Almighty in the city

Chapter 131: Feiyan returns to the nest

Feiyan still nest?

The ten finalists of the Huaxia team were all taken aback, and they all looked at Chen Fusheng.

Chen Fusheng’s face was already showing a deep shock at this time, not because Bai Yifan still has an unused return shot technique, but because Bai Yifan hit back at the speed of 230 kilometers per hour. When serving, the state of relaxed and freehand feeling——

He even turned his head Xianxin to talk to himself!

In the surrounding stands, all the spectators took a breath of air when they saw Bai Yifan’s return of the ball.

Horse's!This is a serve at a speed of up to 230 kilometers per hour!

What is the concept of 230 kilometers per hour?

This ball speed, converted to seconds, is 65.89 meters per second.

The singles area of ​​the tennis court, from the bottom line where Murray serves the ball to the effective landing area of ​​Bai Yifan's half court, is only 18.285 meters, which is 18285 millimeters when converted to the standard millimeter count for the tennis court.

In other words, from Murray’s super-high-speed serve to the time when the tennis ball fell on the effective serve of Bai Yifan’s half of the court, there was only less than 0.3 seconds!

Counting the time for Murray to throw the ball and swing, and the time for the tennis ball to bounce and fly to the bottom line after landing, the total time left for Bai Yifan to react, move, and swing the ball is no more than 2 seconds!

Two seconds, that is, the time it takes for a normal person to breathe once or twice, and Bai Yifan, facing such a serve, there is still time to look at the rest area of ​​the China Team——

What kind of reaction is this!What speed!

It just exploded!

Murray's expression became serious at the moment the ball was hit back.

Before, he watched Bai Yifan and crushed Gacharin in the rest area, and used the skill of hitting the racket first and then smashing vigorously, defeating Freiro and Gal one-to-two. For Bai Yifan's strength, although it has a preliminary It is estimated, but it was not until this time that he really faced him face-to-face and competed on this court. He had a deep understanding of the terrible captain of the China team!

Amazing reaction!

Amazing judgment!

Amazing speed!

Only with these three superhuman physical qualities, no matter how bad his skills are, it is enough to occupy a place in the international tennis arena.

What's more, his football skills are more than ten times more terrifying than his physical fitness!

Huaxia, unexpectedly also produced such a tennis genius——

At this moment, Murray, who was originally a slow-heating player like Federer, became excited and active in his whole person, from head to toe.

"Then let me see, what else do you have hidden skills besides'Tang Huaise serve'!" With his arms open, Murray hit the tennis ball that flew over the net and bounced high after landing. A forehand stroke with strong side spin.

"Appeared! One of Murray's special skills-forehand side spin!" In the stands, a foreign audience who obviously knew Murray very well could not help but yell after seeing this scene.

At this time, the stand was still silent, so his voice rang away from afar.

Although many Chinese audiences in the surrounding area have never watched Murray’s game, and they don’t even understand this foreign audience’s fast and local slang accent English, but only from his tone, everyone can Know that Murray on the court has already begun to show off!

The ball came extremely fast, and because of the irregular lateral rotation force, the flight trajectory of the tennis ball became a bit erratic. After landing, it bounced toward an angle that no one had predicted beforehand. .

"Forehand side spin?" Bai Yifan smiled slightly, but he was not in a hurry. With one foot in a small step, his movement speed was also fast to the extreme, and he directly hit back with a backhand slam, knocking the tennis ball back after landing.

Murray also used a very aggressive one-footed small step at the foot of his feet, moving his body directly towards the opposite corner, and again drew a forehand side spin.

However, this ball seems to be as early as Bai Yifan expected.

Without waiting for the tennis ball to cross the net, he ran to the position of the ball early, opened his forehand, and at the same time glanced at the rest area of ​​the Huaxia team: "Old Chen, look good, my first Three return shots-Feiyan returns to the nest."

As his voice fell, the racket in his hand, from top to bottom, said that it would draw an arc, from diagonally above on the tennis ball that bounced after landing, shook his wrist slightly, exerted force at his forearm, The ball hit the net like a swallow, and landed on Murray's half of the court.

Murray also judged the drop point of the ball early, and at this time he has also assumed a forehand posture, ready to give Bai Yifan a diagonal forehand side spin.

The tennis ball hits the ground and Murray is about to swing.

However, the next moment, there was an incredible exclamation from the surrounding stands!

Almost the next second after the tennis ball landed, the audience all stood up from their seats at once, leaned forward and stretched their necks, with a look of shock on their faces, watching the tennis ball, landing. After that, like "Tang Huaise serving the ball", with the attitude of sliding against the ground, he quickly passed through the half of the court where Murray was, until he hit the barrier, and stopped--

The triple counterattack Feiyan returns to the nest!

This ball can be said to be beyond the expectations of everyone present!

No one could have imagined that Bai Yifan could not only hit the serve with this kind of "walking the earth" effect, but also could hit the return ball with exactly the same effect when patted against each other——

This is too special!

"00-15!" Even the referee, who was mentally prepared for a long time, couldn't help but froze after seeing the ball, and then reacted and announced the score of the ball.

In the rest area of ​​the Huaxia team, ten players, including Zhang Chusheng and Cao Qian, all opened their mouths in surprise, and even Chen Fusheng shook his head and smiled bitterly with an incredible expression.

In the rest area of ​​the Geely team, everyone including the coach, Fisichella, stood up directly from the bench in shock.

What is this return shot?!,, ..

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