Almighty in the city

The first thousand and seventy-five chapters

"It's really different." Xiao Ce nodded, "There is a sense of distance that makes people respect and far away-but playing with this kind of personality here, hey, it's not that I laughed at her, just because of the Mu He chaebol behind her. Is this qualification?"

"This is okay now. It's better to pay attention later." Ye Jiaoyang frowned slightly, and took a deep look at Mu He Qianxia. "I have a bad feeling-this woman, maybe we It may not be affordable."

"Huh?" Xiao Ce's face suddenly showed a very exaggerated expression.

He turned his head and looked at Ye Jiaoyang carefully: "You mean, we can't afford this girl? Lao Ye, are you serious?"

"She's not easy." Ye Jiaoyang frowned, and said in a deep voice, "I didn't mean the power behind her, but her."

After a pause, he looked carefully at Mu He Qianxia for a moment, and then whispered in a certain tone of voice: "Yes, it's her."

"In the national martial arts circle?" Although Xiao Ce has always had a carefree personality, it was just because he was too lazy to use his brains when he was with his own people. It did not mean that his IQ and reaction would be inferior to Ye Jiaoyang. He immediately thought of it. A possibility, "This little girl is still a master of Chinese martial arts? Can't it."

When he said this, his eyes were on Bai Yifan.

Obviously, this question was also the first time that Ye Jiaoyang and Fan Yi, who had seen Mu He Qianxia, ​​could not answer it. The only person who might know the answer was Bai Yifan.

"Lao Ye has a keen sense." Bai Yifan smiled and glanced at him squintingly. "He is right, this Mu He chaebol's daughter, you really can't afford it."

After a pause, he looked around the restaurant, and added: "It's not just the three of you, there should be no one in this restaurant who can provoke her. Of course, under normal circumstances, she shouldn't make a move. Up."

"It's really from the national martial arts circle--" Xiao Ce couldn't help but his eyes widened when he heard the answer he wanted. "Even we can't provoke her, can she still be a'national martial master'? This is too ridiculous! Depending on her age, even if she is older than us, she is not a year or two older."

"It's like a fake-replaced'Ming Xinliu' kendo master." Bai Yifan smiled, "and he is the next head of'Ming Xinliu' that has been determined."

"'Ming Xinliu'? This school seems to have been seen in some books." Fan Yi frowned and began to think about it.

"Mu He chaebol, Dongzhou Kingdom,'Ming Xinliu'——" Ye Jiaoyang also frowned and recalled. After a while, a look of sudden realization appeared on his face, "It turned out to be the'Ming Xinliu'—— This eldest daughter of the Mu He chaebol will turn out to be the next head of the kendo genre. Tsk tsk, it’s no wonder she has such an atmosphere of dust from outsiders. Twenty-year-old kendo master, this is also I can't easily provoke it."

What he said was "easy to provoke" rather than "easy to provoke". Although there is only one word difference, it shows a completely different confidence.

How awesome is the kendo master in his twenties?

Let's put it this way, the youngest martial artist of the "Grandmaster Realm" who is currently famous is also in his early forties.Martial artists such as Ye Jiaoyang, Fan Yi, Xiao Ce, and Tang Guo who have already cultivated "dark power" in their early twenties, stepping into the "Master Realm", are placed in any martial arts school in the world. The existence of the "genius" level is absolutely qualified to compete for the position of the next head of the sect. Even if it does not become the head in the end, at least it can be mixed with the position of a powerful elder in the sect.

"Masters of national martial arts" in their twenties can basically walk sideways among their peers in the national martial arts circle. As long as the "master-level" elders do not take action, few people can help them.

If you want to hurt them or kill them, you must find a warrior who is also a "Master of National Magic", and the number of them must not be small. At least one of three or four is required. When encountering Ye Jiaoyang, Fan Yi, Xiao Ce, and Tang Guo This kind of master with a deep family background, without a double-digit warrior of the same level, it is basically impossible to keep people.

The other is naturally to use thermal weapons-weapons.

Although the "Master of Chinese Magic" has broken through a certain limit of the human body, he can beat dozens of hundreds of people with his bare hands. As long as the "dark power" is not exhausted, he is not afraid of the tactics of the crowd, but he still has to raise 120,000 points in the face of bullets. the spirit of.

Of course, weapons that can threaten their lives must at least be up to the level of the weapon. Among the hand weapons, except for the Desert Eagle, other hand weapons, as long as the distance is not very close and the number of hand weapons If there are not too many words, it is impossible to keep the "Master of National Art".

But if the "Master of National Art" advances to the next level and enters the "Master Realm", let alone hand weapons, foot weapons, or ordinary sniper weapons, it will be difficult to kill them.

As mentioned in the previous article, the "Masters of National Magic" who cultivated "Dark Power" all have their own "microsphere".

This "into the micro circle" can be simply understood as a kind of "field". As long as it enters this range, even an ant shivering will be noticed for the first time.

This is the reason why it is difficult for a warrior of the "Master of National Magic" level to use the human sea tactics.No matter how many people you have, the space where you can directly contact each other is limited. You can have up to a dozen people at a time, and every move of these dozen people is in the "sensing" of the other party, and you can know which direction you are without looking at it. What actions people are doing, or based on their muscle changes to determine what actions they want to do next.

In this case, unless it is a "Master of National Magic" who has also cultivated "Dark Power", no matter how large the number of ordinary attendants, it is nothing more than the result of giving away their heads.

The reason why it is said that hand weapons are also difficult to injure the "Master of National Art", and this is the reason.

For ordinary people, the speed of hand-weapon bullets is certainly inevitable, but this speed is not necessarily unavoidable for the "Master of National Magic".

Moreover, the range of most hand weapons that can guarantee the hit rate is within 50 meters.Generally, if you want to hit the target accurately at a distance of more than 20 meters, it is a weapon hand that must be strictly trained.

There are many weapon battle scenes in TV movies where the bullets fly horizontally, but they can’t hit the protagonist. Although there are elements required for the plot, it’s not much worse in reality. As long as the skill is agile, the opponent It's also looking at you. The probability of a bullet that is 20 meters away is definitely greater than the probability of hitting you.

What's more, to open a weapon is to pull the trigger.

A "Guoshu master" can accurately determine when you open a weapon from the changes in your finger muscles. In this case, if you want to kill a "Guoshu master" with a weapon from a long distance, it is fundamental. Just telling a joke.

And the "Grandmaster of National Magic" who is more powerful than the "Master of National Magic", the scope of the micro circle is not known how many times wider than the "Master of National Magic".

If you want to use weapons to shoot them, you can only use sniper weapons that are farther away and have faster bullet speeds, and there is only one chance. If you can't hit the critical point, then wait to be chased down by the "Master of National Art". Right.

When Bai Yifan tracked down the whereabouts of the "Dream Maker", she met Mu He Qianxia in the abandoned industrial area on the outskirts of Shanghai. She was just one person and one sword, and she didn't care about the "Dream Maker" with weapons in her hand. The confidence of being a warrior in the "Master Realm".

Moreover, a 20-year-old "Grandmaster" is basically half-footed into the threshold of the future "Grandmaster". As long as he does not die, he will be a "Grandmaster" in the future. Existence, even if it is only a grassroots background, no family clan dare to provoke it easily.

However, as the "first heir" of the Ye Family, one of the five most important Yanxia people, Ye Jiaoyang had the confidence to say that I would not provoke this kind of character easily, but if I really wanted to provoke it, then I provoke it.

The reason why the five most reclusive families of Yanxia people have aloof status in the circle is that they have both the attributes of "old antiques" and "emerging celebrities" at the same time, but also because they are all top existing in the "national arts circle"——

We need money and money, we need power and power, we need people, we have the foundation and the foundation, and the most important thing is that the clan members of the family still have a strong fighting capacity. Even if they don’t rely on foreign aid, they can form five special forces themselves as long as they are willing. The troops are coming!

Therefore, Bai Yifan, Ye Jiaoyang, Xiao Ce, Fan Yi, and Tang Guo are eligible to be in the Burj Al Arab Hotel at this moment. In the total of only 24 royal suites, each person occupies a separate room, but no one will object to it.

This is the comprehensive strength and influence of the super gate valve.

But even so, when Bai Yifan introduced Mu He Qianxia, ​​Ye Jiaoyang, Xiao Ce, and Fan Yi, the latter three still showed respect for the "master-level" warriors.

Although I have seen that this beautiful woman with a dignified temperament has a very unusual relationship with Bai Yifan, Fan Yi, who has always liked to take advantage of verbal advantages, and Ye Jiaoyang, who has always been open-mouthed and venomous, are also rare to maintain a trace of caution——

No way, I really want to annoy the beautiful woman in front of me, with their current body, they will definitely suffer a loss in front of them.

The anger of a "Grandmaster-level" warrior is not something that the small body of a "master-level" warrior can bear.

"Okay, let's talk about the polite remarks later." Bai Yifan ignored the curiosity of these three people, and said directly to Mu He Qianxia, ​​"tell me in detail about the matter mentioned on the phone."

Three thousand words big chapter, almost can be divided into two chapters

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