Almighty in the city

Chapter 129: The duel of geniuses

"Ahhhhhhhh! Handsome Bai is so handsome that he breaks through the sky!" On the VIP stand, Xiaoqiu waved his hands, his whole body was like a spring, jumping and screaming in the stand. Both eyes are full of stars.

"Handsome and stupefied! Cool! My old lady really loves the local tyrants!" Chen Meijia was also guilty of nympho there.

Lu Ziqiao refused to accept: "I think back then, I also encountered a tennis master who wanted to accept me as a disciple, but at that time I followed the'daddy' to wander the rivers and lakes, without him. If I chose tennis then, Now it is probably, possible, or perhaps at the level of the local tyrant Bai."

"You?" Chen Meijia heard the words, turned her head and glanced at him disdainfully, "Forget it, you can't even play ping pong well, and you want to play tennis well-do your spring and autumn daydreams!"

"Hey-I'm telling you no!" Lu Ziqiao said, "There are so many people here, we can be regarded as senior brothers and sisters anyway, can you save me some face?"

"Who is the brother and sister with you, don't be close to the old lady!" Chen Meijia glared at him, turned her head, and started to jump and scream idiotically, "Handsome! Cool! The old lady really loves the white local tyrant !"

Fairy Qu curled his lips and snorted disdainfully: "They are two nympho again."

"You don't seem to be a nympho." Lin Wanyu "chuckled" and said with a smile, "I don't know which one, I always put'My Elder Bai' on my lips, ashamed!"

"Auntie is happy, you can control it!" Fairy Qu gave her a sideways glance, "Aren't you, too, you'll haunt Elder Bai every time you get the chance--the wolf's ambition is well known to everyone!"

Lin Wanyu wrinkled her nose at her, and then joined the cheers of Xiaoqiu and Chen Meijia.

Fan Xiaomei smiled and said to Eucalyptus: "If we continue to develop like this, I think we can shoot a "Biography of Zhen Huan in the Harem" on the 22nd floor.

Eucalyptus, who has never been too smirk, looked at her with a smile at this time, and joked: "Which role are you going to play? Hua Fei?"

Fan Xiaomei was taken aback, then she laughed dumbly, and pointed to the pedicle and said: "Okay, pedicle, I really can't see it, so you can tease people too!"

Eucalyptus smiled and said, "I learned it from you. Old Tan said that I have become more and more smoky recently."

Xiao Guan'an sat quietly, watching Bai Yifan in the court intently. Hearing Eucalyptus’s words, she turned her head and smiled sweetly at her: "More fireworks are good, Eucalyptus. Sister Di, I think you are much better now than you were before."

"What's so good, it's really boring." Hu Yifei sat back with her mouth flat.

The three girls looked at her strangely, and finally Xiaomei Fan asked, "Yifei, what's wrong with you?"

"Nothing." Hu Yifei continued to narrow his mouth.

Zeng Xiaoxian leaned forward and smiled slyly: "She, originally wanted to compete with Lao Bai, but now she has completely lost confidence in Lao Bai's skills, isn't she, the devil? "

"Get out!" Hu Yifei glared, "The bitch once thought you were itching again!"

Zeng Xiaoxian laughed slyly, and pulled Lu Zhanbo in front of him, acting as a human shield. He still said: "Zhanbo, this is probably the first time your sister has deflated."

Hu Yifei was furious: "Zeng Xiaoxian, believe it or not, I will throw you off the stands!"

"Sister! Sister! Calm down, calm down." As soon as Hu Yifei was about to rush up, Lu Zhanbo waved his hand quickly, "Let's continue watching'Superman White' play."

Superman White

The women were speechless for a while.

At this time, the name of the Geely S2 player was also typed out on the big screen.

The already fanatical audience suddenly fell silent when they saw the name of the player in the second singles of the Geely team.

The original hustle and bustle of the stadium, almost in an instant, suddenly became silent, as if it had been put on a silence spell by a magician.

"Murray (Geely)", the name typed on the big screen on the scene, seemed to possess infinite magic power, and the heart of all the Chinese madmen became cool in an instant.

Murray was born in Dunblane, Geely, Scotland. He started playing tennis at the age of three. He won the Junior Championship of the Mijian Open at the age of 16. He officially became a professional tennis player at the age of 17, and won at the age of 18 in San Jose. Personal first ATP Tour Championship.

At the age of 20, he reached the Grand Slam final for the first time in the Mijian Tennis Open. The following year, he jumped to the second place in the ATP World Ranking.

In the men's singles final held in Geely London, he cleanly defeated the Swiss king Federer and became the first Olympic tennis singles gold medalist since Geely's 104th.

In the same year, he won the Mijian Tennis Open, becoming the first Geely player to win a Grand Slam men's singles championship in 76 years.

In the Wimbledon final three years ago, he cleanly defeated Kedjokovic, who reached the top of the ATP World Ranking this year.

It can be said that the name Murray is the only symbol of auspicious tennis in this century!

Even spectators who are completely unfamiliar with tennis and do not watch tennis matches know that this Geely player who is about to play S2 singles with Bai Yifan is an out-and-out tennis genius!

After being easily won by the China Team and Bai Yifan in S1 singles and D1 doubles alone, this Geely's most outstanding tennis genius in the past 100 years was finally unable to sit still.

This is also one of the rules of the tennis team competition of the International Sports Exchange. The team that wins the previous game announces the list of players, and then the loser sends its own players to play.

Otherwise, Murray will have no chance to play, and there will be no more suspense of winning or losing in this team match.

But now, Murray is out!

The 21-year-old was ranked second in the ATP World Ranking and has never dropped out of the top five tennis genius since then. He wants to compete with Bai Yifan in singles ahead of time at the match point of this team match, one! Compare! high! under! ,, ..

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