Almighty in the city

The first thousand and eighty-nine chapters

When the restaurant of the entire sailing hotel became noisy, in the snow-covered land of the Far East, it was a rare sunny afternoon, even ice and snow could not cover the warmth of the sun.

In the sparse pine needle forest, you can hear the sound of falling snow from time to time, and occasionally there are gray-brown creatures, shaking off their furry tails, and jumping flexibly between branches.

A sound of horseshoes, neither light nor heavy, suddenly came from a distance.

There are a total of five horses, all of which are the Alkin horses of the Russian Luosite, also known as the Russian Heavy Horse.

The horses are not burly and tall, but from the outside, it seems to be a bit ironic to call them "heavy horses", but in terms of ability, even if this Alkin horse is compared to the world-famous sweaty BMW, It may not be worse.

This horse, like the Caucasian man living on this plateau, has the characteristics of a typical fighting nation-strong pull, endurance, intelligence, obedience, and extremely adaptable to the climate and living conditions.

In the Tsarist era, Alkin horses were the standard equipment for heavy cavalry. Even now, the entire Russian Luo can afford a group of Alkin horses, and only a few families.

At this time, five Alkin horses are sitting on their horses. These five are wearing thick-soled and high-waisted riding boots, carrying Maxim double-barreled hunting weapons on their shoulders, wearing thick cloaks, and wearing round-brimmed fleece hats on their heads. The Russian Luo Si Dahan, who has obvious Caucasian ethnic characteristics, is a member of the oldest Rurik family in Russian Luo history.

This family created the first dynasty of Russian Luos-the Rurik dynasty. Later, although with the death of the last tsar Fyodor Ivanovich, the most important family of the dynasty, bloodline Was cut off.

However, the Romanov dynasty that later ruled the Russian Luos, and the last queen of the Russian Luo czar, Catherine II, were closely related to the Rurik dynasty and belonged to the dynasty. Descendants of the Rick Dynasty.

Although, with the sound of the weapons of the October Revolution, the Tsarist system that has ruled Russia for thousands of years was finally disintegrated in the sea of ​​People’s War, but the descendants of the Rurik dynasty still hold close to half of Russia. Resources of wealth.

It’s just that this family is like the vast majority of the wealthy in the world. In this era, from bright to dark, people’s vision fades out. Even the vast majority of Russians almost forget this creation. Russia is the kingdom of Luo, and this super sect that has ruled this region for thousands of years.

The words composed of these two characters are very different from "family". It is definitely not a cat or dog qualified to use it.

If a family has only three generations of old, middle-aged and young people, and a family of three plus grandparents, grandparents and grandparents, then this is a standard "family."

If in addition to a family of three, grandparents, grandparents and grandparents, there are also aunts, uncles, uncles and aunts, it can be called a "big family."

If in addition to the standard equipment in the "big family", grandparents, grandparents and grandparents also have siblings, and their siblings have their own flowers and leaves under their knees, then there will be a vaguely "family" prototype, but it is only a prototype. , There is still a long way to go before you want to become a "family".

If a "big family" has the embryonic form of becoming a "family", that is, it has reached the threshold of the number of "family", then this "big family" has found the genealogy uploaded by its ancestors, and this genealogy can at least Going back three generations and five generations, then this "big family" is barely qualified to be called a "family".

Many people may think that only the "rich and noble" people are worthy of being called a "family."

This perception is actually wrong.

What is a "family", a family is a family, a house, or simply to have a piece of land where people can survive; and a clan is a clan, a group of relatives who have blood connections.

Therefore, only with a living habitat and a sufficient number of tribesmen, then no matter whether the surname is poor or rich, it is a "family". The only difference lies in the size of the family and the strength of its influence.

And what is "door valve"——

From the literal meaning of "door valve", it can also be explained by referring to "family".

The "door" of "door valve" means "family" and "lintel".

The ancients often said "Glorious lintel" and "Glorious family", that is to say, you are the face of your parents.But the term "brilliant lintel" is not like we are now, anyone can use it to praise others.

In ancient times, every word, who used it, and who used it, was very particular about it.For example, if someone passed away, the emperor was called "died"; the empress dowager, the prince, and the prince, were called ""; ministers, those with official ranks were called "pawns"; scholars, learned and famous people died called "Bulu" ; The poor and common people are called "death".

In ancient times, if you used the wrong words and violated the ritual system, you would go to jail in the middle, or behead your head.

The words "Glorious lintel" and "Glorious lintel" are in this so-called "ritual system", at least in the class of "literati", you are qualified to be praised as "Glorious lintel."

Otherwise, not only will the person who praised you be unlucky, but you will also be unlucky if you are recognized by the word.

Not every "family" is qualified to be called a "door".

As for the other word "valve" in "door valve", it is easy to understand.

When we study history, we often see "warlords". The terms "army" and "lords" actually mean the same thing, the armed department.

Therefore, the term "family" in ancient times refers to those who control military power, or the famous family who control military power.

Tang Taizong Li Shimin once gave such a definition to the term "family". What he said is a feudal power. Affluent is the big gentry and giants who formed a party for private development in the peaceful and prosperous times, and jumped out to fight for the world during the chaos.

Coincidentally, during the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the Li family, where Li Shimin belonged, was called "Li Clan" by outsiders-Ya himself was a "family clan".

Therefore, it's not that a family can be called a "family" when it is rich and powerful. Even if you forcefully pretend to be a family member, no one in the circle will recognize you.

In this family circle, it is now recognized that there are no more than thirty families that are qualified to be called "family".

Among them, the twenty-four most powerful are the twenty-four giants who are eligible to let the family's "first heir" at this time enjoy a royal suite in the Burj Al Arab Hotel.

And the Rurik family happened to be in these twenty-four houses.

This is one of the top anonymity giants in Russia. The historical background may not be as deep as the five great Yanxia family anonymity families, but the strength and power will definitely not be inferior to the five Yanxia people anonymity families.

Even if these twenty-four top giants are ranked in no particular order, but in terms of overall strength, the Rurik family can at least be ranked in the upper middle and upper reaches, compared with the five major hot summer family hermits, the Rockefeller family, and Rothschild The Erd family and so on, they are only an ally who can advance and retreat together and are of equal strength.

"Victor, it's rare that you are still in the mood to go out hunting."

Accompanied by the neigh of a horse, the young man who was slightly behind among the five beat the horse's rein, his right shoulder shook, and he shook off the Maxim double-barreled hunting weapon. The left hand holding the rein lifted slightly, and the action of aiming the weapon was completed almost in an instant.

In the next second, only a clear sound of "Tong" came from the double-barreled hunting weapon, and a piece of snowflakes splashed almost at the same time on the snow about a hundred meters away.

"Shit, it's a piece of rotten wood, I thought it was a hare!" After a weapon, the young man scolded his binocular hunting weapon on his shoulder again, but there was no disappointment on his face, "I said. Victor, at this moment your brother, he should have enjoyed the favor of other families' first-in-line heirs at the Burj Al Arab."

"Perhaps." The young man named "Victor" shrugged disapprovingly, and there was no change in expression on his face. "It's just a party, and it doesn't explain much. The time will be long in the future. "

"You are calm and calm on the surface, but in fact, your heart has become a dog in the past few days." The young man grinned, "Everyone knows that this'Heirs Party' has an extraordinary meaning--nor I know that this time the five hot summer people will remain invisible to a family, and will they continue to be in the Illuminati."

Today is a big chapter of nearly 3,000 words. I want to sort out the plot. I have dug a lot of holes in the front, and I can't bury myself.In addition, a book friend asked Lao Bai when he would return to Shanghai. After the successor gathering, he would go back. Well, but after going back, he might go to Ukraine for the "Aircraft Carrier Stealing Project" soon. Of course, he will definitely return to Shanghai after the end. To continue a new story

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