Almighty in the city

Chapter 127 One Person's Doubles

"Team White, it seems that we are irritating the Geely guys." Zhang Chusheng looked at the two Geely players who rushed onto the court aggressively, and couldn't help but smile and touch his nose.

Bai Yifan shrugged and said with a faint smile: "They asked for it."

"Yes." Zhang Chusheng spread his hands, "I really don't want me to cooperate for a while? Although I am a singles player, doubles are actually pretty good."

Bai Yifan glanced at him: "When it's your turn to serve, I'll leave the rest to me."

"Okay." Zhang Chusheng nodded bitterly, "Hey, my dignified No. 2 seed player in men's singles actually fell to the level of soy sauce."

"Okay, China's future tennis career is still waiting for you to fight." Bai Yifan shook his head amusedly, "I will only help you save the fire this time."

"Team White, if you want to be a professional player, you can become the world's top star in every minute." Zhang Chusheng broke his hands and said, "Look, when it comes to football skills, you are superb; when it comes to appearance and height, you too After exploding those film and television stars-with your condition, there is no second one in tennis circles all over the world."

"Okay, don't be poor, get ready for the game." Bai Yifan shook his butt with the racket and walked towards the referee on duty.

Guessing the ball, choosing the venue, and everything at the beginning is just like a normal doubles match.

However, when the players of both sides came to their respective half of the court, everyone-

Whether it is the spectators in the stands, the Geely players and coaches in the rest area, the head referee on duty, the deputy referee in charge of the Hawkeye system, Yu Siyu and the four commentators in the commentary room, as well as the Geely doubles players, all Everyone was stunned!

They rubbed their eyes in disbelief, settled, and they were sure that it was not their eyes.

Then, countless exclamations and noises, in an instant, resounded throughout the stadium!

On the half-court of the Huaxia team, Zhang Chusheng stayed directly on the edge of the forward doubles area, with only one foot on the sideline, and the whole person was actually completely outside the court.

Bai Yifan has already reached the teeing ground and is trying out the tennis ball.

The head referee on duty and the deputy referee looked at each other, both looking at each other.

They have been referees for nearly ten years and have also ruled many international events. However, this is the first time they have encountered this situation in doubles matches.

Although he is from Huaxia, based on the principles of fairness, openness and impartiality in competitive sports, the head referee on duty still asked: "Huaxia team players, what do you mean?"

"It doesn't mean anything." Bai Yifan raised his head and smiled at him, "Did we violate the rules of the doubles game?"

"This" the head referee on duty thought for a while, and found that there was really no rule that said it couldn't be like this, so he shook his head and said, "No."

Bai Yifan smiled and said, "Since there is no violation of the rules of the game, it should be possible to start the game."

"Uh" the referee choked, but nodded, "Of course."

Then, raising his hand, he announced in his mouth: "One set will be the winner! The serve of China Team Bai Yifan!"

Listening to the referee's voice from the surround speakers, the audience was in an uproar--

Can you start the game like this?!

Looking at this posture, the captain of the China National Team seems to want one person to single out the other two?!

A doubles?!

Horse's!Do you want to be so domineering!Do you want to be so passionate!

For a moment, all the Huaxia spectators stood up from their seats, their eyes fixed on the playing field underneath.

In the whole stadium, the atmosphere suddenly became a little weird.

"He wants to single-handedly challenge the two of us?" Freiro and Gal looked at each other, and suddenly a very strong anger ignited in their hearts—

Horse's!How dare to underestimate our way!

Can you play doubles alone?

Since you are so arrogant, then we will let you see what is a world-class doubles!

At this moment, both Freilo and Gal of the Geely team ignited two hundred percent fighting spirit.

They swear that this time they must teach Bai Yifan and all Chinese people a profound lesson!

Even if you have mastered the "walking the earth" technique of serving!

This is a doubles match with two people!

In an instant, the two had already stood one after the other in the "Australian formation", fully focused, and ready to welcome Bai Yifan's "Tang Huaise serve".

Bai Yifan didn't let them down either, he really drove the "Tang Huaise serve".

However, when the speed of the ball appeared on the big screen, everyone almost dropped their jaws-

Two hundred and twenty kilometers per hour!

Compared to the previous singles match, the ball speed was increased by 20 kilometers per hour!

too fast!

A serve exceeding two hundred kilometers per hour is considered a super high-speed serve. On this basis, every five kilometers per hour increase in the ball speed will increase the threat level by 10%.

The ball speed of 220 kilometers per hour alone is enough for ordinary professional players to have no time to hit back. What's more, this is a "Tang Huaise serve" that does not rebound after landing, but slides away at a faster ball speed!

Even though Freiro and Gal had concentrated all their energy, this ball still played an unsuspecting "ACE ball".

"15-0! ACE ball!"

"30-0! ACE ball!"

"45-0! ACE ball!"

"Lovegame! 1-0! Geely's serve from Gal!"

In less than two minutes, it was like history repeating itself. Bai Yifan's four Tang Huaise serve directly won the first game for the China team in the D1 doubles!,, ..

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