Intercept the top lane soldiers, and then activate the E skill to clear the line.

Shen Lang didn't treat Letme as a human at all.

However, when cutting the soldiers, he also reminded his teammates in the voice: "Qiangangying should come to the top lane, the jungler can go to the bottom lane."

"You are really awesome!"

I don't know if it's because he has seen too many weird operations of Shen Lang, this time the factory manager was not too surprised, just controlled the pig girl to walk towards the bottom lane.

He has reached level 6 now, and the bottom lane combination already has a big move. If Qinggangying can be lured to the top lane by Garen, then the bottom lane does have a big chance.

It is precisely because of this that the factory manager did not stop Shen Lang's arrogant behavior.

He hoped that Shen Lang would do something crazy in the top lane, constantly attracting the attention of the opposing jungler and mid laner, so that he could easily go to the bottom lane to gank and limit Uzi's development.

The top lane soldiers were quickly cleared, and Shen Lang controlled Garen to walk towards the RNG jungle area.

At this time, Gnar also followed to the jungle area.

Shen Lang had some doubts before, but now seeing Gnar's actions, he can be sure that Qing Gangying must be heading to the top lane.

The reason is very simple. The top lane soldiers are about to enter the tower. At this time, Gnar is not clearing the line under the defensive tower, but paying the price of losing soldiers and following into the jungle, which clearly shows that he has ideas about Garen.

Gnar with this amount of health dares to have ideas about Garen, so it must be Qing Gangying.

"It's a pity that there is no flash."

Shen Lang sighed in his heart.

Without flash, even if Gnar's health reaches the killing line of the ultimate move, he can't kill him, unless Letme walks directly to his face, but professional players will definitely not make this kind of mistake.

Shen Lang's guess is not wrong. As soon as Garen entered the jungle, Qing Gangying soon appeared in the field of vision.

"Arrogance will pay a price. This wave of Garen didn't flash, and it seems that he can't run?"

Guan Zeyuan explained.

Miller was about to say that he was a poisonous nurse again, but seeing Garen's current situation, he quickly took back the words on his lips.

He couldn't think of how Garen could escape.

Without flash, he was still so far from the defense tower, and Qing Gangying had a big move...

No solution!

"You can see that the bottom lane Zz1tai's Zhu Mei is also squatting in the bushes waiting for the opportunity to attack. This wave should be that Weiwu deliberately crossed the tower to cut off the line of soldiers and forced Qing Gangying to the top lane, so as to create an opportunity for the jungler to catch Uzi. He is still so team-oriented..."

Wawa analyzed.

While talking, Mala Xiangguo had already taken action.

The E skill [Hook] was released against the wall, and then kicked directly at Garen.


The skill accurately hit Garen, stunning him on the spot, A followed by Q skill...

Qing Gangying's equipment is not very good, and the skill does not hurt Garen who already has cloth shoes.

But at this time, Gnar was already close.

Qing Gangying's damage is not enough, but the damage of the two people added up is definitely enough. It is only a matter of time to kill Garen.

In this situation, Shen Lang still remained calm.

The moment the stun effect was lifted, he decisively activated the Q skill and released it against the Qing Gangying next to him.


Garen's Q skill not only silenced Qing Gangying, but also successfully triggered the talent Swiftness to gain an acceleration effect.

Letme released the Q skill, but was twisted away by Shen Lang's position.

There was a blasting fruit on the dragon pit not far away. Seeing that Garen was walking in that direction, Spicy Pot hurriedly handed over his ultimate move.

Hextech ultimatum.

Qing Gangying jumped into the air, quickly came to Garen's side, and restricted him within the range of the ultimate move.

At the same time, Letme handed over the E skill, moved closer and attacked the blasting fruit.

"Where are you going?"

He had a smug smile on his face.

However, it was not only Letme who smiled, but also Shen Lang.

"You don't think I want to use the Explosion Fruit to escape, do you?"

Muttering to himself, Shen Lang quickly switched to the bottom lane, activated his W skill, and then used the teleport to the trinket eye in the bush.

"This is my escape route!"

The cooldown time of Qing Gangying's E skill is as long as 16 seconds. Although the ultimate can limit the hero within a certain range, the limit time of the first-level ultimate is only 2.5 seconds.

And what about the chanting time of teleport?

4 seconds!

In other words, when the teleportation chanting is completed, Qing Gangying's ultimate will also disappear.

As for Gnar next to him.

It also couldn't stop Garen from teleporting.

Gnar first fought with Garen in the triangular bush, and when the next wave of soldiers came, he followed into the wild area without attacking the soldiers.

In other words, its rage was empty.

Just attacking Garen twice was not enough to supportIt transformed into a big Gnar, and all of Little Gnar's skills could not interrupt Garen's teleport.

Seeing Garen hand over the teleport, Spicy Pot and Letme were a little surprised. After reacting, the two quickly poured their damage on Garen, trying to kill him before he teleported.

But before handing over the teleport, Shen Lang released the W skill in advance, allowing Garen to obtain 30% damage reduction. With cloth shoes in hand, the damage of the two people was not enough to kill him within 4 seconds.

In the desperate eyes of Letme and Spicy Pot, Garen disappeared from sight.

However, this is not over yet.

The location where Shen Lang teleported was not home, but the trinket eye placed in advance by Meiko in the bushes in the bottom lane.

At the same time that Garen handed over the teleport, the three EDG bottom laners attacked at the same time.

Ashe decisively handed over the ultimate move.

[Magic Crystal Arrow] was aimed at Kaisa, but in the end it only hit Minotaur.

Xiao Ming activated his ultimate to avoid control, but just when he used his flash, Sejuani's ultimate suddenly flew out from the side.


A crisp sound rang out, and Minotaur was frozen in place.

Meiko hurriedly followed up with the flash, and then used the Q skill to put Minotaur's passive on him, and then used the ultimate skill after two basic attacks.

Minotaur can get a high amount of damage reduction when his ultimate skill is activated, but EDG's three Freljord bonds can provide a lot of control.

Minotaur just got rid of Sejuani's ultimate skill, and was immediately knocked away by Braum's ultimate skill. When he landed, Braum's passive skill had already been triggered.

After TP landed, Shen Lang quickly controlled Garen to come to Minotaur, activated the E skill and turned...

No matter how much damage reduction there is, it is not enough under the combined efforts of the four people. Perhaps knowing that Minotaur is bound to die, Letme, who is not in a good state in the top lane and has a bad rage, did not give up the teleport support after all.

"Long live Demacia!"

Finally, Shen Lang used his ultimate to successfully snatch the head of the Minotaur.

The great sword is good in this respect. The lower the opponent's health, the higher the damage. It is very convenient to kill the opponent.

"Ouch, what are you doing!"

iboy looked regretful. If he had gotten this head, the bottom lane would undoubtedly be much more comfortable.

Shen Lang's mouth corners slightly raised: "Sorry, my hands were a little too fast and I didn't brake. Next time, I will definitely give it to you next time."

After getting the head again, the top lane has lost suspense.

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