Almighty in the city

The first thousand and ninety chapters are going crazy!

"It has become a tradition for the five great Yanxia people to be invisible to the Illuminati." A slightly shrill voice with a little drake throat sounded from the young man's.

The speaker was a handsome young man with blond hair. From his face, he was very young, at most 13 or 14 years old. He should be in the transition period, and his slightly hoarse voice was full of neutral taste: " Although I don’t know why the five Yanxia people’s anonymity families got involved with the Illuminati, I heard that the five patriarchs of the five Yanxia people’s anonymity families seem to be inextricably linked to the Illuminati. It seems that when they were young, they almost died at the hands of the Illuminati."

"It seems that there is such a statement." The young man who spoke before nodded, and then shrugged again. "But the possibility of hearsay is more likely. After all, this is unproven gossip."

After a pause, he added: "Moreover, logically speaking, unless the'Illuminati' wants to fight the five great Yanxia people's incognito families in a full frontal battle—the one that never stops dying, the two sides will at best engage in a little friction. , It is absolutely impossible to directly kill the opponent's'first-in-line heir'. That would be too frustrating. It is simply forcing the opponent and one's own side to desperately."

"There is no absolute in the world." The young man called "Victor" turned his head and glanced at them, then sighed in a low voice, "There are so many illogical things in this world-- Not everything can be explained by the word'logic'."

"I know—" Before he finished his words, the handsome boy took over. "Rather than respecting logic, it is better to respect interests. In this world, there may be things that violate the rules of logic, but they will never violate them. The rule of interest-a sentence that the old lady often said during his lifetime is also one of the golden sentences that Brother Victor believes in. You want to say this again."

The young man called "Victor" raised his eyes and glanced at him, and a faint wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "If you can recite the'Golden Sentence', it means that you have learned the wisdom of the old man in life. Igor, you are still young and you have experienced too few things. After another ten years, maybe you can learn a little bit of enlightenment that the old lady left for us descendants from this sentence."

As he said, he ignored the disapproving expression on the blond boy's face, and turned his eyes to the young man just now: "And you, Lev, your city is too shallow, and the purpose of speaking and doing things is too strong and too much. Obviously. I know you want to provoke the relationship between me and Nikita, so that our brothers can fight inwardly, so as to create opportunities for those of you who are ranked third and behind-frankly , Based on your qualifications, you want to sit on the position of the family’s “first in line”, unless the young generation of the three branches of the Rurik family die two-thirds, you may still have such a lost hope Don’t look at me with that kind of eyes, you know, I’ve always spoken very directly. If you accidentally tell the truth and it hurts you, please bear with me, okay."

"You guy--" The young man named "Lev" by Victor stared bitterly, "I really want to give you a black weapon behind his back."

"Haha." Victor turned around at this time, and when he heard the words, he just shrugged and smiled, "At this distance, even if you hide the sand eagle (desert eagle) on your body, you can't hit me. What's more, this is a double-barreled hunting weapon that has no power. If you want to attack me from behind, you might as well just dig a knife directly, as the probability of success can be higher."

Lev snorted coldly, curled his lips and did not answer, because what Victor said was really the truth.

For him and Victor, who have already developed the "Dark Power", the farthest distance between the front and back will not exceed five meters. Even if it is out of the opponent's "into the micro circle", as long as the opponent has a dike, Two to three points of attention are on each other's bodies, let alone stealing weapons, even if the horse's rein is being held by the hand, there are any unreasonable changes in the muscles, but they still can't escape the other party's eyes.

This is why the warrior can directly increase his combat power dozens of times after he has developed "Dark Power"-just the words "feed the enemy plane first" will increase his survival rate by many times. At the same time, it reduced the opponent's survival rate by many times.

"Tai Chi", one of the three major internal martial arts in the Kyushu national martial arts, is primarily for practitioners to practice, not how to exert strength, how to exert energy, not for practitioners to strengthen their muscles and bones, but to let you stand. pile.

There may be friends who have learned Taijiquan from a teacher, and heard the reason why the master should learn Zhan Zhuang first-"In Zhan Zhuang, you enter a relatively static state of consciousness through the use of thinking and consciousness, and realize the yin and yang of the human body. Balance, open the meridians, reconcile the qi and blood, and nourish vital energy, so as to achieve the purpose of cultivating the essence and consolidating the vitality. Only through the exercises in the exercises can the body's true qi move freely, and the application of the mind can enter the state of tranquility. Achieve the three-in-one state of heaven, earth and man."

If you have heard this, don't really take it seriously, because 90% of it is nonsense.

There is only one reason for you to learn to stand first-practice listening!

Tingjin can be said to be a simplified version of "entering the micro circle". For martial artists who have not cultivated "dark power", practicing Tingjin can definitely increase your combat power by three to five times.

In "The Great Master", Ye Wen went to the Jinlou to meet Gong Baotian, and Mr. Gong praised "What a'Wing Chun Listening Bridge'!" This "Wing Chun Listening Bridge" is the "Ting Jin" to be practiced in Wing Chun. ".

The reason why Taijiquan is so popular among the people is that there is even a saying that "the text has Taiji for peace in the world, and the Wu has eight extremes to determine the universe", it is because Taijiquan has a set of "listening strength" for practitioners that exceeds other internal boxing. Exercise method.

Of course, "Ting Jin" is limited to ordinary warriors.

Once you have cultivated "Dark Power" and stepped into the realm of "Master of National Magic", there will be a "Microsphere". In the "Microsphere", even if you are a martial artist who has practiced "Tingjin" to the extreme, you still have Will be beaten as a son by the "Master of National Magic".

Obviously, whether it is Victor or Lev, both of them are "masters of national martial arts" who have developed "dark power".

For them, unless it is a long-range sniper weapon to sniper, otherwise close-range combat, weapons really do not have cold weapons such as daggers and flying knives.

Hearing Lev snorted and stopped talking, Victor didn't pay any more attention. He shook the horse's rein and drove the horse forward.

The Alkin horse under his seat only took four or five steps. Just as it was about to accelerate, a cell phone ringing rang from his cloak.

Victor didn't pull the reins, and allowed the Alkin horse to start running with him, but his hand had already figured out the ringing cell phone from his thick coat.

Looking at the caller ID on the screen, his bushy eyebrows subconsciously raised slightly, swiping the phone screen to his cheek, and connected the call: "Nikita, what's the matter?"

Listening to the familiar male voice on the phone, Victor’s face suddenly showed a surprised expression, and this surprise quickly turned into shock: "What?! Two consecutive slaps?! Both are already. Leaving?! This is going crazy—"

After I came back, I originally coded a chapter and thought about sorting out my thoughts and then I could write faster, but I received another training invitation, and it would take a month...I can only go if I can’t push the favor, but the most tiring and busiest The stage of collecting style has passed. The next step is to write "propositions" and free works in the hotel. There is no way for propositions. For free works, I am going to make up the few short and medium articles I have written before. Next, write the proposition in the morning and write in the afternoon. The book update, there may be entertainment in the evening, there should be no interruption before the end of the month, explain to you, and apologize (I really did not expect that these two months are all training -_-! But the favor Gilded, it’s not good not to go)

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