The teamfight was over, and EDG had already won.

After the teamfight wiped out the opponent, they were not only able to successfully control the Earth Dragon, but also took the opportunity to get the outer towers in the middle and bottom lanes.

"There is no suspense in this game."

Changmao began to analyze: "You can see that EDG's economic advantage has reached 5,000 now, plus two Earth Dragons, after the big dragon refreshes, they can take the opportunity to rush the big dragon, and FPX can't defend it at all."

Guan Zeyuan nodded: "This wave of teamfights is very critical. Ornn's teleporting position is very fatal to FPX. The subsequent pressure on the disappearance of Kindred's ultimate move was also done very perfectly. In comparison, GimGon's performance in the teamfight seems a bit unsatisfactory."

In fact, in the final analysis, FPX lost this teamfight completely because of the gap in the top lane.

Ornn first used his ultimate to get to the C position, and then entered the field to stick to Varus. Due to the equipment advantage, Varus's output was like scraping for Ornn, plus the key control later...

If there is an MVP in a team battle, it must be Ornn.


The wailing sound of the little dragon soon sounded.

After that, FPX could no longer stop EDG from snowballing the economy.

All the outer towers in the three lanes were destroyed, and Meiko and the factory manager were able to easily arrange vision to the FPX jungle.

Economic advantage, vision advantage, double earth dragon buff bonus...

With so many advantages, the 20-minute dragon Baron just appeared in the field of vision, and the EDG team walked towards the upper river on time.

FPX had no vision of the dragon pit at all, but at this time all the EDG team disappeared in the field of vision. It is obvious that they must want to rush the dragon.

Everyone hurriedly walked towards the upper river.

However, just when they came to the position of F6, a ball of ice suddenly flew out from the bushes on the side.


A crisp sound sounded, it was Sejuani's ultimate!

EDG did not fight the dragon at all, but wanted to use the dragon to force FPX to come over, and then they used the advantage of vision to find opportunities.

Sejuani's ultimate accurately froze Ryze. Seeing this, Liu Qingsong hurriedly released the W skill on Ryze and quickly raised the shield to avoid the subsequent damage from Kaisa.


As soon as Braum raised the shield, the sound effect of Ornn's ultimate sounded in everyone's ears.

The space in the jungle was very small, and the positions of FPX were very close, and there was no way to disperse in a short time.

Ornn's ultimate hit out and successfully hit three people.


iboy didn't think about it and directly released his ultimate to enter the field.

"Ornn's ultimate hit three people, Kaisa directly entered the field to harvest, and Varus was directly killed..."

The commentary echoed in the venue.

In fact, when Ornn's ultimate hit three people, this team battle had lost suspense.

Shen Lang directly controlled Ornn to push forward. When Varus was killed by Kaisa first, FPX couldn't hit him at all.

In this game, FPX actually had a lot of output points in the lineup, but under Ornn's suppression, the development of Gnar in the top lane and Kindred in the jungle was very poor. Without the support of equipment, there was no damage at all.

Everyone is an output point, but no one has output.

"What's going on? Is there a bug in this game? Why don't the opponents lose blood when they hit me?"

Shen Lang pretended in the voice chat.

Ornn was at the front, and the two Cs were crazy under his crotch, and the team battle ended quickly.

All EDG members were still alive, and only Gnar was left on the FPX side to lead the line in the bottom lane. GimGon hadn't even found a suitable position to teleport, and the team battle had lost suspense. After his teammates died, it was meaningless to teleport to the front.

"The battle is over. Only Gnar survived on FPX's side. The game should have lost suspense. You can see that EDG didn't even fight the big dragon, but went back to the middle lane to push the line. They wanted to end the game directly."

"Only Gnar was left and couldn't defend at all. The middle lane inner tower and the highland tower were destroyed one after another. I can congratulate EDG in advance for successfully winning the second game of Bo3. Now the score is 1:1..."

Accompanied by the voice of the commentator, the game soon came to an end.

"Nice, brothers!"

When the FPX base exploded, everyone in EDG cheered in unison.

The factory manager took off his headphones with a smile and said jokingly: "What a hearty victory!"

Others laughed.

This game has little to do with him as a jungler. Although the economic gap between the junglers on both sides gradually appeared early in the game, everyone knows that it is entirely due to Ornn.

From the factory manager's point of view,This game was indeed a bit simple.

While brushing the jungle, Kindred was caught by Ornn in the jungle, and then suddenly got the opportunity to take the little dragon and the Rift Herald. The most critical little dragon team battle had not started yet, and Ornn's entry directly made the team battle lose suspense.

As for the final big dragon team battle, it was Ornn's key team fight that directly killed the game.

"If only every game could be played so easily."

Zhanzhang sighed in his heart.

Two consecutive games, with completely different game feelings, it was difficult for EDG people not to compare the two players Shen Lang and Ray.

One needs the help of teammates, and the other can help teammates.

It's easy to tell who is better.

After the second game, everyone returned to the lounge with water cups.

After tying the score, everyone's mood became relaxed and smiles returned to their faces.

Of course...

Except Ray.

"Xiao Lang performed very well in this game. Keep working hard in the next game. It's a good idea to help teammates build advantages after gaining an advantage in the laning phase, but you still need to be more stable on the field. Some actions are too risky... and what is your Comet Ornn?"

Although Coach Nofe was full of accusations, his words meant that Shen Lang would continue to play in the next game.

"Ah, a mistake, I accidentally clicked it wrong!"

Shen Lang pretended to say.

At this time, the director showed the settlement screen of the previous game, and the MVP naturally belonged to Shen Lang's Ornn.

100% participation rate, exaggerated KDA that doesn't seem like a tank hero.

The most surprising thing is that Ornn not only has the highest damage, but also the highest output damage.

"Is this data from Ornn?"

Looking at the settlement interface, iboy was surprised.

He is an ADC, but his damage is not as high as that of a tank top laner. Although this is due to the fact that the game ended too quickly, it is also outrageous.

After a brief greeting, Nofe began to deploy the tactics for the next game: "The next game will still be centered on the double Cs, and the jungler and mid laner will lean more towards the bottom, but if there is an opportunity in the top lane, Mingkai can still go to the top lane..."

Hearing this, Shen Lang was secretly happy.

Even in EDG, which needs a top laner, as long as you can show your strength, the jungler can actually catch it.

Now the jungler can come to the top lane to find opportunities, and it may not be impossible to be the core in the future.

Changing EDG is just around the corner!

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