"It's really exaggerated. Brother Weiwu simply doesn't treat the opponent as a human."

Looking at Olaf like a mad dog, Guan Zeyuan couldn't help but be amazed: "It feels like the other EDG players can even go back to the fountain to hang up in the last wave. Olaf alone can beat five opponents."

"Now there is only Minotaur left on RW's side. The game has lost suspense."

Rita was still a little unsatisfied.

It must be said that this game is indeed very exciting. Shen Lang's Olaf has been operating since the beginning, and RW is also actively looking for opportunities when it is in a disadvantageous situation.

EDG voice.

"No way, the opponent is killed already, don't you give me some room to play?"

iboy was a little annoyed.

From the beginning to the end of the team battle, he was hit by the tree of Pig Girl's ultimate move with his basic attack at the beginning, and then he didn't deal any damage at all. Olaf killed the opponent's jungler and double C, and even the remaining Minotaur didn't catch up. Killua had returned to the fountain and didn't come out, and directly gave up resistance.

At this time, the director gave the damage panel of the last team battle. Olaf's long damage bar formed a sharp contrast with others.

"How about I lie down and give you the chance?"

Shen Lang asked back.

iboy immediately laughed embarrassedly: "That's not the case. You still have to exert your strength."

How comfortable it is to lie down. You can lie down and enjoy it. Who wants to exert your strength?


"Congratulations to EDG for winning this game. Now the score has reached 2:1. EDG has two match points. For RW, maybe they really need to consider changing their tactics..."

Guan Zeyuan's voice sounded soon.

The director quickly gave the post-match data of the third game. Shen Lang successfully won the MVP with a very exaggerated KDA.

"It feels like with Xiaolang here, our game is very easy to win."

In the lounge.

Abu's face smiled like a chrysanthemum.

According to this posture, they may not be unable to compete for the summer championship, and even the world championship can be expected.

"I feel like we can already study the opponents of the World Championship in advance."

Nofe was also very confident.

RW's tactics have been figured out by them, and the roaming support system is defeated by Shen Lang's superb laning ability and ability to find opportunities.

Unless RW can come up with something new in the next game, today's game has lost suspense.

Does RW have anything new?

The answer is no.

Watching the players return to the lounge dejectedly, Niu Niu didn't even know what to say.

In this game, their players' performance was actually not bad, and there was no problem with the tactics, but they just couldn't win the game because the opponent's condition was better than theirs.

RW had nothing new in their pockets, so naturally, there was no talk of deploying new tactics. After thinking about it, Niu Niu said to the players:

"The next game is very crucial. If we can win, we will tie the score and put pressure on the opponent. If we lose, our summer season journey will end here. So I will not restrict you in this game. Play according to your ideas. I hope that even if you lose the game, you will not have regrets in your heart..."

This is called the art of speaking, otherwise how can people be coaches.


The short break time passed quickly, and in the expectant eyes of the audience, the players and coaches of both sides took the stage again.

The BP of the fourth game started soon.

EDG was on the blue side, and RW was on the red side.

Compared with the previous game, the BP of this game did not change much.

It was still the red side that banned Kaisa, the blue side banned Luo, RW restricted the top laner, and EDG banned Kled to restrict the opponent's mid laner.

After banning three heroes on both sides, EDG took the lead in locking down Pig Girl.

The more crucial the game, the more stable you need to be.

Among the five EDG players, no one can guarantee that they are more stable than Zz1tai's Zhu Mei.

It's RW's turn.

After a brief struggle, the first two heroes were quickly released:

Ezreal and Alistar.

Guan Zeyuan couldn't believe his eyes: "Even Ezreal is selected?"

You should know that Ezreal in the bottom lane of this version is not strong, and it is not even T2 in this version.

RW chose this hero because of its strong ability to save life.

After all, only when alive can you output. In the previous two games, Sima Laozei was almost killed by Shen Lang in seconds, so he had to choose Ezreal in this game.

Niu Niang's idea is to choose Ezreal without worrying about being killed in seconds, but Nofe doesn't know.

"The opponent won't really have anything new, right?"

Seeing RW choose Ezreal in the bottom lane, Nofe was worried.I suddenly became nervous, thinking that the opponent had some routine.

In a crucial game, you are not afraid of the opponent choosing a hero you are good at, but you are afraid that the opponent will choose a strange hero. You never know what killer the opponent will have. The routine that can be chosen in a last-ditch battle must be something.

Nofe's thoughts turned wildly, recalling the various materials prepared before the game in his mind, trying to find out what routine this EZ had in it.

"Do you say EZ is going to the bottom lane?"

"Have you ever encountered any weird but strong EZ when you were in rank?"

He asked eagerly in the voice.

iboy shook his head: "Even in the Rnak game, EZ was rarely chosen in the bottom lane."

Nofe looked at Xiaodi and Zhazhang again.

The two still shook their heads.

Jungle EZ was strong in the past, but that was several versions ago. Now jungle is really not good.

As for the mid lane, it can be played, but not strong.

Finally, Nofe looked at Shen Lang again.

Feeling the coach's gaze, Shen Lang smiled and said, "I don't play ranked games!"

"Is there a possibility that the opponent chose EZ simply because they were scared of me?"

He continued.

Nofe was still unsure after hearing this.

But at this time, he had no choice. He couldn't think of any routines on EZ at all. He could only follow the original plan and first lock down the mid-lane Ryze and the support Braum.

It was RW's turn again.

With Ryze being robbed, if they wanted to continue the roaming support system, the only options left for the mid-lane were Taliyah and Galio.

Niu Niu actually wanted Doinb to choose Taliyah. After all, in the previous game, a big reason for their loss in team battles was that the ADC was killed instantly, the mid-lane output was not enough, and after the ADC was killed instantly, there was no team battle at all.

In this game, they chose EZ in the bottom lane. The output of this hero is not enough. It is better to choose a hero with output in the middle lane. In this way, even if Sima Laozei is killed by the opponent in a team battle, at least there will be no one to deal damage.

But Doinb finally insisted on taking Galio. Compared with Taliyah, he felt that Galio was more convenient.

Seeing RW lock Galio, Nofe's originally worried heart calmed down instantly.

The opponent still has to play the roaming support system!

"The roaming support system is good!"

He smiled and sighed.

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