Almighty in the city

The first thousand and sixty-one chapters

"Videli." Miss Gorse in a red one-piece mermaid dress snorted slightly, "If you call my previous name next time, Frank, I promise you will regret it. of."

"Very well, Vidili, I remembered." The tall white young man chuckled, put the goblet in his hand on the crystal coffee table, and sat down naturally, "The last night, for me How did you think about the previous proposal?"

"What I mean--" The young man among the five who had just been called "Little Robert" shrugged, "Anyway, our family didn't intend to get too involved in the retail industry, and the number of channels has little effect on our family. , As long as you can bring out enough benefits, of course I can stand by your side at the party tomorrow."

"I'm the same here." The blond young man named "Charles" took a sip of champagne and looked at the white young man. "As long as you can give me benefits, I can naturally support you. Of course, how strong is the support? It depends on how much benefit you can give."

The young white man Frank smiled slightly: "Don't worry, I am always fair in doing things. As long as you stand firmly on my side and support my proposal, you will definitely be satisfied with the benefits."

While speaking, he looked at the other three people including Miss Gorse.

"I need the Tudor family to sell part of Dunlun's real estate." The young man among the three who had just been called "Couran" said, "Of course, not to let your family give it away. I will buy it at the market price."

"What does your family do for Dunlun's land?" Felanke asked.

"Naturally it is useful." Kuran said, "As for what it is used for, it is still a trade secret. But I can guarantee that it will not infringe on the interests of all the families here. If you are not at ease, plan the real estate When the transfer transaction contract, the Tudor family can write this clause into the contract clause."

Frank nodded: "Which piece of land do you want in Dunlun?"

"Your Tudor family's three plots of land at Wembley Stadium, and two plots of land at Stratford." Kuran said.

"I want five pieces of land in one breath—" Frank looked at him squintingly. "I just want a support. Don't you think you are too open."

Kuran smiled: "It's not that I don't give money. I said to buy at the market price. If you think it is not cost-effective to sell to me now, I can give you a 10% premium on the market price. Since your Tudor family Choosing to compete with the Wal-Mart family in the retail industry requires a large amount of cash flow as support. Five plots of land and a 10% premium are a large amount of cash flow. Am I a lion with a big mouth? Obviously, I'm sending you charcoal in the snow, OK?"

"Cut, give charcoal in the snow—" Frank sneered, "Do you believe this?"

"Isn't it?" Kuran shrugged, her face frank.

Frank sneered: "At the level of our circle, do you think everyone has less information channels than anyone else-next year's Olympia Conference will be held in Yanjing, Kyushu, and in four years, the Olympia Conference will be settled in Dunlun. At that time, whether it is the Wembley Stadium or the land at Stratford, it will be the main stadium of the Dunlun Olympia Conference. Now you want to buy it at a premium of 10%. I thought I was stuck in the back door because of water in my head."

"The amount of commercial value that can be generated by the Dunlun Olympia Conference is too great for your Tudor family to eat in one bite." Miss Gorse, who was renamed "Bidelli", said, "Sometimes, the benefits are even. If the score is good, otherwise the parliament will riot and re-select Dun Lun’s home arena.

"Lancaster, gorse, are you threatening me?" Frank's face was still smiling and the spring breeze was blowing, but it suddenly became gloomy.

"This is not a threat, but to show you facts and reason." The last young man named "Riga" among the five also said, "The Olympia Conference in Dunlund, five years later, for us, It is a huge opportunity. If we seize it, we will basically be able to sit firmly in the position of the "first in line" of each family. Before taking over as the head of the family, there will be no more variables."

"Haha—" Felanke sneered and looked at the two who had spoken before. "Do you also mean that?"

Both Robert Jr. and Charles nodded.

"Very good!" Frank's handsome face was so gloomy that it was about to drip. "It seems that the five of you have reached an agreement and are ready to take me Frank!"

"Frank, you can't say that." Robert Jr. said, "This is a win-win exchange of interests. Our five families pay for land. Your Tudor family has a large cash flow. You can grab more in the future. Great interest. Moreover, in terms of land, the five of us don’t have to buy all of them. We can use the form of'shares' to develop together and make money together. Why not do it."

"Why not?" Frank sneered again and again, "It seems that you really think of me as a idiot! Yes, selling those five pieces of land, I can indeed get a lot of cash for the family Flow, but it will become the handle for other people in the family to use to attack me! When the match committee announces that your position is more stable, but what about me — badly I have been taken from the first Heir’s position has been squeezed out! A win-win situation, ha ha, I really want to say something to the five of you by mmp."

After a pause, he sneered and continued: "As for the joint development of something-are you stupid, or do you think I am so stupid as to be hopeless? Yes, the commercial value that Dunlun Olympia can bring The size is not small. I admit that our Tudor family can’t eat one bite, but if you add the five of you, and the six of us divide this benefit, how much can each family get? You really think that the Olympia Conference is a golden mountain. , The six companies will be divided, I might as well sell the land directly to the five of you in mmp and still earn a guaranteed income."

"Then you sell it." Miss Gorse ran on.

Frank glanced at her, he was too lazy to say a word.

"Well, Frank, don't you be so excited." Charles began to persuade, "Everyone is old acquaintances, we all know each other, and who can pit anyone. Even if our five partnerships are ready to pit you, absolutely not Taking such a deal that you can see through at a glance is not an insult to your IQ, but an insult to our own."

"Really? Then you can explain it, I want to hear, how can you just fill in such a big hole?" Frank sneered, "If it can't be filled in or rounded out, Then don’t blame me for turning my face—the big deal is that I abandon my original plan and go directly to the Wal-Mart family’s partner, and then a few plots of land will be developed together with them, but I have to see what the five of you can find from the council. The waves are coming!"

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