Time in the rest room passed quickly, and the staff entered the rest room to signal the players and coaches to prepare for the game.

"Play well in the third game!"

"Xiaolang, keep this state. Even if you can't suppress the laning like in the last game, it's acceptable if you can keep the top lane stable."

"Ray, help catch the water."


Before the game started, Abu began to give instructions.

At the beginning of the third game, the director gave the camera to the commentary seat, and Guan Zeyuan and Changmao appeared in the audience's field of vision again.

"What do you think of this game?"

Changmao looked at Guan Zeyuan next to him with a teasing face.

In the last game, he was crazy about FPX, and the final result was that FPX didn't even last until 25 minutes and was defeated by EDG.


Guan Zeyuan was a little embarrassed, but still said: "Now the scores of both sides are tied. The key is to look at the third game. If FPX adjusts its state, it still has a great chance of winning."

As soon as this was said, the EDG fans at the scene burst into warm cheers.

Guan Zeyuan said that FPX has a great chance of winning, so the game is stable!

On the stage again, GimGoon has adjusted his mentality.

In fact, if you observe carefully, you will find that his performance in the last game is very different from usual.

GimGoon is the kind of top laner with strong pressure resistance. In many cases, even if he can't play an advantage in the line, he rarely falls into a disadvantage. He rarely kidnaps the jungler in the game.

Let's look at the last game again.

Not only was he beaten in the line, but he even kidnapped the jungler in the back, making the jungler's development very uncomfortable.

The reason for such a big change is entirely because of Shen Lang's identity as a newcomer.

Before the game started, I thought I could easily control Shen Lang. When I found that I couldn't control him at will, I started to get a little excited. When I was suppressed by Shen Lang later, my mentality was completely unbalanced.

When suppressed by the veteran players, GimGoon could still take it calmly. When suppressed by the newcomers, GimGoon's mentality was unbalanced. He always wanted to fight back the disadvantage, but the more anxious he was, the easier it was for the opponent to find an opportunity.

"You actually play psychological warfare, so dirty!"

Looking at Shen Lang's face, GimGoon secretly complained.

This game must be taken seriously and the same mistake must not be made again.

In the third game, EDG was on the red side and FPX was on the blue side. After the coaches' intrigue, the lineups of both sides were quickly formed.

EDG: top single Ornn, jungle Gragas, mid single Syndra, bottom lane Varus and Braum.

FPX: top single Kennen, jungle Sejuani, mid single Taliyah, bottom lane Kaisa and Minotaur.

The heroes are basically the same heroes, but the people who use them have changed.

However, to Shen Lang's surprise, FPX did not ban Ornn. He originally thought that after Ornn was banned, he could choose a warrior hero like Noxus. Unexpectedly, Ornn was not banned at all. Nofe naturally let him continue to choose the hero that performed well in the last game.

"If tanks are not banned, how can I play warrior heroes? It seems that the strength is still not enough."

Shen Lang thought to himself.

Judging from Nofe's attitude, it is still difficult for him to use warrior heroes in the game.

So the solution Shen Lang came up with was to use tank heroes to convince the opponent first, so that the opponent would ban tank heroes on the field. In the absence of suitable heroes, he could naturally take out warrior heroes smoothly.

Not banning Ornn means that the opponent has not been convinced yet.


After the lineup was determined, the game started soon.

In this game, Shen Lang still chose Comet as his talent.

When choosing talents, Nofe deliberately stood behind him. Shen Lang deliberately clicked the Unsealed Secret Book at the beginning, and then quickly switched to Comet with his S-level hand speed when the game countdown was about to end.

Because his hand speed was too fast, Nofe didn't react at all. He only noticed it in the lounge after the game was loaded. He was angry and amused.

With this little bit of mind, he used it all to play tricks.

Buy equipment and walk out of the fountain.

After going online, Kennen's starting equipment appeared.

Doran's Shield.

"Kennen doesn't use Doran's Blade?"

Shen Lang typed in the chat box again.

Jin Gong was full of black lines, and he had an urge to hit people in his heart. The mentality that he had finally adjusted during the break fluctuated again.

When Doran's Blade was released, he asked why Doran's Shield was not released. When Doran's Shield was released, he asked why Doran's Shield was not released.

Why is it so cheap?

"I'm not angry, I'm not angry. The opponent did it on purpose. He just wanted to mess with my mentality..."

Jin Gong muttered in his heart, and frantically pinned signals to his teammates.

Not long after, the line of soldiers came out of the fountain.Kennen suddenly stepped forward and released his Q skill at Ornn.

With such an obvious move, Shen Lang clicked the mouse and easily turned off the skill.

Although Kennen's reach was long, his basic attack distance was not as long as Ornn's Q skill, so after turning off the skill, Shen Lang immediately controlled Ornn to press forward, wanting to use the Q skill and Comet to consume Kennen's health before the soldiers came out.

Seeing this, Jin Gong hurriedly controlled Kennen to retreat to the bushes above.

Shen Lang continued to control Ornn to press forward, wanting to take this opportunity to look into the bushes above.

However, at this moment, an accident suddenly happened.

The figures of Sejuani and Minotaur suddenly appeared behind him.


Shen Lang widened his eyes. The opponent's opening move really caught him off guard.

FPX's jungler and support went around from the triangle bush to the back. Ornn's position was a little forward, so even if he used Flash, he couldn't quickly return to the defensive tower. Shen Lang quickly made a judgment that this wave was a dead end, and there was no need to use Flash.

Kennen had already turned and approached, and Shen Lang also controlled Ornn to turn and walk towards the defensive tower.

Liu Qingsong was very decisive and directly used Flash to come to Ornn's side.

Q skill was released.

Ornn was knocked up, and Sejuani and Kennen came forward to make up for the damage. After Ornn landed, Sejuani used Q skill to connect the control...

With the joint efforts of everyone, Ornn's health quickly reached the bottom.

First Blood!

The system prompt sounded, and the FPX fans at the scene cheered immediately.

"FPX plays the game like this, the support and jungler came to the top lane to catch people at the beginning, and the soldiers haven't arrived yet. How big is the hatred?"

Guan Zeyuan explained.

"Kennen got the kill this time, and the laning phase is indeed very comfortable, but it feels like FPX didn't gain anything at all. In order to kill Ornn, Sejuani learned the Q skill, and now he can only open the red buff alone, no one helps him, and the jungle is very slow."

"And Kaisa in the bottom lane is even more uncomfortable. Without Alistar, he dare not go forward to eat the line. Meiko directly controls Braum to press forward, and Lin Weixiang is directly shut down. If Alistar doesn't go back quickly, Gragas will come to the bottom lane to cross the tower after brushing the blue buff!"

Alex and Liu Qingsong's actions are equivalent to sacrificing the jungler and the bottom lane to help the top lane establish an advantage.

"But no matter what, the advantage of the top lane is real. Kennen is easy to beat Ornn. Now that he gets the kill at the beginning, the laning phase will be more comfortable. In this game, Weiwu brother went offline directly."

Guan Zeyuan added.

Looking at his gray screen, Shen Lang was extremely speechless.

"Is it that serious?"

"I'm playing Ornn!"

He wailed in the voice chat.

The factory manager beside him nodded: "Of course it's that serious. Look at what you did. You almost shit on Jin Gong's face... But although your behavior is disgusting, keep working hard and try to tie up the opponent's jungler and support in the top lane, and it would be best if you can attract the mid laner as well."

"Okay, okay, this is how you play the game, right? Wait for me."

Shen Lang gritted his teeth and said.

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