Almighty in the city

Chapter 1023: Reason

"I'm not the old Ye guy who enjoys bad taste." Bai Yifan shrugged, "Moreover, I don't have to lie about this kind of thing. After all, it sounds very unreliable, and it's not suitable at all. To be used as a raw material for lies, isn't it."

"That's true." After the shock, Fan Yi gradually calmed down. Hearing this, he nodded in agreement, "Indeed, even Lao Xiao and I think your news is too unreliable. Change to someone else. You might think that you are talking nonsense or want to change your career to write online novels-so to speak, you really met an Adolf family, uh, the remnant is not very good, just use survivor."

He raised his head and asked Bai Yifan: "How can you be sure that he must be a survivor of the Adolf family, and not a counterfeit that fakes the name of the Adolf family? After all, the name of this family is too loud. Although it is notorious, no one can deny that they almost created a new era."

"In addition, as far as I know, the head of state was a staunch anti-Romanian believer at the time." Xiao Ce added, "In the Prussian state at that time, the attitude towards Romanian religion can be said to be north and south. Living in Most of the Prussians in the northern part of the Prussian state believe in God; and the Prussians who live in the southern part of the Prussian state are also the Prussians in the Nazi-Nazi starting area. They believe in the Nietzsche philosophy of and social Darwin Doctrine. Your Excellency the head of state is a staunch supporter of this belief. He even publicly announced that the Luo Sect and its churches around the world would all die naturally."

"It's true." Fan Yi nodded in agreement. "I remember seeing it in the literature. At that time, the head of state, in order to balance the opposition and resistance of the people in the northern region of Prussia, set up a special The head of the "National Church" forcibly integrates all churches into this "National Church", and then allows people from the Nazi system to serve as the clergy, and compiles and publishes the Prussian state version of the "Bible", which is forced in the occupied area Promotion."

"This Prussian version of the "Bible" can now be found in the information area of ​​the national libraries of many countries. All the places related to the Jews have been revised in it. Even the names of places like Jerusalem that exist in reality have been tampered with. This is to achieve the purpose of interfering with the faith of the people."

"Not only that, in the process of wanton conquests by the Nazi-Prussian state at that time, the armed department also brought a large number of'Nazi priests' from the'national church'. They worked wholeheartedly for the Nazis and followed the Nazi fully mechanized corps. In the footsteps, every time the city is captured, the local Romanian forces will be directly merged into the'national church', and all clergy who insist on belief, hostility or disagree with Nietzsche's philosophy and social Darwinism will be dismissed, and then they will be added Entering these churches, even when there is a shortage of personnel, many Nazis who have not studied theology are directly appointed as clergy members of the local church forces."

"Therefore, during the Second War, the Luo Sect had sent out the'God List' powerhouse more than once to try to execute the'Beheading Operation' against the head of state, even the former'Sun King' of the'Armed Forces Court'. He and the former Chief Referee of the Inquisition tried to kill the head of state several times, but for various reasons, they were not able to achieve it in the end."

"And after the Prussian state was defeated in the Second War, the countries in the Western Regions began to carry out thorough clearance operations against the Adolf family. Among them, the Luosect directly sent the entire'armed court' to carry out this clearance. It was completely against Adolf. The clan was killed and exterminated."

Speaking of this, the suspicious color on Fan Yi's face grew stronger and stronger: "So, the Adolf family and Luo Jiao can be said to be a pair of mortal enemies who have no room for reconciliation at all. It is absolutely impossible for Luo Jiao to let any one go. Members of the Adolf family have no reason to allow a member of the Adolf family to join; and even if there are survivors in the Adolf family, they will not be stupid enough to contact Luojiao, because it is simply the old birthday star hanging himself-too hard and too long. ."

Having said this, he and Xiao Ce stared at Bai Yifan together, waiting for him to explain.

It is not that the two of them are unwilling to believe the content of Bai Yifan's words. It is that the news is too unbelievable, and there are even logical oppositions and paradoxes that make them unable to convince themselves that a survivor of the Adolf family will become a Luo Jiaoyi. Member of this matter.

This is like a mouse running to the cat’s base camp. Instead of being played by cats to death, it becomes food for their stomachs. On the contrary, it has become a member of the cat camp. believable.

"I can be 100% sure that that person is a member of the Adolf family, not only because he personally admitted it, but also because he has superb hypnosis techniques that only members of the Adolf family know." Facing Xiao Ce and Fan Yi Staring at his gaze closely, Bai Yifan just shrugged and said lightly, "How powerful is the hypnotism mastered by the Adolf family, I don't think I need to say more about it, you should all know it, then it is the same as the three in the national arts. Like Jiaquan, they are both the top technology in their respective fields."

After a pause, he saw that the skepticism on their faces had not diminished much, and he didn't care. He just smiled faintly, and continued: "As for why I judge him to come from Luojiao in all likelihood, That's even simpler—"

"Because a few of my friends and I were visiting the Liulichang in Yanjing during the game. We happened to bump into a player from the Prussian national team. They were smuggling cultural relics with people. Among the cultural relics they traded, there was one of them. It is Luo Jiao who has to get it in every possible way."

"For this reason, they even dispatched the current Sun King of the Military Adjudication Office and the current Chief Referee of the Inquisition to attack the imperial city of Edo in Dongshu Country at night, and injured the city of Showa. Hideyoshi Hashiba, known as the "War God", also fought with "Ming Xinliu" and forcibly snatched one of the cultural relics from the collection of the Dongzhou Kingdom's imperial family that was seized from Kyushu."

"After I learned about this incident later and compared it with the smuggling of cultural relics that I ran into at Liulichang at that time, I judged that this member of the Adolf family named Piero should have been serving Luojiao. Because only Luo Jiao would want to get that thing so desperately, although, I still haven't figured out why they want to collect it so desperately."

Fourth, today's flag task is complete!Get up tomorrow and continue four more!

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