Almighty in the city

Chapter 126 Unexpected Doubles

At the end of the first singles match, when Geely player Gacharin walked from the court to the rest area, the whole person was a bit like a walking dead without thinking. Step by step, the pace was stupid, his body was stiff, and his face was full of embarrassment. Forced and bitter.

Once, he practiced so hard in order to one day become a member of the national team, represent the British Empire in the world, and compete with the famous tennis players in the ATP world rankings.

Once, he felt that even if he played against a tennis player like Murray, he might not have the power to fight.

However, all the ambitions, all the new born calves who are not afraid of tigers, have been smashed in the singles of the set just now!

He, even unable to hit back a ball to his opponent, was cleanly turned over on this court by "Dish", which was turned over in full view of the thousands of spectators at the scene.

"Hey!" When he walked into the rest area stupidly, he was suddenly punched in the chest. "It's a rare experience to play against such a master. Why should you be so depressed?"

Gacharin raised his head blankly, only to see Murray's handsome smiling face.

He gave a smile that was even more ugly than crying: "But, I was'zero blocked'! I couldn't even catch a ball from him-whether it was a serve or a return."

"That's because you lost your fighting spirit!" Murray patted him on the shoulder. "He deliberately used that ACE ball to win the first game in the fastest time, and then use return'ace to return. The ball completely defeats your will. Although there is a gap in strength between you and him, this gap is far less distant than you think."

"Murray is right." Fisichella, who has always been cold, comforted him now, "You are defeated by him! The stadium is like a battlefield, as long as you uphold the knights passed down from the ancestors. Spirit, you will have the courage to fight to the end! Gacharin, you are still too young."

Gacharin was stunned, followed, and lowered his head in shame: "I'm sorry, coach! I'm sorry, everyone!"

Fisichella waved his hand and said, "Your potential has not been fully released, and you still have room to grow. That's why I chose you as the eleventh candidate. Okay, you go to rest first. Next, leave it to your companions."

"Yes! Gacharin, let us avenge you!" Two tall auspicious players have walked out with their rackets, "Next, let us return a six-love in China."

These two are currently the strongest doubles combination among Geely professional players. They just won a runner-up at the Australian Open this year and are preparing to hit the Wimbledon doubles championship. It is a period of momentum.

As a result, the voices of the two men just fell, and in the rest area, a puzzled voice of a companion sounded: "Huh? That Bai Yifan, why is it still on the court?"

His voice immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the rest area.

On the court, Bai Yifan, who had already left the court, was holding a tennis racket and waving to the Huaxia spectators in the surrounding stands shouting his name with a smile.

"What's the matter?" Fisichella frowned. "Does this guy treat this as a show?"

Before his words fell, the big screen suddenly flashed, and the list of players for the first doubles match against both sides was shown.

That is, at the same time, in the entire stadium, an exclamation and uncertainty sounded in an instant.

"What's going on?" All Geely players looked at each other.

The two people who were about to play discovered the reason: "What! Why is Bai Yifan again? He just finished the S1 singles, and now he wants to play D1 doubles in a row!"

"What?!" Fisichella was also taken aback, and rushed out all of a sudden, staring straight at the list of players from China D1 on the big screen of the scene——

"Bai Yifan, Zhang Chusheng (China)".

"He's going to play a doubles?!" Fesichella's face flashed with astonishment, followed by endless anger, "Huaxia people, dare to underestimate our Great Britain national team!"

"What?" Murray asked suspiciously.

Fisichella sneered: "The team has won three games in five sets. They want to directly win S1 and D1, and then let that Bai Yifan rest two games and play S3 against you! If you are lucky, they can win. Win this match with me in three sets!"

"What?!" The rest of the Geely players scolded one after another, "Huaxia people dare to look down on us so much!"

Fisichella said coldly: "It seems that my tennis in Great Britain has really been looked down upon in the past few years. Even the Chinese team dare to give birth to the idea of ​​winning us-Frélo, Gal, you go, let All the Chinese in the stands shut their mouths!"

The two Geely players who were scheduled to play D1 sneered, nodded and said: "Don't worry, doubles can't be eaten by skill."

At this time, in the best seat in the VIP area of ​​the grandstand, Fairy Qu couldn't help but open his mouth as he looked at the names of the Huaxia team players typed on the big screen.

"Small song, can one player play multiple games in this game?" Eucalyptus didn't understand the rules of tennis, and when he saw Bai Yifan's name appear in the doubles list, he immediately asked.

"It can be, but no team has ever arranged this way." If Qu Yaojing is a little confused.

The more familiar the audience is with tennis, the harder they are at this moment.

In the stands, the voices of discussion are getting louder and louder, and everyone is a little confused. What is the coach of the China team doing?

Let Bai Yifan, who just finished the first singles game, continue to stay on the court and play the first doubles game. How can the China team’s men's singles second player Zhang Chusheng also be assigned——

Is it a surprise to let two singles players combine to play doubles?,, ..

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