Almighty in the city

The first thousand and forty one chapter Al (Part 1)

Any family that was born from the Cold Weapon era and has not perished in the long river of history has passed through the years, and must have its own unique heritage of national art.

Whether it is the northern part of Central Continent where Kyushu is located, or the northern part of Xizhou that has experienced medieval knight civilization, or even the central interstellar that has been in the flames of war and still has ammunition, and even America, as long as it has experienced the cold weapon era, it is inevitable. There will be fighting techniques adapted to the cold weapon era. The difference lies in whether it has been passed down, or how much has been passed down, and nothing more.

As the "Savoy" family that once unified the entire Western Thailand in the Renaissance, it naturally also has its heritage of national martial arts in the cold weapon era.

Otherwise, at the age of Al just turned 25, how could he surpass ninety-nine percent of his peers and step into the ranks of the "master of national martial arts" in the martial arts.

This is where he dared to design this "leverage" drama before.

As a concubine in the "Savoy" family, although Al has shown martial arts talents and temperament far surpassing his brothers of the same age since he was a child, in the family of the family of Xizhou who emphasizes bloodliness as the mainstream, he has such talents The out-of-mind, at best, can only become a "auxiliary" role, acting as a "prince" to study or even become the shadow of the "prince", when necessary, for the family's "first heir", like him To exist, you must directly give up your life.

Of course Al does not want to be someone’s "shadow", nor does he want to be the abandoned son of the family at some point, so he has been working hard to express himself, showing his talents to the patriarch and the elders of the Presbyterian Church. Have their own loyalty to the family.

Frankly speaking, he is not an ambitious person. If he is replaced by another pure-blood brother to become the "first in line" of the "Savoy" family, he will not mind putting himself as an "auxiliary". In this role, he will definitely do his best to assist the family's first heir.

However, by the way, it is Larson Brown who is now firmly seated as the "first heir" of the "Savoy" family—

A guy who doesn't have much ability, but always wants to force the limelight, and is narrow-minded, jealous and capable.

Just as Gabor had previously dismissed complaints, if it wasn't because his father was the current patriarch of the "Savoy" family, if it wasn't because his mother was the only daughter of a real duke in the Bourbon family of Gaul, then the family's "first" The position of "first heir" is not his turn in any case.

With his ability and potential, if he wants to sit upright in the position of the "first heir" of the "Savoy" family, at least 90% of his peers in the "Savoy" family must die. It may be his turn.

Even so, Al still put himself in the role of "auxiliary" at the beginning, hoping that through his outstanding performance, he would not only be recognized by the patriarch and the elders of the Presbyterian Church, but also by Larson Brown.

However, he failed.

He was recognized by the patriarch and the entire presbytery, which made him stand out among the young people of the "Savoy" family and directly became a member of the core members of the first echelon cultivated by the family.

But at the same time, it is precisely because of his outstanding and outstanding performance that he has become one of the most hated family brothers of the family's "first heir" Larson Brown.

Although Larson Brown had no abilities, he still had the title of "first heir" to the "Savoy" family, and there was no shortage of people in the family who leaned on him and wanted to serve him.

As a result, under the instruction of Larson Brown, the few brothers he hated, including Al, began to be excluded from the family.

Some people resisted with indignation, but in the end they were sanctioned by the Presbyterian Church. What's better is that they were removed from the first echelon of the family and lost a lot of resources they originally had; they were almost marginalized in the family. Now, his status has even fallen to a level that is not as good as that of the little boss with little power among the servants in the family.

Al once saw a family brother who was not inferior to him in ability and talent. From the first echelon of the family like him, he enjoyed the full cultivation of family resources. Because he was not reconciled to being excluded, he began to try to deal with Larson Brown. In the end, he was not only the first. The status of the echelon was not preserved, and it was directly deprived of all power by the Presbyterian Church and dispatched to a remote island owned by the family.

On that island, apart from a dilapidated lighthouse from the Middle Ages that has been renovated more than a dozen times, there is not much green vegetation to see.

In the past, the ship in the family still needed this lighthouse to guide the course, but with the development of technology and the development of GPS positioning system, the family has even abandoned the route through the island where the lighthouse is located.

Being assigned to such a place, although nominally he went as an "island manager", everyone knows that this is the family announcing to everyone that this person has been completely abandoned by the family.

The relationship between Al and this family brother named Klausler cannot be said to be close, or even relatively distant. After all, Klausler is a pure-blooded origin, just like the pure-bloods in the family. There has always been an inexplicable sense of superiority for Al's background.

What's more, Klausler is still a talented young man. Not only has he cultivated to the half-step "master of martial arts" state in martial arts, he has an amazing sense of smell and superb operating skills in the field of business and finance.

Moreover, he is still a handsome guy with good looks. During his studies, he received five or six love letters almost every day. Even in the family, he is also one of the few young people with the most female affinity.

Although Al didn't like his faintly condescending posture when facing himself, he also had to admit that Klausler did have the capital to be so arrogant.

But just such a talented handsome guy, after being assigned to the island by the family, in less than a year, the whole person seemed to have completely changed.

Al once had to pass through the island where the lighthouse was because of work. When he saw Klausler again, he couldn't believe that the unshaven, drunk, sloppy drunk man in front of him was just a man. The arrogant young man who was so energetic and raised his chin subconsciously every time he spoke to himself.

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