Almighty in the city

Chapter 1033: Savoy

"That's an open-hanging nation. Is it comparable--" Ye Jiaoyang rolled his eyes. "Why don't you say that each of their motorcycles carries ten people."

"There are also flying cakes." Xiao Ce said, "I saw a video on Twitter selling Tianzhu country flying cakes. The little brother who made flying cakes in it, hey, I dare not say that I can make noodles. The pie flies better than him."

"I like to eat Tianzhu country curry." Lin Qiaoyu said with a smile, "but I have only eaten eighteen kinds of curry in the southern style of Tianzhu country. Except for two of them, the taste is a bit strange, the others are quite delicious. I heard that Tianzhu country The curry in the north has a completely different taste and style from that in the south. Let's try it together if we have the opportunity."

"Hey -" Fan Yi saw that these people talked more and more vigorously, and the topic was all about Tianzhu country curry, he couldn't help but interrupted, "I said, should I contact the'informant' first? ?"

"We are in touch." Bai Yifan said lightly, holding fruit in his hand, and the screen was a communication picture waiting for the other party to answer.

Two days ago, after the six people got out of the Ayia Napa monastery, they did not rush to check out. Instead, they asked the hotel to rent two off-road vehicles and drove directly to the Yancheng city of Konesia in Cyprus. From there, they used "special customs clearance". Passport", took the flight to Istanbul in the Ottoman country.

Before boarding the plane, Xiao Cecai called his "black card butler" and asked him to check out of the Ayia Napa Hotel and asked him to airlift his luggage to Istanbul's international airport.

Of course, the "sword in the stone" used by the "Illuminati" as a "member of membership" has already been taken away from Cyprus with their "special customs clearance passport".

And this pot is undoubtedly going to be carried by the four Chen Feiyang. As for how they will respond to the questions of the Ayia Napa security guards, this is beyond Bai Yifan's consideration.

The reason why Ankara, the city of Yancheng in the Ottoman country, was used as the second stop of this interstellar journey in central China, was that in addition to the Ottoman country being on the edge of Cyprus, it was also because some of their five "informants" provided them with the first The whereabouts of the two "Illuminati" recruit new examiners.

According to the information provided by the "informant", the second recruiting examiner of the "Illuminati" will stay in Ankara for 96 hours. Before that, if he fails to pass the test, he will obtain from him for safekeeping. That "membership token", then this person will leave with things, and even if the "membership token" is snatched from him afterwards, it will be judged by the "Illuminati" as "disposal."

And because of the calculation of recruiting new examiners by the "Illuminati" in the Ayia Napa monastery, the six had already wasted one more day in Cyprus. Although they have arrived in Ankara, the city of Yan in the Ottoman country, they are still far away from the first The two "Illuminati" recruited new examiners to leave, and only less than 30 hours were left.

Therefore, for the current plan, of course, it is best to lock this person's position as soon as possible.

As long as he can lock his position, whether it is stealing it in secret or stealing it openly, for Bai Yifan and the others, there are countless ways to get the "membership token" from him.

"...Has been boarded first?" After the call was connected, Bai Yifan frowned slightly, listening to the report from the "informant" inside, "Do you know who it is?"

Fan Yi, Xiao Ce, and Tang Guo all pricked their ears. Even Ye Jiaoyang, who was still complaining about the muddy air in Ankara, stopped complaining temporarily.

"...Shield-shaped coat of arms, red background and white cross... People are still in Ankara... OK, I see, do you know where their foothold is?" Bai Yifan asked lightly.

Fan Yi, Xiao Ce, Tang Guo, and Ye Jiaoyang couldn't help but exchange glances at the conversation between him and the "informant".

"Guoguo, which family is that from?" Although Lin Qiaoyu has not memorized the so-called "hero spectrum", she still knows the basic common sense of the family's family members very well. He knows the "shield coat of arms" Bai Yifan just said. Bajiu refers to the family coat of arms commonly used by the nobles of Xizhou. As for the "white cross on red background" at the back, it naturally represents the symbolic pattern of that family.

Although they have also experienced the feudal dynasty era, the differences between the Eastern and Western cultures have determined the very different styles of handling of the two families.

One of the most obvious points is that the family of power in the East uses the "surname" as a family symbol, and the family badge is often a simple surname, such as the "Bai", "Tang", "Ye", "Ye", "Tang", "Ye", "Xiao" and "Fan"; such as "Tang" in the Tangmen of Bashu.

This practice of using "surname" as a family symbol is full of the flavor of "Confucianism" in Eastern culture-moderate and introverted. People who know it will know its origin at a glance. If you don't know it, it means you don't know it at all. Qualifications.

However, the use of "surname" as a symbol of family also has its drawbacks. The biggest point is the "same surname".

For example, the Tang family, among the five great Yanxia people, uses "Tang" as its family emblem; the Tangmen of Bashu in the Kyushu State also uses "Tang" as its family emblem, which will allow people who are qualified to recognize the surname "Tang". , It is inevitable to try to figure out whether it is the "Tang" of the five great Yanxia people with an incognito family, or the "Tang" of the Tangmen of Bashu.

Therefore, in the East, especially in Kyushu, the more people in the upper circle, the more subtle they speak and do, and the stronger their sense of proportion.

Don’t look at some young people relying on their origins, acting arrogantly and without taboos, but if the older generation of their family comes forward, no matter what they say or do, they can make people feel a strong taste of “construction”. .

In comparison, the Western elites are much simpler and more direct.

This can be seen from their family crest--

For the nobles in the West, the symbols of their families are often not "surnames", but "heraldry" passed down from generation to generation.

These "heraldry" have gone through several generations, and the patterns above each represent a different meaning. The clan emblems of every Western family of clan can be said to be "unique" in design and existence, unlike the family of the Eastern clan. Emblems, there will also be “jumping shirts” that need to be distinguished.

For this reason, in Western culture, a discipline called "Heraldry" has been specially developed, which classifies and explains various heraldry.

In general, the coat of arms in the traditional Western sense can be roughly divided into four types: "family", "royal family", "armed department" and "church". Among them, "family" and "royal family" mostly adopt shield shape, "armed" The “department” adopts the almond shape, while the “church” mostly adopts the “square” or “mixed shape”.

Therefore, even if he has not memorized the "hero", Lin Qiaoyu immediately thinks of being a member of the "family" from Bai Yifan's "shield", and then he asked Tang Guo.

However, even though Tang Guo had memorized the "Heroes", he did not memorize much. Hearing Lin Qiaoyu's question, after thinking hard for a while, he did not memorize the heraldic pattern of the "red background and white cross" to her. Which of the Western families to correspond to.

"I told you not to read more books." Ye Jiaoyang glanced at her. "Red background and white cross. That is the emblem of the Savoy family in Gaul. Uh, it used to be a small'royal', but as early as ten At the beginning of the ninth century, it was downgraded to a'family'. Someone from this family wanted to join the upper one, but it was reasonable."

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