In the commentary booth.

Guan Zeyuan and others all widened their eyes, as if they couldn't believe what they saw.


Miller didn't know what to say for a moment.

Guan Zeyuan showed an unbelievable expression: "How could he run away? The key is that he not only ran away successfully, but also went to the bottom lane to grab a kill."

"Teacher Zeyuan, you are a bad healer again!"

Wawa reminded.

This time Guan Zeyuan was not embarrassed: "Who could have thought of this? I don't believe you can think that Garen can run away this time."

After saying this, Miller and Wawa were speechless.

Obviously, in their analysis, Shen Lang was doomed to die.

But in this situation of doom, a miracle happened under Shen Lang's operation. Garen escaped from the double team of Qing Gangying and Gnar.

"Brother Weiwu should have deliberately interrupted the line of troops, just to attract Qinggangying up, and then Sejuani immediately went down, looking for opportunities when Ashe and Braum had their ultimates."

"Only Qinggangying's ultimate and E skill can interrupt Garen's teleport in the top lane, but under normal circumstances, Qinggangying will start with E skill, so Brother Weiwu immediately teleported after luring Qinggangying's ultimate..."

"I can only describe this wave as perfect."

Miller's evaluation of Shen Lang is very high.

There are many top laners who are strong in laning in the LPL region, but there are definitely not many top laners who can use their brains to play games.

In the RNG lounge.

Quan Zhonghe panicked!

Before the game started, he firmly believed that he could teach Shen Lang a lesson.

After the first game, he began to have some doubts in his heart, but it was just a doubt that EDG used Sion, who stole the tower, to win the game.

In this game, Sion was banned, and the opponent's top laner chose a stupid Garen.

In this case, it should be a sure win, right?

However, the situation has become wrong again since the game started.

Letme's Gnar not only failed to restrict Shen Lang's Garen, but was even suppressed by Garen.

"Let's change players in the next game."

Quan Zhonghe suddenly said.

He would definitely not admit his mistakes, but he thought that it was because Letme was in a bad state today that the laning was like this, and it would be better if the top laner was replaced by Zzitai.

Hearing this, Sun Dayong hesitated to speak.

He really wanted to tell Quan Zhonghe that the reason why the top lane was played like this had nothing to do with Letme's state, but simply because Shen Lang was so good, even if he was replaced by Zzitai, there would not be much change.

Back to the game.

After getting the kill in the bottom lane, Shen Lang quickly returned to the city to replenish his equipment. When he walked out of the fountain, the scattered wooden hammer of Black Cleaver had been synthesized.

Back to the line again, Shen Lang ignored Gnar even more.

Even though Garen has an equipment advantage now, it is still a bit difficult to kill Gnar in a single match. The damage is enough, but he can't touch him.

Since he can't target Gnar, he will change his target.

Shen Lang controls Garen to move forward, activates the W skill, and then directly releases the E skill to clear the line.

"Is there anyone who wants to invade the opponent's jungle with me?"

Shen Lang asked in the voice chat.

The factory manager came over when he smelled the smell. He didn't like to gank, but he was happy to target the opponent's jungler.

Pig Girl and Garen quickly walked towards the opponent's jungle.

"The Stone Beetle is yours, and F6 is mine."

Shen Lang quickly allocated the jungle for the Blue Steel Shadow, and the two placed their trinket eyes in the upper jungle of RNG.

Without the line right in the top lane, Spicy Pot could only watch the opponent's jungler and top laner run rampant in their own jungle.

"Why is this game so difficult to play?"

He couldn't help complaining in the voice chat.

Letme didn't dare to speak. It was a luxury to suppress Garen in this game. Now he was thinking that he could play a role in the team battle, so that today's game would not be too ugly.

After clearing the opposite jungle, Garen and Zhu Mei came to the top lane again.

"Can you help me force Gnar to flash?"

Shen Lang said in the voice.

If it was before, the factory manager would definitely not agree, but now he was grateful and soft-hearted. Shen Lang had just helped him invade the jungle to restrict Qing Gangying. If he refused Shen Lang now, it would not be good.

Gnar had already pushed the soldiers in the top lane. Letme also realized that the top laner and jungler of the opponent might come to the top lane after invading the jungle, so he quickly controlled Gnar to go under the defensive tower.

At this time, Zhu Mei walked out of the triangle grass, and quickly released the Q skill to close the distance, and then released the ultimate.


Letme reacted in time.

Although he was frozen by Zhu Mei's ultimate move, he also had the opportunity to use flash afterwards,But he didn't want to consume too much state, so for the sake of safety, he directly gave up the flash to distance himself and returned to the defense tower.

"Nice, he is already dead! You can go."

Shen Lang cheered softly.

The factory manager curled his lips: "I am BYT, right? I will throw it away after use?"

Garen returned to the top lane, released the E skill to quickly push the soldiers into the defense tower, and then disappeared on the line like before.

However, this time, Shen Lang did not roam.

"Brother Weiwu is going to do bad things again!"

In the commentary booth, Guan Zeyuan was instantly excited.

In the God's perspective, Garen cleared the soldiers and retreated from Gnar's field of vision, then turned back and entered the bushes on the top lane.

Letme didn't notice it at all!

In the expectant eyes of the audience and the commentator, Gnar quickly cleared the soldiers under the tower.


Continue to push the line forward!

Letme didn't know that Garen was still on the top lane, and was still thinking about quickly pushing the soldiers on the top lane into the opposite defense tower.

The next wave of soldiers came to the top lane, and Gnar went forward to attack the soldiers and clear the line.

At this moment, Shen Lang activated the Q skill and suddenly controlled Garen to rush out of the bush.

Gnar stood next to the bush to clear the line, and Letme had no time to react and was soon silenced by Garen.

E skill released.

With two kills in hand, Garen's damage at this time was very exaggerated, and Gnar's health dropped rapidly.

When the silence time was over, Letme hurriedly handed over the E skill to pull away.

Just taking the damage from Garen's QE skills, Gnar's health had reached the kill line.

Flash, big move.

Garen held the giant sword and inserted it into the ground, and the big sword fell from the sky.

Letme only saw his screen shaking, and then it became gray.

Single kill!

The scene was instantly boiling.

Garen's record has reached 3-0. No matter what the final result of this game is, Shen Lang has become a god in the minds of many viewers.

"You can play Garen like this in the professional arena, I would like to call you the 'God of Primary School Students'!"

"Speak up, haters, speak up, who said Garen can't play in the game?"

"If you are bad, practice more. There are no rubbish heroes, only rubbish summoners."

"I don't know how Garen is, I just know that RNG will lose this game again. Tsk tsk, will they be shaved bald by EDG?"

"It was said that RNG's strength would crush EDG, why do I see the wrong game, it seems that RNG is the one being crushed."

"Under normal circumstances, it is like this, but today EDG has the mighty brother."


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