Almighty in the city

The first thousand and forty chapters are too bullying

"Oh! Shet!" A subconscious curse popped out of the white youth behind Al--

The first heir to the Ye family of the five great Yanxia people in an invisible family.

The first heir to the Tang family of the five great Yanxia people.

The first heir to the Xiao family of the five great Yanxia people in an invisible family.

The first heir to the Fan family of the five great Yanxia people with an incognito family.

In addition, the only heir to the Bai family of the five great Yanxia people who had just been ridiculed by them as a conversation resource.

What combination is this?

This is so special that even in the circle of top family members, it can be regarded as a combination of "Tian Tuan"!

You know, the "first in line" in every family, if nothing happens, it is the right choice for the next Patriarch.

If the few people who suddenly broke in were not pretending to be pretending to be pretending to be pretending to be pretending, then it means that the people who are standing in front of them and are talking to them are the next patriarchs of the five great Yanxia people in an invisible family!

A "the next Patriarch of the Five Great Yanxia People's Anonymous Family" may still be in their hearts, but after this "the next Patriarch of the Five Yanxia People's Anonymity Family", add the word "men", then It's definitely not something they can afford--

Not to mention them, even if the current patriarchs of the "Savoy" family behind them and the elders of the "Presbyterian Church" stand here, they may not be able to withstand the five next patriarchs of the five great Yanxia people in an invisible family. The invisible pressure of time!

At this moment, let alone the four Gabor, even Al, who secretly contributed to the current situation, can't help but give birth to an urge to scold his mother——

The five "first in line heirs" of the five great Yanxia people in an incognito family-well, four "first in line heirs" plus a more powerful "only in line heir".

You are the top group of young people in this family circle!No matter how good the relationship between your five families is, even if your five families are in the same spirit, even if your five families are both prosperous and all damaged, there is no need for the five "next patriarch" candidates to come together and act together. !

You are the "first heir" and "the only heir" of the five most insecure families of the hot summer people. Each of you can stand alone against Rothschild, Capet, Morgan, and Stuart. , Windsor, Bonaparte, Rockefeller, DuPont, Max and other top families of the "first in line" existence.

According to the tradition of "the king does not see the king" in this circle, even if the five of you have a good relationship in private, on the surface, you must maintain the majesty of your family and the unspoken rules of this circle.

If they are all like you, the "first in line heirs" of each family will appear in groups at every turn, wouldn't the rules of this circle be a mess!

Imagine Rothschild, Morgan, Rockefeller, and Yadangs, the "first heirs" of the top family families in America, forming a group to sweep the global financial market and chemical military industry.

Imagine Stuart, Windsor, Ebbing, Barrio, Gorse, Hannover, Lancaster, Bruce, Norman, the "first successors" of the top and first-class family of celebrities in movie countries, swept in a group The whole picture of Great Britain.

Imagine Carolingian, Conardin, Otto, Franconia, Hohenstaufen, Habsburg, Wittelsbach, Luxembourg, Swarzburg, Prussian country's top and first-class family of family Heirs in line", the scene of the entire Prussian empire in partnership.

Imagine the "first heirs" of the top and first-class families in Portugal, Perez, Burgundy, Aviz, Bragança, and Vimara, when they work together to monopolize the global red wine market. Which wine villa dare to bargain with them?

There are also Gaul, the Netherlands, Maraton, Raksha, the Far North, and Thailand... If they are the "first heirs" of these top and first-class families, they will all Openly hug into a group, then how can other families in this world mix?

If such a situation really occurs, like their "Savoy" who fell from the first echelon, it can be said that there is no hope of turning over and re-entering the first echelon in this life and the next life——

Therefore, in this circle, there is the tradition of "the king does not see the king". In addition to retaining hope for other families to work hard, it is more important to leave a buffer when conflicts and grievances arise among families. Space and room for turning.

If the patriarch of every family member is the symbol and spiritual leader of this family member, then the "first successor" of each family member is the future and hope of this family member.

For example, the top family members of the five major Yanxia people with a family of reclusive surnames, the "first heir" of each of them is unceremoniously a "BOSS"!

I have only seen players team up to play bosses, have you ever seen a boss team up to abuse players!

At this moment, Al, there is a kind of grievance that was bullied by the boss group.

Not only El, but the four companions around him, at this moment, all had the same kind of embarrassment of being bullied by the boss group——

I have seen someone bullying so arrogant and arrogant, I have never seen such an arrogant bully!

The "first heirs" of the five most dignified hot summer people in the reclusive family, and the "only heirs" who are even rarer than the Kyushu country's big Pangda, actually organized a group to bully them and bully them except Ai Besides, in the "Savoy family", they can only be regarded as the "little people" of the second echelon.

Nima is still shameless!

This is simply too bullying!

Gabor and Sabin looked at Bai Yifan, Ye Jiaoyang, and Tang Guo who were already standing in front of them with incomparably resentment. In addition to resentment and aggrievedness, their eyes were obviously full of strong doubts and disbelief.

But Al, as the leader of their small group, was very clearly determined at this time that these two men and a woman, including the two men and a woman who were outside the presidential suite at this time, had not yet entered. Their identities are as if they had just reported their families. In all likelihood, they are the four "first-in-line heirs" and the only "single-in-line heirs" of the five great Yanxia people in an invisible family——

Words can lie, and attitudes can be disguised.

However, the sense of aura and danger exuding from the three people in front of them that only the "Master of National Magic" who has developed the "Dark Power" can sense, it is impossible to force it.

Especially the "Bai Yifan" who claims to be "the only in-line heir to the Bai family of the five hot summer people", Al even needs to concentrate all his attention and energy to sense, in order to sense a faint breath from him. machine.

And this is the biggest reason why Al concluded that they did not lie--

The aura is very weak, which does not mean that his strength is weaker than Ye Jiaoyang and that Tang Guo.

On the contrary, it is precisely because the strength has exceeded too much that it caused him to use all his strength and could only sense that faint trace.

Whether Al is willing to believe it or not, his reason tells him that this young man who claims to be the "only successor in line" of the Bai family is very likely to have stepped into the "grand master state" in the attainments of national arts!

A "Grandmaster of National Art" in his early twenties, even if he is not the "only heir" of the Bai family, or even a child of the Bai family, he still has the absolute right to speak at this moment and place.

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