Almighty in the city

Chapter 1031: Broken Sword

Seeing Bai Yifan's confident face, Xiao Ce and Fan Yi couldn't help but glance at each other, they both saw a trace of suspiciousness in each other's eyes——

It is important to know that the identification of cultural relics is not a simple matter, especially without the assistance of sufficient identification equipment, to determine the authenticity of an antique, it is not possible to draw a conclusion by looking at it at a distance of more than ten meters.

In particular, this "sword in stone" is an ancient cultural relic of weapons. Today when modern metallurgical technology has matured and perfected, it is no longer difficult to imitate a weapon made by an ancient master craftsman. Things.

If Bai Yifan looked at it from a distance of more than ten meters, he dared to confidently determine that this ancient sword inserted in the stone platform was the "sword in stone" in the Celtic mythology system of Xizhou, even if he was studying the shadow country. Da Na, an expert on history and cultural relics, did not dare to draw this conclusion so hastily.

"Why, don't you believe it?" Bai Yifan glanced at the two of them, then smiled, "Is it true? I'll know at a glance."

Xiao Ce and Fan Yi glanced at each other again, then nodded, without saying much, they jumped over to the cave above the undercurrent in front of them.

The square platform polished by this reef is still more than ten meters away from this cave, and there is a turbulent underground undercurrent, but for Xiao Ce and Fan Yi, it is not at all to cross this distance. Difficult.

The two of them didn't even have a run-up, just relying on the explosive force that the "dark energy" accumulated on the legs, they directly made a tiger pounce, and the people ejected like an arrow from the string toward this apparently artificially excavated cave. Past.

In the blink of an eye, the two fell into the cave one after another, walking towards the rock sculptures in the cave and the ancient sword inserted in the center of the square stone platform.

Just as the two entered the cave, Bai Yifan also fell to the ground in the empty position behind them, and entered the cave.

Unlike the previous caves, this cave is equipped with the most advanced LED energy-saving lamps, illuminating the surrounding cave walls as if daylight.

The stone cave is not deep. It is entered from the entrance of the cave, but at a distance of five or six meters, you can already see the part that is firmly blocked by the mountain behind.

It is better to say that this is a stone cave than a "stone room".

"This should imitate the description of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table in the ancient troubadour of the Kingdom of Shadows." Fan Yi said after observing for a while, "From the style of the stone sculpture and the layout here. It should be a Renaissance work, but I can’t see which master’s style is."

"I don't understand this." Xiao Ce was staring at the LED energy-saving lamps around him. "However, these energy-saving lamps obviously cannot be products of the Renaissance - and the fake priest who brought us here. Well, it's impossible for this guy to disappear out of thin air."

"Maybe it's gone." Bai Yifan's voice sounded from behind the two of them. "This underground undercurrent outside is the best place to get out. You only need to prepare a rubber boat or even a raft in advance. I can get out of here along the water."

"Lao Bai, you mean, that guy is not here anymore?" Fan Yi frowned and asked.

"Maybe it's hiding somewhere now, maybe it's gone, who knows." Bai Yifan shrugged and said lightly, "Don't worry about him, look at this'Sword in the Stone'-if I guess it is right , This is the'enrollment token' left by the people of the'Illuminati' in this Ayia Napa monastery. It is really magical enough, and it can be found by them in such a hidden place."

After a pause with a smile, he shook his head and said, "This place shouldn’t even be known to the priests and nuns in this monastery-some of the old people who were forced to move out in the past may know about it, maybe, because That incident caused the Illuminati to accidentally discover this place."

While talking, he had already walked up, passed Xiao Ce and Fan Yi, raised his hand and grabbed the ancient sword on the square stone platform.

"Lao Bai!" Fan Yi suddenly raised his hand and reminded him, "Be careful of fraud."

"Don't worry, it's okay." Bai Yifan smiled at the two of them, raised his hand and continued to grab the hilt of the ancient sword inserted in the square stone platform.

Fan Yi and Xiao Ce's nerves were already fully tightened at this time, and the muscles of their bodies were like compressed springs. As long as their hearts moved, they could react explosively at any time.

Under the gaze of the two, Bai Yifan's hand touched the hilt of the ancient sword without hindrance, and then held it on it.

In the next second, with a "clang" sound, this ancient sword inserted in the square stone platform was directly pulled out.



The two surprises were almost at the same time, blurted out from the mouths of Xiao Ce and Fan Yi.

"This is--what's the situation?" Seeing that only after being pulled out of the stone platform, there was only an ancient sword with more than half of the sword body, and the two of them couldn't react to it for a while.

Under the bright light of the LED energy-saving lamp, the part of the pulled out ancient sword inserted into the stone stand was only a short inch, instead of a complete blade as Fan Yi and Xiao Ce had imagined before. .

This is a broken sword. Judging from the length and streamline of the blade at this time, the broken point of the sword occupies at least one-fifth or more of the entire sword.

In addition, the cut where the sword body was broken was pitted and had many gaps visible to the naked eye. From this, it was inferred that this sword was most likely cut by an enemy weapon during the battle.

"I'll just say, how could it be true." Looking at this broken sword, Xiao Ce curled his lips when he reacted, "I think this is what the fake priest deliberately let me discover and disgust us."

"No--" Fan Yi shook his head solemnly at this time, staring at the broken sword in Bai Yifan's hand, "Lao Bai just said it was right, this one should be the real one. The sword in the stone, the one in the British Museum, is a fake."

"What?" Xiao Ce looked at him suspiciously, "You said this broken sword is the real thing?"

"Yes." Bai Yifan's voice answered him, "The real'sword in the stone' should be a broken sword. As for the'sword in the stone' in the British Museum, maybe it is a fake, maybe, It was King Arthur's later saber-the'broken steel sword' called the'Sword in the Lake'."

In addition, the plot has deviated from my original design. It may be that my thinking has changed after the incident was changed. So I decided to end this plot as soon as possible. The next plot to the end of the successor party may not I wrote it down

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