Almighty in the city

The first thousand and seventy-four chapters meet

Although it has been more than an hour since the buffet salon started, the restaurant is still full of people at this time, and there is no sign of ending.

As Bai Yifan said before, coming to this restaurant to participate in this type of buffet salon at this time is originally not for dinner. If you really want to have a good dinner, just call the hotel’s food delivery service. .

Tomorrow is the day when the "Heirs Gathering" officially begins. As usual, the "Heirs Gathering" will last for a total of seven days. On the first, third, fifth and seventh days, there will be a regular meeting. What do you think? Any exchange of interests or appeals can be raised at regular meetings.

If the proposed issue is controversial, it can be voted by secret ballot on the spot, and the opinion of the party with more than 50% of the votes shall prevail.

If the issue is rejected because of a vote, then the person who proposed the issue can also have the right to "appeal" and request another vote at this regular meeting or the regular meeting in the next few days.

This sounds a bit like the "parliamentary voting system" of the Eurasian countries, but the regular voting at the "Gathering of Successors" is somewhat different from the parliamentary voting of the Eurasian countries.

The biggest difference is -

If a certain issue of the Eurasian countries passes the vote of the national parliament, it can basically be implemented 100%.

In the regular meeting of the "Heirs Gathering", even if a certain issue is voted on, there are still many uncertain factors that the party that proposed the issue wants to implement the content of the issue. For example, the opponent is likely to be Secretly stumbling, and some people who voted for just because of the exchange of interests may also secretly mess up after voting.

These are all proven by history, and these "first in line heirs" who are eligible to participate in this gathering are all aware of it.

However, the issues that can be voted on through regular meetings are at least able to occupy the "righteousness". Those opponents and families who want to make trouble can only make trouble in secret, and they will never know it.

Obviously, that is provoking the rules of the entire circle. Even the Rothschild family, the DuPont family, the Rockefeller family, the Lauder family, and the five most invisible families of the hot summer people occupy the top of the pyramid in this circle. "The wealthy family" can't afford such a price.

This is also the biggest reason why these "first heirs" are still willing to exchange interests with others for the sake of canvassing, knowing that even if their issues are approved by a vote, they may still encounter unknown resistance and obstacles in the formal implementation. .

"Fame and righteousness" may be worthless in the hands of ordinary people, but in the hands of powerful people, it is a sword of Shang Fang.

Throughout the history of the Kyushu Kingdom, among the founding emperors of the dynasties, which one has never found himself "righteousness"——

Han Gaozu Liu Bang cut the white snake uprising.

The reason why Cao Sang in the Three Kingdoms period was able to hold the emperor to command the princes is because the "Han emperor" at that time occupied the orthodox "righteousness" of the royal family.

Liu Lue, who sells straw sandals and even daily food and clothing becomes a problem, why can he pull up a team and finally establish the Kingdom of Shu, because he occupies the righteousness of the "Han imperial uncle".

For the "first-in-line heirs" of the major families, the "righteousness" may not help them 100%, but if there is no "righteousness" in hand, it will basically be 100%. Hundreds of bad things.

Therefore, in order to ensure that one's own issues can be passed at the only four regular meetings in these seven days, so as to get a "righteousness", private communication, connection and exchange of interests is absolutely an indispensable link.

And this kind of buffet salon tonight undoubtedly provides them with a place for communication, connection and exchange of interests.

When Bai Yifan, Ye Jiaoyang, Fan Yi, and Xiao Ce came to the restaurant, it was clearly divided into small groups, and from time to time, people could see people "calling in" between the small groups.

There is basically no food on the plate in front of everyone, but there must be a goblet on hand, either with red wine, champagne, or cocktail and juice.

"It's still so lively." Fan Yi said with a smile, and quickly looked around, "Lao Bai, where is the Mu He chaebol eldest lady who spoke with you just now."

Bai Yifan's gaze was also looking around the entire restaurant, and soon he discovered where Mu He Qianxia was.

Although there are a lot of people in the restaurant, Mu He Qianxia suffers from no one, and her natural indifferent temperament is very different from the crowd. It is definitely one of the focus of the restaurant at this time. .

When Bai Yifan discovered her, he naturally noticed that there were at least dozens of eyes in this restaurant, intentionally or unintentionally focusing on the next head of the "Ming Xin Liu".

Similarly, when the four of them walked in from the main entrance of this restaurant, at least dozens of pairs of eyes looked over, and then some of them looked away after just one glance, and many more came in. Observe the state in secret.

Because of the expansion of the list, many new faces appeared in this restaurant. Among those who came to the "Heirs Party" for the first time, most of them certainly did not know the four of them.

But even if they don’t know each other, many people inside have just seen through the floor-to-ceiling glass windows, the cape family housekeeper Sisolini leading people to welcome Bai Yifan and his group at the main entrance of the hotel lobby, many of them The angle of view, at least I have seen their side faces.

At this time, although Bai Yifan, Ye Jiaoyang, Xiao Ce, and Fan Yi have all cleaned up and changed to their dresses, and Tang Guo and Lin Qiaoyu, who had been to the hotel together, were not there, none of the people present were human Jing, when they saw the four of them for the first time, many people immediately recognized the four of them, officially the four men among the six whom Sisolini, the chief butler of the Capet family, had just led.

Combining the discussions of the people in the restaurant when the six of them appeared, even the first person who showed up could guess that these four must be the "first heirs" of four of the five Yanxia people's hermit families.

"There are really enough new faces this time." Ye Jiaoyang naturally felt these "secret observation" gazes, and suddenly snorted, "How many invitations the Cape Family has sent out this time."

"Okay, take care of them." Bai Yifan said, Chong also spotted them Mu He Qianxia nodded, "Let's go, don't you really want to see Mu He's chaebol's daughter—"

"It's her?" Fan Yi naturally noticed which direction Bai Yifan was pointing towards, and looking in the direction from which he nodded, he noticed Mu He Qianxia with a distinctive temperament at first glance.

At the moment when he noticed Mu He Qianxia, ​​he naturally saw that the other party nodded slightly towards this side, so he immediately understood that this must be the master: "This is the Mu He chaebol's daughter, and the temperament is also It’s so different, how come you feel like an outsider?"

I owe two chapters, I didn’t make up yesterday’s -_-||, I remember, I will make up

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