Almighty in the city

The first thousand and eleven chapters Maya

"Really?" Tang Guo looked carefully at the foreign currency banknote in his hand, naturally focusing on the pattern that Bai Yifan just said "printed with the pyramid and the'eye of God' side"" on.

But in many cases, the more you want to think of something, the more chaotic or empty the memory in your mind will lead to something that you can say casually, but in this case, you suddenly forget it completely. Up.

Tang Guo at this time was precisely in this state.

She frowned slightly and thought about it a lot, but she couldn't find any information about the unfinished 13-story pyramid and the "all-seeing eye" in her memory.

In the end, she shrugged helplessly, looked away from the banknotes, and returned to Bai Yifan: "Well, I really can't think of anything for the time being, so Lao Bai, you can just explain it directly. "

"It's Maya." Bai Yifan smiled and began to whisper, "The pyramids we have heard of most are two types-one is the pyramids of Egypt, the so-called tombs of the pharaohs who informed Egypt that year; One is the altar and pyramid used by the Mayans in Maya civilization that was inadvertently discovered by explorers in the Amazon rainforest."

"The Egyptian one, hasn't it been proven to be a counterfeit long ago." Ye Jiaoyang interrupted suddenly, "It was just that the Egyptian administrative agency wanted to use tourism to create foreign exchange income in order to save Egypt's nearly collapsed economy. At that time, an archaeological expedition cooperating between America and the Lion Kingdom discovered the remains of the'altar' left by the Maya in the depths of the Amazon rainforest. So the leaders of the Egyptian governing body at that time had an idea and went directly to Egypt. A group of similar buildings were copied, which were the tombs and pyramids of the Egyptian pharaohs who were later promoted to be extremely mysterious. It is with these fakes and the spare propaganda of the Egyptian authorities that have allowed Egypt It has become a tourist attraction that people all over the world yearn for, and this has brought a huge amount of foreign exchange income to the Egyptian governing body. I remember that this incident was exploded in the circle ten years ago, but the news It is blocked by the Egyptian administration and several countries in Xizhou. It is normal for ordinary people not to know it. Guoguo, you don’t know it, right?"

"It's so affectionate, do we know it well-poison tongue leaf!" Tang Guo directly lost a small look in contempt, "Of course I have heard about the Egyptian pyramids, but I just didn't remember it for a while. ——In addition, this should not have anything to do with the secrets on this foreign currency banknote. Don’t tell me the secrets you are talking about. The Egyptian pyramids are fakes."

Bai Yifan smiled and continued: "Of course not, I didn't say it just now, it's related to the Mayan civilization--"

"The'pyramid' that was discovered in the Amazon rainforest was the altar used by the Maya to worship the world, the sun and the moon. In fact, it was the appearance of the pyramid printed on this foreign currency banknote. This is the'pyramid'. The original appearance at the time of discovery, not the kind of'square cone' with a pointed top that the Egyptians later imitated after making suggestions on the film and Gaul national guys."

"Furthermore, all the'pyramid' altars in the Mayan civilization that have been discovered have a common feature, which is what you just said-the total number of towers is '13' floors. All Mayan'pyramid', regardless of The size is all layers of '13'."

"In the well-known Maya civilization’s calendar, there are two very important numbers for the Maya. One is '52', the other is '13', and between them, there are This is inseparable."

"The reason why the Mayans built the'Pyramid' into a '13' level is because the pyramid has four sides, and if each of the faces is '13', they will be exactly '52' when combined. The reason is '52' 'Because there are a total of '52' weeks in a year, or '52' weeks."

"In the Mayan calendar, there is a calculation method for the Katun cycle. A Katun cycle has a total of seven thousand two hundred days, which is about '20 years' time. Most scholars who study Maya civilization consider the last one in the Katun cycle. The year refers to this cycle. And the year of the victory of the American War of Independence was the last year of the Katun cycle of the first layer of the "pyramid"."

"See the Roman numerals on the base of the pyramid pattern on the banknotes?'MDCCLXXVI' represents the Roman numeral '1776', which is the year of the victory of the American War of Independence, and also represents the entire Katun cycle. Start."

"Based on this calculation, it can be concluded that the 13th layer of this'pyramid', which represents the end of the entire Katun cycle, is a certain day at the end of 2012."

Speaking of this, Bai Yifan paused and shrugged: "This is also one of the key sources of the 2012 doomsday rumors. Those people with ulterior motives used them to confuse the public."

"But, it turns out that 2012 is not the end of the world." Tang Guo said, "Otherwise, we would have died at that time, and we could sit here and enjoy the sun and drink coffee as comfortably as we are now-I said Lao Bai , Your so-called "secret", isn't it the ridiculous rumors of the end of the world in 2012 that are too outdated? It was how many years ago it was in 2012, and now it is said that people feel mentally retarded. "

"The'end of the world' is a rumor, but the '2012' in this note does not mean the end of the world." Bai Yifan continued to explain with a smile, "don't forget, the 13th floor of the Mayan pyramid altar At the top, there is an'omnisight and omnisight eye' that represents the eye of God."

"So.what?" Tang Guo puzzled, "Is the Illuminati combining these two patterns to tell people that starting in 2012, they can accomplish the purpose of'representing God and monitoring all mankind' Up?"

"That's what it meant." Bai Yifan shrugged, "At that time, when the people of the Illuminati printed this pattern on this foreign currency banknote, it should have been this way. Of course, their statement would be even more lofty. 'a little--"

"You mean—" Tang Guo looked at the Latin words "NOVUS", "ORDO" and "SECLORUM" in the pattern on the side of the pyramid and "God's Eye" printed on the banknote. These three are located The words under the pyramid mean, "New order of the times?"

"Compared with this word, what they like to use is—" Bai Yifan stretched his waist and finally got up from the chair, "Awakening and purification."

I accidentally fell and sprained my right wrist. I was so painful two days ago that I couldn't codewords. Today I got better, so I immediately started writing. I wanted to use phonetic codewords, but the accuracy rate was really horrible and I had to give up.

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