one I caught!"

Listening to the kill information coming from his ears, King Ning couldn't help but relax.

As long as Shen Lang can't develop, it's not a big deal.

"IG is a bit cunning this time. Ning deliberately gave F6 to Card, allowing it to reach level 6 in advance. Brother Weiwu probably didn't think of this. He thought Card was only level 5 and wanted to clear the line and push into the tower and then run away."

Miller's eyes lit up.

In fact, when IG chose to play Card, it could be predicted that Rookie would definitely cause trouble when he reached level 6, and there was a high probability that he would target the top lane.

Even the audience knew this, not to mention Shen Lang, a professional player.

Under this premise, IG did not choose to change the plan, but moved the plan forward. They succeeded in achieving unexpected results with such a simple means.


In the lounge, IG coaches and analyst teams were instantly excited.

"Like to play the rat in the top lane? Catch him to death!"

Jin Jingzhu shouted excitedly.

As long as The Shy can suppress the line, then Card and Qinggangying can keep coming to the top lane, so as to replicate the results of the second game. Shen Lang can't develop from beginning to end.

After the key top lane was suppressed, it was difficult for EDG's other lanes to break the deadlock.

The middle lane Rock Bird was bombed at the beginning, and the flash was still on CD, so it was difficult to drive the rhythm. Although EDG's bottom lane had an advantage, the combination of Xia and Minotaur was more stable than aggressive. This advantage could only ensure that the line of Tristana and Braum would not be too uncomfortable. It was still difficult to snowball and expand the advantage.

All in all, IG's situation is very good.

Back to the game.

Because he was killed right after he came online, Shen Lang couldn't afford any equipment when he returned to the fountain, and the money he had was only enough to buy a true eye.

After going online again, he didn't dare to continue to line up as before.

Needless to say, the opponent will definitely target the top lane madly next, and continuing to suppress Lucian as before will easily give away his flash.

Sure enough, just as he guessed, not long after he came online, the figure of Qing Gangying appeared in the field of vision.

It is still a bit difficult for Qing Gangying without a big move to cooperate with Lucian to kill him, but it is easy to force his flash.

This is what King Ning planned.

However, Shen Lang's vision was well arranged. Qing Gangying was discovered as soon as he approached. Shen Lang decisively controlled the rat to retreat, so that the opponent did not find a chance.

Watching the rat's movements, Ning Wang knew that he was discovered. He was not discouraged. He placed his true eye in the bush and quickly eliminated the trinket eye inside.

Not long after Qing Gangying left, Card cleared the line and roamed to the top lane again.

Ning Wang and Rookie's idea was very simple. No matter whether there was a date or not, they would swing a stick first. As long as they could make the rat eat two less soldiers, then this wave of top lane would not be in vain.

Seeing IG's mid and jungle so crazy, the factory manager hurriedly controlled Zhu Mei to the top lane to counter-camp, but it did not play a big role.

Although Ning Wang and Rookie would take action, they would not be too radical. As long as they did not get too excited, EDG's top and jungle were really no match for 2v2.

The game time soon came to 8 minutes.

Qing Gangying arrivedAt level 6, Card's ultimate has already cooled down.

"Grab top, grab top!"

Ning Wang couldn't wait to say in the voice chat the moment he reached level 6.

Now he can only slightly restrict Shen Lang, far from defeating him. Since he got a kill at the beginning, Rat's economy is not much behind Lucian.

Although he was thinking about grabbing top, Ning Wang came to the middle lane first as before.

Although Taliyah's teleport was on CD, it could still use its ultimate to support. Ning Wang's idea was to send Taliyah back home first, and then he and Card would work together to target Rat in the top lane.

With the help of Qing Gangying, Taliyah was quickly beaten back home, and Rookie hurriedly sent the soldiers in the middle lane into the defensive tower, and then disappeared on the line with his jungler.

"The opponent may want to grab top!"

Scout hurriedly fed back the information to his teammates.

Upon hearing this, the factory manager quickly controlled Sejuani to move up, and reminded in the voice: "Although the opponent wants to restrict the top lane very much, the possibility of ganking the bottom lane cannot be ruled out. Xiao Zhao, you still have to be careful."

Although Xia has reached level 6 at this time, if Qing Gangying and Card come to the bottom lane at the same time, the opponent may still find an opportunity.

"IG mid and jungle still want to gank the top lane, but judging from Sejuani's movements, EDG seems to be on guard."

Miller explained loudly.

He has a God's perspective, so he naturally knows that Qing Gangying and Card did not go to the bottom lane, but chose to gank the top lane.

The shy released the skill to push the line, and soon sent the line of soldiers into the defensive tower.

Qing Gangying and Card quickly took their positions.

But just as he was about to make a move, Zhu Mei's figure appeared in his field of vision, and Rookie immediately became embarrassed:

"The opposing jungler is here, let's just forget it."

Ning Wang was a little hesitant, but looking at Zhu Mei's level, he gritted his teeth and said, "Don't go, kill the rat!"

Because he had to help Shen Lang counter-camp, the pace of the factory manager's jungle clearing in this game was not very high. At this time, Zhu Mei's level was only 5, and she needed to eat two groups of wild monsters to reach level 6.

Rookie was a little uneasy, but after a brief ideological struggle, he still chose to believe Ning Wang.

The ultimate move was activated.

The skill effects of the card suddenly appeared above the heads of the EDG people.

"Is IG going to make a move too?"

Wawa couldn't help but widen his eyes.

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