Almighty in the city

The first thousand and thirty-two chapters Ankara

"That'sword in the lake'?" As the first heir to the Xiao family, one of the world's top celebrities, Xiao Ce may not have read fewer classics than Fan Yi, but he was preconceived from the beginning. I didn’t think about it in that direction. I was reminded by Bai Yifan and turned around. “I seem to have indeed read in a book that King Arthur once fought against King Berlinor. The "Sword in the Stone" was cut off by King Berlinor in this duel. Later, the great magician Merlin led King Arthur to a lake and took a sword from the lake fairy. This sword was "broken." 'Steel Sword', also known as'Sword in the Lake'."

He said, looking up and down, carefully examining the broken sword that Bai Yifan was holding at this time: "If there is really such a duel as written in the book, then this sword is really good. It may be the "Sword in the Stone"."

"Lao Bai, let me appreciate the sword, and let me see the famous sword in the ancient legends of Xizhou, what's so great about it." Fan Yi said with a smile.

"Except for the raw material ores, nothing is outstanding." Bai Yifan casually threw this valuable ancient sword over, and said lightly, "No matter how advanced the ancient metallurgical technology is, it cannot be compared with the modern one. It is just flame Temperature is not the same. The reason why these famous swords are respected is, on the one hand, the value of their cultural relics, and on the other hand, they are the raw materials used to create them."

"A meteorite outside the sky?" Fan Yi caught the ancient sword with the broken tip, raised his hand and stroked the sword. "After thousands of years, there is very little rust and differentiation. It seems that King Arthur's stone 'Zhongjian' was also cast by some kind of meteorite from outside the sky."

Bai Yifan nodded: "In fact, the name'Sword in the Stone' has already explained the problem-taking swords from the stone, isn't this the'alchemy' in the ancient mystics of Xizhou."

"What you said like this--" Fan Yi nodded suddenly, "It seems that it is really such a thing."

"I said--" Xiao Ce observed the cave in a circle, frowning, "This'Illuminati' has spent a lot of time in arranging this place, is it just to use this broken sword as an exhibition room? '? That counterfeit led us to find here, just to let us see these stone sculptures and the broken'sword in the stone'?"

"At present, this should be the case." Fan Yi said, "He should have judged that there is no way to'hypnotize' us for the time being, and we are not opponents in force, so he simply led us here to complete his recruitment of new examiners. The mission is gone."

"It's not necessarily so easy." Bai Yifan shook his head, "I think, this guy should have been left for calculations long ago-don't forget, those people in the chapel are all hit by'instant hypnosis' Hint."

As he was talking, three cell phone ringtones rang from the three of them almost simultaneously.

"This place can actually receive mobile phone signals?" Xiao Ce frowned, and took out his mobile phone suspiciously. "Uh, Lao Ye's call."

"Guoguo." Fan Yi looked at the caller ID on the phone screen with a suspicious expression.

"I am from Wan Yu." Bai Yifan smiled, "It seems that he still fell into that guy's calculations-it really deserves to be from that family. Calculations have become an instinct."

"An Guan?!" Fan Yi and Xiao Ce didn't react slowly. Hearing him say this, they blurted out the same term while opening the screen to answer the call.

Sure enough, the next second, Ye Jiaoyang, Tang Guo, and Lin Qiaoyu's voices came from the handset of the phone.

Except for the word order and tone, the content of what the three said is almost exactly the same——

I don’t know who called the police ahead of time. The local security officer in Ayia Napa has rushed into the monastery and is coming here. Now the outside of the monastery has been blocked by the security officer.

"Sure enough." Bai Yifan's face did not see the slightest surprise. He seemed to have expected such an occurrence a long time ago. "This is a two-handed preparation-if it can hypnotize us, he will take us from here. An underground undercurrent left here, and the gods unknowingly escaped from the encirclement of the security guard; if this is the case, it would be to throw us to the local security guard to solve it."

"But, how come there are so many security guards?" Fan Yi frowned. "According to Lao Ye and the others, two cordon lines were set up outside the monastery, and dozens of security guards rushed in. The security guards in Ayia Napa have all been mobilized here—"

Having said this, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and his gaze fell on the broken sword he was holding at the moment: "Because of this-the'sword in the stone'?!"

"Nine out of ten are because of it." Bai Yifan nodded, "This is a national treasure-level cultural relic. Regardless of its value, the discovery of the real'Sword in the Stone' political achievement and influence is enough to make Ayi Napa’s security management executives did not hesitate to pay."

"Tsk, it's really troublesome." Xiao Ce was also frowning at this time, "So it seems that we want to leave here smoothly, I am afraid it will take a little effort."

"Originally it would be more troublesome." Bai Yifan smiled, "However, since I encountered those four teasers, it would be too wasteful to make good use of them."

"Lao Bai, you mean—"

"Well, let them take care of us. After all, this is the'back garden of Shadow Nation', and they are'nobles' from Great Britain, aren't they?"


Two days later, the train station in Ankara, the Ottoman country, Yancheng, had six Bai Yifan dressed in interstellar style clothing in the middle, dragging their suitcases through the hustle and bustle of the crowd, and came to the square outside the station.

"I actually set up the international airport in Istanbul instead of Yancheng Ankara. I really don't know what the Ottomans think." Ye Jiaoyang took off his coat and threw it into the trash can next to him. Then he opened the suitcase and went inside again. I found a new one and put it on, "I bet there will be no train system worse than the Ottoman country in this world."

"That's because you haven't been to Tianzhu Country." Tang Guo laughed. "The third brother's train is so crowded. One carriage can hold all the passengers on our train just now."

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