"Why is Garen here?"

Looking at his dim screen, Mala Xiangguo was a little dumbfounded.

He was still thinking about how to target Shen Lang later, but he didn't expect that before he could do anything, Shen Lang came to the jungle to target him first.

Letme was also confused.

At this time, he realized that Shen Lang didn't return to the city at all, but created an illusion for him to return to the city, but actually blocked the vision and entered the jungle to deal with Qing Gangying.

"This guy is really insidious."

Letme gritted his teeth and said.

During the laning phase, his jungler was messed up by the opponent's top laner, and Letme must take the blame.

What's more uncomfortable is that Garen got the kill, and it will be very difficult for Gnar to suppress Garen as before.

Guan Zeyuan on the commentary seat was also confused.

If I remember correctly, he seemed to have just said that Garen is not easy to play in the laning phase.

"Could it be that I am really a poisonous nurse?"

Guan Zeyuan couldn't help but start to doubt himself in his heart.

Wawa and Miller were both trying to hold back their laughter. Sometimes they didn't want to believe in metaphysics, but reality made them believe it.

"At first I thought EDG's trump card was Garen on the field, but now it seems that their trump card is Mr. Ze Yuan in the commentary booth."

"RNG players' keyboards are full of milk, how can they play like this?"

"It is said that this game is a battle between the Yunlan Sect, and Brother Weiwu is Xiao Yan in e-sports. If you look at it this way, you should be the Yao Lao in the ring."

"Ze Yuan, I suggest you take out your phone and close the Weibo comments immediately."

The two of them started to tease each other crazily.


On the court.

After killing Qing Gangying, Shen Lang returned to the city directly in the bushes next to him.

When Garen came online again, the cloth shoes had been synthesized.

For heroes of the general attack type, the restraining effect of the cloth shoes is very obvious. Coupled with the passive blood recovery, Swiftness and Doran's Shield, Garen is no longer afraid of Gnar's consumption online.

After going online, he directly controlled Garen to move forward.

The E skill was released among the minions, completely ignoring the Gnar next to him.

I am standing in front of you again, how much do you think I look like before?

Letme went forward to release the Q skill, but was successfully twisted away by Shen Lang, and could only use normal attacks to consume health.

However, when Garen cleared the line of soldiers, Gnar only consumed less than a quarter of his health.

Not only that, Gnar A Garen could not clear the soldiers, causing the soldiers on the top lane to be quickly pushed into the RNG defense tower.

With control of the line, Garen was able to roam again.

"Miss the top laner on the opposite side!"

Letme's voice soon sounded in the voice chat.

Hearing this, Mala Xiangguo's anus tightened.

No one knew where Garen would jump out from, and he was now a little psychologically traumatized by Shen Lang.

"No, you play a Gnar against Garen without a coil?"

Mala Xiangguo thought it was a bit outrageous.

Letme was also very aggrieved: "The opponent has cloth shoes, Garen came up to clear the line, I have no way to deal with it."

In the final analysis, it was because Garen got the head of Shen Gangying that his equipment was better than that of the powerful Gnar.

This time, Shen Lang came to the middle lane. Although Garen did not do anything under Letme's reminder, it also made Xiaohu and Mala Xiangguo very uncomfortable.

No one wants to be on guard against Garen suddenly jumping out of the bushes next to him when laning or brushing the jungle.

When he returned to the top lane again, Garen's health was full with his passive.

When Shen Lang forced the line to roam again, Letme had to quickly A the soldier and roam.

"The opponent's top laner M..."

Before Letme finished speaking, Garen suddenly jumped out of the triangle bush.

Shen Lang did not roam at all this time, but guessed that Letme would follow him to roam the middle lane, so he waited for Gnar in the triangle bush.

The premise for Garen to be difficult to fight against Gnar is to keep a distance between the two, so that Gnar can use the acceleration of the W skill and the displacement of the E skill to poke Garen who has no displacement.

But if the two are very close, it will be difficult for Gnar to fight Garen.

Letme didn't expect Garen to squat in the triangular grass, so he didn't think about inserting a ward or releasing skills to test the grass first.

Seeing Gnar's face exploring the grass, Shen Lang immediately activated the Q skill.


After the skill hits Gnar, quickly connect with the E skill.

Gnar is not wearing any meat equipment now, and the basic damage of Garen's skills is also very painful. When the silence time is over, Letme releases the E skill to move away, and Gnar's half-blood has disappeared.

He turned back to release the Q skill, wanting to slow down Garen to counterattack, Shen Lang decisively activated the W skill, and then controlled Garen to turnHe returned to the triangular bush and placed the real eye he had bought before in the bush.

Garen disappeared from the field of vision, and Letme went up to the bush to insert the trinket eye.

However, the trinket eye was quickly removed by Shen Lang as soon as it was inserted.

Garen was now almost full of blood and could ignore the damage of Gnar.

The field of vision in the triangular bush disappeared again, and Letme did not dare to get close at all. Garen now had a big move in his hand. If he continued to be stuck, he would not be in a state of being beaten. He might have more souls under the big sword.

"Be careful, I can't restrict Garen."

Letme could only remind his teammates in the voice. It was really not easy for him to roam with this blood volume, so he could only give his teammates verbal support.

Mala Xiangguo and Xiaohu were extremely speechless when they heard this.

However, they did not worry for too long, because Garen's figure soon appeared in the field of vision again.

It was just that the position where he appeared was a little bit wrong.

Garen actually appeared behind the RNG top lane tower and cut off the soldiers going to the lane.

"No, Brother Weiwu, what are you doing?"

Guan Zeyuan widened his eyes. He really regretted saying before that 'Garen is not easy to play against'.

This is not easy to play at all. Garen not only successfully controlled the top lane, but also cut off the soldiers behind the RNG tower. He simply didn't treat Gnar as a human being.

"Is there something wrong with my understanding of the game?"

Guan Zeyuan frowned slightly and began to fall into self-doubt, but this thought was quickly denied as soon as it arose.

"No, my understanding of the game is fine. Garen is not easy to play against Gnar in the lane. The reason why this situation occurred in this game is entirely because Brother Weiwu is awesome."

Miller was also very surprised by Garen's actions: "Has the gap in the top lane reached this point? Garen crossed the tower to cut off Gnar's soldiers. What kind of fantasy is this?"

The audience was boiling.

Crossing the defensive tower to cut off the line of soldiers in the arena, what's the difference between this and shitting on the opponent's face.

Seeing Garen appearing behind him, Letme's face suddenly turned livid.

He could tolerate Sion stealing the tower, and he could tolerate Garen ignoring him and pushing the line and roaming.

But now, he really couldn't tolerate it.

"Cyan is coming, this Garen is too arrogant."

Although he was angry, Letme was still clear-headed. In his current state, he really couldn't do anything about Garen, so he could only call people.

Hearing this, Spicy Pot controlled the Blue Steel Shadow and walked straight to the top lane.

He was also very angry about Shen Lang's previous treatment of him.

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