Almighty in the city

The first thousand and sixty chapters: the law of one hundred million

Although Bai Yifan has always jokingly called the "Heir Gathering" as the "Prodigal Gathering", in fact, these young Toshihiko who are qualified to be the first-in-line heirs of the major super giants will be the real prodigal.

In these first-class wealthy families and super family members, there are indeed such "prodigals", but these people will never become the mainstream of a family.

When the "prodigal son" becomes the mainstream of a family, it basically means that the family has embarked on a turning point from prosperity to decline.

This is like the dynasties in ancient times. You only need to select the prince to determine whether the dynasty will continue to prosper or turn from prosperity to decline.

The emperors in the past have exhausted the test of which prince to pass the throne to, and they raised their heirs as worms, allowing them to fight each other, plot against each other, and even kill each other. In the end, there was only the most powerful one. Only one can truly inherit the great treasure and inherit the throne.

And these aristocratic families are like dynasties in ancient times. They also train their successors as worms, using "first in line heirs", "second in line heirs", "third in line heirs"... …The ranking of “heirs in the twentieth” is to encourage them to compete with each other. In the end, only the person who can really secure the position of the “first heir” is qualified to take over The position of the head of the family leads the whole family to continue to glory.

Under such circumstances, if you want to secure the position of the "first in line" of their respective families, how can they be easy to succeed.

In particular, this "Heirs Gathering" is a real grand gathering in the "Heirs Gathering" that only occurs every five years. The "first heirs" who can represent their families to attend this "Heirs Gathering" "People, how could it be a prodigal who only knows how to enjoy.

If he were a prodigal son, he would have been overthrown in the struggle within the family and become a marginal man.

And this "Heirs Gathering" is also another major test for these winners——

Every "heirs gathering", in addition to eating and drinking, getting to know each other, exchanging and having fun, and connecting feelings, will involve the distribution and exchange of interests of each family in the next five years.

Just like the emperors of the ancient dynasties, they often give different appointments to the princes, and let them do things in the court, or delegate them to the locals to carry out the duties of imperial ministers. This is the current emperor in the examination school for the princes to deal with the affairs and affairs Ability to deal with interpersonal relationships, laws, etc.

This "heirs gathering" is actually a gathering organized by the big wealthy families to test the abilities of their "first in line heirs".

In this gathering, each of the "first in line heirs" represents their respective families, and even temporarily possesses the decision-making power that only some "patriarchs" can have.

Ordinary people will never know that many important decisions related to their lives and destiny are actually made at the gathering of this group of young people.

This is the so-called law of twenty-eight, a cruel reality discovered by Pareto, an economist from Thailand and the West.

At the end of the nineteenth century, Pareto, an economist of Western Thailand, accidentally noticed the wealth and income pattern of the Yinyin people in the nineteenth century.

During his investigation and sampling, he found that most of the wealth went to a few people.

At the same time, he also found from early data that in other countries, such subtle relationships have repeatedly appeared, and they have shown a stable relationship in mathematics.

As a result, Pareto discovered from a large number of specific facts: 20% of the people in society occupy 80% of social wealth, and the distribution of wealth among the population is unbalanced.

After his discovery was made, people gradually discovered that there were many imbalances in life, not just the distribution of social wealth.

Thus, there is the so-called "two-eight law".

And this "heirs gathering" is precisely the best embodiment of the "28th law"——

These "first in line heirs" from the wealthy families, even if you add the children of the families who are not qualified to receive invitations, the number will not exceed 100.

It is the young Toshihiko who numbered less than 100. The various decisions they reached at the "Heirs Gathering" that officially began tomorrow will directly determine tens of billions of people in the world in the next five years or more. All aspects of study, work, life, entertainment, health care, etc. even influence the future decision-making of several major countries.

This is more than the "two-eight law", it is simply the "law of 100 million", one person determines the fate of 100 million people!

The restaurant of the Burj Al Arab is still a buffet tonight.

This kind of salon-like buffet can give everyone the greatest activity space.The real big party dinner will not officially open until tomorrow.

Of course, these "first in line heirs" from major wealthy families are not coming to the restaurant at this time specifically to eat to fill their stomachs. With their status, they want to have a good meal. It couldn't be simpler, just order the waiters, and the royal chefs in the Burj Al Arab hotel kitchen will immediately cook the food they want according to their requirements.

"Hi, Charles, Riga, Pobotero, Curran, Jr. Robert!" A tall white young man over 1.90 meters tall, holding a glass of waking red wine in his hand, smiled towards a five-year-old man. People’s little salon walked over, "How about, have you discussed my proposal yesterday?"

"Shut up! I've changed my name long ago! Call me Bobotero, be careful, and I will just turn my face to show you!" One of the five was dyed with long brown hair, wearing a red fishtail skirt, showing a fair complexion. The beautiful-backed woman gave the white youth a vicious look, "Do you want me to stab your Tudor family severely at the official party tomorrow, so you will remember it!"

This tall white youth turned out to be from the Tudor family that had ruled Yinyin Kingdom for 120 years and created the Tudor family that was recognized as the golden age in the history of the monarchy of Yinyin Kingdom.

"Okok, anyway—" the white young man smiled and raised his hand in a surrender gesture, "Dear Miss Gorse, you can let me not call your original name, but you must at least tell me you change your name from Poland. What did Botero change to?"

The Gorse family, a surname of a wealthy Xizhou family with a history older than the Tudor family. It originated from the nobles of the security administrator Ru in Gaul. It ruled Inge since the 12th century, except for the family’s hereditary territory. In addition to Anjou, the family also ruled the Duchy of Normandy, King Inge, and Duchy of Aquitaine, and once owned a vast territory from the Pyrenees to the Scottish border.

Even now, this "old antique" family has not fallen out of the first-line echelon of the family circle. From this beautiful gorse family "first heir" can get the invitation of this "heirs party", just It is enough to prove that they are still in the ranks of the wealthy families.

The New Year holiday is almost over. Have you finished your winter homework?I haven't moved a word hahahahahaha

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