Almighty in the city

The first thousand and second chapters

"Awakening and purification?" Tang Guo frowned, and his eyes fell on the two Latin words "Annuite" and "Coeptis" above the pyramid pattern of a foreign currency banknote in his hand. "God leads our cause— —They don’t really think of themselves as God’s spokespersons like sons of God.”

"Maybe, who knows." Bai Yifan shrugged and said lightly, "We are not members of that club after all. Of course, it is impossible to know all their thoughts. You know, but for those of this nature, they give People's brainwashing ability is not as strong as ordinary people."

"Brainwashing depends on the target." Tang Guo retorted, "Those who are eligible to be attracted to them are not ordinary people, otherwise the four so-called so-called ones we met in the hotel lobby last night The'British aristocracy' would not be so greedy for the'membership token' above."

"Many times, brainwashing does not mean forcibly changing one's three views or beliefs." Fan Yi stretched out, and stood up from a sitting state, "such as the'Ponzi scheme', such as The popular fund-raising or illegal spread of sales in the Southeastern Continent, are the people there who have been forcibly brainwashed to change the three views or beliefs-the answer is obviously not all. Regarding this, you should Have some experience, after all, you have also stayed in Kyushu for such a long time."

Bai Yifan rolled his eyes and said in a bad mood: "I have stayed in Kyushu during this period of time, but this does not mean that I can meet the so-called "illegal spread of sales top" and "funding" in your mouth. Kyushu is all illegal. Do you think anyone in the upper class who is mentally disabled will do this in an international metropolis like Shanghai."

"That's not necessarily." Ye Jiaoyang answered lazily, "Don't forget, the several'Ponzi schemes' that appeared in newyork before, among which the most famous'Dunlunjin', was swept away three times in one go. There are more than 100 million Amai coins. Even the financial people on Holt Street have several people who have smashed their wealth in it. Do you think those "masters" who deal with finance all the time will not see them Is participating in a'Ponzi scheme'?"

"That's why it is said that greed is the original sin." Bai Yifan shrugged, "Basically, more than 70% of people who participated in the'Ponzi scheme','funding' and'illegal spread of the sales head' know them. Participating in a silly "zero-sum game", but under the temptation of the huge benefits that may be obtained, coupled with the instinctive fluke in human psychology, most people still have no hesitation in joining the scam, because They always think that with their IQ, they won't become the'stupid' existence in this silly'zero-sum game'."

"It's like investing in stocks in Kyushu." Fan Yi said with a smile, "Everyone will have the luck to think that they will not be the last taker. Then, these people will all be locked up."

"Basically correct, but there is a word that you use is not appropriate." Bai Yifan laughed, "It is not'investment', but'speculation'. The state of the stock market in Kyushu can be compared with the stock market in America since you were young. It’s not the same. Even Buffett lost almost 30 million Amaicoins in Kyushu’s A-share market some time ago-well, some digressions, but the time is almost out. They all stand up and move around and prepare to enter the chapel. Up."

"Don't worry." Ye Jiaoyang looked like "I am too lazy to move now", "There is almost an hour left until the end of the week, there is no need to rush to catch up."

"We are not in a hurry, but some people are in a hurry." Bai Yifan smiled and gestured in one direction.

Ye Jiaoyang twisted his neck suspiciously and looked in the direction he had just signaled.

In the next second, he saw four familiar figures, carrying several bodyguards dressed as "The Matrix", trotting toward this side with anxious expressions of fire.

"These four guys are really here for that thing." Ye Jiaoyang curled his lips boringly, and finally reluctantly stood up from the "collapsed" state, while While yawning, he slowly began to stretch out, "I said Lao Bai, it is better to let them go in and find people and things, and then we can grab them directly. This saves time and effort. ."

"The master of national martial arts ran to bully a few ordinary people--" Tang Guo immediately despised, "Ye Jiaoyang, you are really shameless."

"Then do you agree or disagree?" Ye Jiaoyang stretched out his waist. Hearing the words, he glanced over and spread his hands by the way.

"Agree." Tang Guo replied simply, "Anyway, you brought up this shameless idea."

"As for you, don't you disagree." Ye Jiaoyang looked at Bai Yifan, Fan Yi, Xiao Ce and Lin Qiaoyu.

Lin Qiaoyu smiled and spread out her hands and said, "I don't know or understand anything, so don't ask me anymore. I'll follow you."

"Good!" Ye Jiaoyang smiled slightly, "beautiful, you are much more straightforward than Miss Tang, I am a little beginning to appreciate you, of course, if you can go with a pair of glasses or contact lenses, that would be even better. At least you will no longer mistake the gender of others."

Lin Qiaoyu was a little surprised at once.

Tang Guo Chong Ye Jiaoyang rolled his eyes, and leaned into Lin Qiaoyu's ear and whispered: "I see it, I said long ago, this guy's eyes are even smaller than the tip of a needle--but don't worry, there is Lao Bai. I don’t dare to take the courage of him.

Lin Qiaoyu only recovered from the state of stunned shock, and was immediately amused by her words.

Especially after seeing that Ye Jiaoyang was obviously also hearing it, and after quietly comparing a middle finger to them, the more I felt that the relationship between these five people was far more than she thought. interesting.

It is completely a kind of feeling that has gone beyond friendship and has become the same as each other, family, and relatives, which is more sublimated than family love.

"So now, continue to sit down and talk to me about the secrets in this foreign currency banknote that I haven't finished talking about just now?" Tang Guo also concealed Ye Jiaoyang's middle finger and returned his eyes to Bai Yifan. "By the way, just waiting for these people to help us'express' the things we want."

Wrists are still a bit sore, especially when I want to use force, I still feel a little uncomfortable to type. I went to the hospital and checked it and said it was a moderate sprain. During this period, I tried not to do any hard work with my right hand, and then waited for it to recover naturally.In the past few days, I can only guarantee that I will continue to update, and then try to see if I can write more. After all, I have to pay back the debts before this month.

Regarding the plot, I don’t know what it feels like when you look at it, but I am a bit difficult to write, because there are too many details and plots to design, and the rationality, logic, etc. must all be considered, far It’s not as easy to write as the plots that pretended to be slapped in the face before, so I'm still going to return to the'refreshing' style of writing, otherwise it is really too slow to write, it takes more than two hours to write a chapter

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