Almighty in the city

The first thousand and twenty-four chapters bronze

"What is it?" Fan Yi asked curiously, "You have repeatedly mentioned the word'cultural relics' since just now. Could it be any precious cultural relics of Kyushu? Bronze?"

"There is also a bronze ware, but it is not a precious existence in the bronze artifacts of the Kyushu Kingdom." Bai Yifan said, "Furthermore, the bronze ancient mirror unearthed from Sanxingdui in Bashu, Kyushu, some time ago, People from the Luo sect have been'civet-cat for prince' from the Palace Museum, and it should have been in St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican long ago."

Fan Yi's reaction was really fast, and he immediately thought of many things from these few words: "You just said in the chapel that the people of Luojiao once engaged in a group hypnotic attack in Yenching. , It should be Luo Jiao deliberately in order to steal the ancient bronze mirror from the palace museum, the purpose should be to disturb the public order of Yanjing, to disperse the security forces of Yanjing as much as possible, thereby reducing their removal from the palace museum The pressure of evacuating from Kyushu after the theft was successful."

"Yes." Bai Yifan nodded, "At that time, more than 70% of Yanjing's security personnel were mobilized, and even the attention of Wu'an and the troops stationed in Beijing was basically put on this hypnotic text message. 'In the incident, I also stayed in Yanjing for more than half a month because of this incident.'

"The public security in Yanjing is in chaos and the palace museum is stolen. This has something to do with you." Xiao Ce looked at him suspiciously, "The General Administration of Sports of Kyushu will never ask you to become a national tennis team. Captain, you should take on the responsibility of punishing rape and eliminating evil and maintaining public order in Yancheng--"

"No, because the'hypnotic text message' incident happened to involve a friend of mine. For her safety, I stayed in Yanjing for half a month and didn't return to Shanghai until the incident ended." Bai Yifan said.

"Ta?!" Xiao Ce's eyes suddenly widened, and a gossip look appeared on his face, "The man who is he or the woman who is she, quickly explain honestly."

Fan Yihehe laughed and said, "It's still a question, she is the female one out of ten. I have heard Guoguo said, Lao Bai, you seem to have a lot of confidantes in Kyushu."

Bai Yifan smiled faintly, did not answer his words, but did not refute.

"I'll rub it, Lao Bai, you can." Xiao Ce suddenly smirked. "Looking at this situation, where did you go to Kyushu to escape marriage? It's clear to hunt for porn-I thought your kid was not good. It turned out to be more boring than Lao Fan."

"Hey, let's talk about what I am doing." Fan Yi, who was lying inexplicably next to a weapon, rolled his eyes and said with a speechless expression, "Also, why am I sullen."

"Aren't you bored?"

"Where am I?"

"Look at your brother, and then at you. If you want a face, you dare to say that you are not Meng Sao?"

"Of course I am not Mengsao-no, I am shameless when I say this."

"Hey, you know it yourself, don't explain it."

"I don't know, please give me your advice."


The two of them fought for a few minutes. In the end Bai Yifan couldn’t stand it anymore. Then he changed the topic back to what he just said: "The people of Luojiao tried so hard to make such a big movement. Steal this ancient bronze mirror from the Palace Museum."

While talking, he had already taken out his mobile phone, swiped the screen, clicked on the photo, then selected one of them, and handed the mobile phone to Fan Yi: "Lao Fan, your family is an entertainment venue. There are a lot of antiques coming back to pay off gambling debts, maybe you know some secrets of this thing?"

"No matter how many antiques of the Fan family, there can be more than your Bai family-even you can't see anything that is coming, but I can see something." Even though he said that, Fan Yi still took it. After the fruit phone Bai Yifan handed over, he looked at the picture on the screen intently.

The Xiao Ce next to him also leaned over, wanting to see what kind of cultural relics are worthy of Luo Jiao's risk, hesitating to create chaos in Yancheng of Kyushu, risking revenge by the Kyushu state. The huge risk of smashing from the Palace Museum will also be stolen and brought back to the Vatican.

On the screen of the mobile phone, there is a picture of an ancient bronze mirror. The picture is very clear. At first glance, it is the original picture taken by the museum with an ultra-high-definition camera for archiving.

In the photo, beside this ancient bronze mirror, there is also an information card with written text, which records in detail the time when the ancient bronze mirror was unearthed, the site of excavation, the date of identification, and what archaeologists speculated. use.

"The information card on this photo has already been written in very detailed." Fan Yi looked at it carefully, and after zooming in on the photo from all angles to check some key details on the bronze mirror, he handed the phone to him. It also gave Bai Yifan, "Basically, everything I can see is recorded on this data card. However, these data can't explain why Luo Jiao is willing to pay such a huge risk, and it has to be from the Palace Museum. I stole this ancient bronze mirror."

"Yeah, this is where I am still puzzled until now." Bai Yifan shrugged, "Unfortunately, the ancient bronze mirror has been stolen by the Luo Sect and brought back to the Vatican. Otherwise, if it can be allowed When I see the real thing, maybe I can know its hidden secret."

"You think too much." Fan Yi said with a smile, "This photo of your phone is the original photo used by the Palace Museum to archive this ancient bronze mirror. Looking at this photo is actually looking at the real thing. I just observed carefully, this ancient bronze mirror, apart from the pattern on the mirror body seems to have something to say, there is nothing surprising in other places. In terms of value, it is compared with the unearthed with it. Other'Sanxingdui' bronzes can be said to be completely incomparable. Not to mention the bronze sacred tree, the square statue of the four sheep, the bronze sun wheel and the sun bird, the bronze masks and bronze human heads unearthed at the same time are more recognizable than it. Degree and representativeness."

Start to brush today's flag target.I wish you all a happy National Day in advance!Then tomorrow I’m going to visit my elders and I’m going out for a day, so I may have to take a day off. The flag goal for these two days will actually make up for tomorrow’s leave.

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