After a short confrontation, the lineup for the fourth game was quickly decided.

EDG on the blue side: top laner Jayce, jungler Sejuani, mid laner Ryze, bottom laner Braum and Ashe.

RW on the red side: top laner Sion, jungler Kindred, mid laner Galio, bottom laner EZ and Alistar.

This time, lawless did not choose Nightmare, who has stronger support capabilities.

As for the reason.

Similar to Sima Laozei's choice of EZ, Flawless was worried that he would be targeted by Shen Lang in the early stage if he chose Nightmare. In addition, the damage of his own double C was not very high, so he could only choose Kindred to make up some damage.

After the lineup was determined, I remembered to analyze it immediately: "To be honest, I am not very optimistic about RW in this game. I feel that they are a little timid in BP. They only think about how to deal with Weiwu Ge. The overall lineup is not very good."

In fact, the game also pays attention to morale. Although this is a very critical game for RW, they gave up before the game started, and they had already lost to EDG in momentum.

"In this game, Brother Weiwu chose Jayce, who has a big advantage in the early laning phase, but if he can't gain an advantage in the early phase, the role he can play in the later phase will be very small, so it depends on whether Mouse can withstand the pressure in the early phase."

Guan Zeyuan also analyzed it.

I don't know if he was worried that he would be a bad healer again, he didn't say much, and his analysis was not too biased, which made Jide and Rita next to him express their disappointment.

The game started soon.

Shen Lang bought equipment and then controlled Jayce to go straight to the top lane.

There was no pressure against Sion, so he chose to go out with a long sword and three reds, trying to gain as much advantage as possible.

Both sides did not make trouble at the beginning, and the soldiers came out quickly.

"Don't eat!"

Shen Lang imitated The shy's tone and controlled Jayce to move forward.

Since you want to choose Sion to resist pressure, then start from the beginning. Jayce's advantage of long arms in the early stage is there, and Sion is definitely not his opponent.

After the previous few games, Mouse has adjusted his mentality.

The idea of ​​suppressing the mighty brother in the laning phase had been forgotten for hundreds of years. Now he only wanted to avoid being beaten in the laning phase.

When the melee soldier was at low health, Mouse activated the W skill to control Sion to move forward.

Shen Lang quickly upgraded the W skill, first attacked Sion, then quickly released the W skill to cancel the backswing, and continued to attack Sion.

Although he successfully ate the melee soldier, by the time Sion pulled away, Jayce's three W attacks had already been launched, and Sion had consumed a lot of health.

It's as simple as a long hand hitting a short hand.

Every time Sion wanted to go forward to make a kill, his health would inevitably be consumed. As his level increased, the health cost of making a kill became greater and greater.

The game lasted only 4 minutes, and Sion was consumed by Jayce and went home.

"I have a TP advantage, you can play more aggressively."

Shen Lang said in the voice.

Jayce's condition was still very good, but his mana was not much, so Shen Lang did not follow him back to the city.

The bottom lane combination of Ashe and Braum is stronger than EZ and Alistar. Now the top laner is ahead in teleporting, and iboy and Meiko are gradually becoming stronger in the laning phase.

Not long after, Alistar's health was consumed a lot, and Killua immediately returned to the defense tower.

"RW's laning phase is so uncomfortable!"

Guan Zeyuan shook his head and said, "The heroes selected in the three lanes are not as strong as EDG's, but they will be beaten back home soon. Kindred is not easy to find opportunities at this time. It seems that they should not be able to compete for the first little dragon."

The little dragon is of fire attribute, and its importance is second only to the earth dragon.

"Look at the position of Alistar!"

Just as he was analyzing, he suddenly found something unusual.

The director switched the camera to Alistar. After Killua returned to the city, he did not go to the bottom lane, but went straight to the top lane.

"He wants to target Jayce!"

Guan Zeyuan reacted quickly: "Qian Jue is also moving up, Sion just teleported to the line, and his condition is also very good. If Brother Weiwu can't detect it in advance, Jayce will be in great danger."

In fact, RW had already started planning to target the top lane as soon as they entered the game.

But EDG discovered that Killua deliberately controlled Minotaur to move forward to eat skills when he was on the line, so as to get a reasonable reason to return to the city.

Walking on the road, Flawless also deliberately gave the passive mark to the bottom lane.

Qian Jue and Minotaur quickly came to the top lane.

Shen Lang was completely unaware of the arrival of the two.

After Sion came back online, he still played very fiercely on the line, and even pushed the line to the front of RW's top lane defense tower.

Even if Qian Jue came to gank, Sion didn'tThe ultimate skill could not provide control effects. Jayce only needed to release the E skill and switch forms to accelerate to quickly distance himself. With the flash in hand, Shen Lang was not afraid of Kindred coming to the top lane.

Seeing his jungler and support in place, Mouse controlled Sion to move forward.

Shen Lang frowned slightly, he felt something was wrong.

However, before he could control Jayce to retreat, Killua had already made a move.

Flash WQ.

To ensure that everything was foolproof, Killua didn't even want to save the flash.


Minotaur appeared next to Jayce in an instant, and this time the S+ level reaction ability was useless.

Sion stepped forward to charge the Q skill, while Flawless activated the W skill, and then released the Q skill to move to Jayce to deal damage.

Seeing this, Shen Lang immediately gave up resistance.

Even if he used Flash, he would still die. Sion and Kindred still had Flash, and Kindred had the red buff, so he had no way to quickly distance himself.

"Okay, okay, let's play it this way, right?"

Shen Lang laughed angrily. He never thought that the opponent's support would come to gank the top lane in less than 6 minutes.

Under the concentrated fire of the three RW players, Jayce's health bar was quickly cleared.

First Blood!

The system prompt sounded, and Kindred got Jayce's head.

Although Jayce was successfully killed, the RW team was not happy. This wave was not very profitable.

The moment Minotaur appeared in the top lane, Ashe and Braum in the bottom lane quickly cleared the line.

The soldiers entered the tower, but without the vision of Pig Girl, Sima Laozei did not dare to eat the line at all.

Even EZ, under the double team of EDG's bottom lane combination and jungler, will still be killed by the tower dive. The moment the Alistar went up, Sima Laozei was destined to become a victim.

Before Alistar returned to the bottom lane, EZ didn't dare to eat the line at all.

At least two waves of lines could not be eaten. For ADC, the laning directly exploded.

"I feel that RW is a bit impulsive this time. Although Brother Weiwu carried the first two games, there is no need to target him so much. What's the difference between EZ and a dead man now if he can't eat such a large wave of soldiers?"

Guan Zeyuan shook his head.

Rita next to him also laughed and teased: "The game can be lost, but Brother Weiwu must die!"

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