Almighty in the city

Chapter 130 This is Murray!

"Murray! Is it Murray?" In the rest area of ​​the Huaxia team, Cao Gan and the others took a deep breath while looking at the names of players from the Geely team on the big screen.

This result did not surprise them too much.

After all, at this moment, the Geely team has been forced by their captain Bai Yifan to a match point where they have to fight back.

If S2 loses again in singles, then China Team will use a clean "3-0" to sweep this veteran team from the British Empire!

This is simply unacceptable to the Geely team, and the Geely people simply cannot afford to lose this face.

In this situation, letting Murray, the strongest ace in the team, is undoubtedly the only option.

"They are also taking advantage of the rules." Ye Nan snorted. "If it's the World Championships or the Open, the list of players for the five games is determined from the beginning, and Murray doesn't. There will be a chance to play!"

"If it is the rules of the World Championships or the Open, then the White team can only play one game. At that time, it will be the Geely guys who will push us to the match point, instead of us pushing them to the match point." The fourth seed Wang Hao let out a wry smile.

"I don't know if the White team is facing Murray, who can win this early matchup?" Li Feng asked nervously.

Everyone couldn't help being a little nervous and nervous.

If it is the other players of the Geely team, they will not worry about Bai Yifan at all. However, this person who is playing now, but Geely’s most outstanding and talented tennis master in a century, has never fallen out of the top five in the ATP world ranking. Most of the time even the top three stars!

Say that this S2 is a men's singles semi-final or even a men's singles final level game, I am afraid no one will raise objections!

Both Bai Yifan and Murray are the candidates who are likely to win the men's singles championship in this exchange meeting. Now, the men's singles match has just finished the first round of qualifiers, and they are in this event. In the second singles of the team match, we met on a narrow road.

After Murray's name was played on the big screen at the scene, the noisy stadium was completely quiet.

And when Murray took his tennis racket, walked out of the Geely team's rest area, and walked onto the court, everyone couldn't help holding their breath and looked at the two people on the court intently.

There is no doubt that whether it is Bai Yifan or Murray, in the eyes of the audience at this moment, they are all "genius" tennis masters in this world, and the singles duel between them will undoubtedly be an unprecedented one." Mars hit the earth"!

At this moment, even the referee on duty became nervous.

Sitting on the referee's bench more than two meters high, he breathed deeply, using deep breathing to slow down his faster and faster heart.

He must calm himself down as quickly as possible, so that his concentration does not become distracted due to tension.

"Both players!" After a dozen deep breaths, he raised his sweaty right hand, "Ready to guess the ball!"

Bai Yifan and Murray walked to the referee's bench.

"Your serve is somewhat incomprehensible." Murray said with a smile on his face, speaking to Bai Yifan in English, "However, I still want to try to crack it."

Bai Yifan's mouth raised slightly, still with a slight smile, and responded: "I will give you this opportunity to try to crack my Tang Huaise serve. However, it is not this game, but the men's singles final. So, you You have to make sure that you will not be eliminated by others in the middle."

"It turns out that you named this kind of serve'Don Wise Serve'. It's really an interesting name." Murray chuckled lightly. "This should be one of your scoring trump cards. If you don't use this kind of serve, I don't think Your other styles of play will pose too much threat to me."

"Really?" Bai Yifan shrugged with a smile, "My skills are not just a'Tang Huaise serve'."

The two talked casually, and they both walked to the referee's bench.

Murray also smiled and shrugged: "Then I will wait and see."

"Don't worry, you won't be disappointed." Bai Yifan glanced at the referee, "You guessed it, or me?"

"I guess luck with the ball is always good." Murray smiled, "I guess."

The result of guessing the ball was exactly the same as Murray said. He first won the right to serve in the first game, while Bai Yifan got the right to choose the venue.

In the end, both sides returned to the halftime where their teams rested, and Murray began to stand in the service area to try the ball.

"Team White, come on!" Zhang Chusheng and others shouted loudly in the rest area of ​​the Huaxia team.

"Murray! Show this Chinese guy a little color!" In the rest area of ​​the Geely team, ten Geely players were also shouting loudly.

The referee on duty glanced at both sides, gave a wry smile, raised his hand to signal that the game was about to start.

The rest areas on both sides suddenly became quiet at the same time.

"One game determines the outcome!" the referee said, "Murray's serve!"

The audience was silent, and his voice resounded clearly over the tennis court through the surround sound.

The spectators in the stands all sat back to their positions, craned their necks one by one, staring at the stadium for an instant.

Whether it is a foreigner audience or a Chinese audience, everyone feels a tense atmosphere that is about to come.

In this tense atmosphere, Murray, kick-off!

His first serve is still the most common heavy serve.

On the big screen at the scene, the speed of the serve appeared instantaneously——

Two hundred and thirty kilometers per hour!

Seeing this number, in the stands, a sound of air-conditioning has already sounded one after another.

This is the strength of a star-level tennis player. Just the first serve is enough to make everyone feel the unparalleled pressure he brings on the court!

"Old Chen, you have seen my two return shots before, do you want to see the third one?" Bai Yifan shot the ball with a forehand, but his eyes were in the rest area. Chen Fusheng, "I call it-Feiyan returns to the nest." ,,..

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