Almighty in the city

Chapter 136 Demonstration?

Mi Jian, Chinatown, the top floor reception room of Yunfeng Building.

This skyscraper is one of the five most visible and open locations in Chinatown. It is also an industry in Chinatown under the name of the Tang family, one of the five largest Chinese incognito families.

At this time, in the tea room of this luxurious reception room with an area of ​​more than 1,000 square meters, Tang Yunfeng, the current owner of the Tang family, was playing a game with a middle-aged man.

The speed of the two people's moves is very fast. This speed of thinking and moving doesn't look like they are playing Go, but playing Gobang.

However, the two of them are indeed playing Go, and they have already reached the middle of the whole game, and they have begun to enter the white-hot situation of killing each other.

Every drop of Tang Yunfeng was full of fierce aggression, like a hunting lion, a tiger descending a mountain, every step is aggressive, it seems that if you don't kill the Baizi in front of you, you will never let it go.

And the middle-aged man sitting opposite him with a white child in his hand, every next step, he is as calm as a mountain, letting you rain and wind, and the river toss, the white dragon formed by his white child is always So stand still.

It's just that in this calm and mountainous chess road, there is a vaguely violent rage about to shake the mountain, but this rage is obviously deliberately suppressed by the middle-aged man.

"Brother Shanhe, I don't seem to be in a good mood these days." Tang Yunfeng settled down and smiled at the middle-aged man sitting opposite.

This middle-aged man is surprisingly Bai Yifan's cheap daddy, the current head of the Bai family, Bai Shanhe.

Facing Tang Yunfeng’s ridicule, Bai Shanhe frowned slightly, and "pop" hit a white child on a key "Xiao Fei" position of the big black dragon, and snorted coldly: "Isn't it for my family? That rebellious son is angry! This bastard, now his wings are stiff, so he dared to fight against the family and give me escape!"

"Haha, I've heard about this matter a little bit." Tang Yunfeng smiled faintly, his face was pleasantly sunny, but his son fell like a bolt of lightning, "Young people, it is good to have your own ideas. Besides, Yi Yi At this age, it is normal to have a rebellious mentality."

Bai Shanhe coldly snorted: "Rebellious? He is not a student who is still in middle school or high school at the age of fourteen or five. He is so old, and rebellious!"

Tang Yunfeng shook his head, with a wry smile on his face: "Rebellious things like this, it doesn't depend on age. My precious daughter, Xiaoguo, has also caused me a headache recently."

"Oh? Xiaoguo is a good boy, ten thousand times stronger than my rebellious son, what can she do to you." Bai Shanhe looked disapproving.

"Run away from home." Tang Yunfeng smiled bitterly.

Bai Shanhe was holding up the tea cup and drinking tea. Hearing this, he almost choked into the trachea with a mouthful of water: "Run away from home? Your little fruit?"

He looked at Tang Yunfeng incredulously: "Old Tang, are you kidding me?"

"What do you think?" Tang Yunfeng shrugged helplessly, "Young people nowadays, if you really don't agree with him, he turned his face to show you, how is it like us, like a rabbit."

"You are as good as a rabbit-Old Tang, the older you are, the more shameless you are." Bai Shanhe despised, "I don't know who it is. I heard that the main master of the Tang family was in Huaxia Shudi. There was an earth-shaking disturbance in the middle of Shu, which disturbed Daba Mountain, not to mention that it caused Emei Mountain and Qingcheng Mountain to bring down your blood mold."

Tang Yunfeng smiled and said: "You said how well-behaved you were back then. I don't know who made a big fuss in Chang'an. The troops in the Shaanxi Military Region were forced to come out to maintain order.

Bai Shanhe's face was not red and heartbeat, and he said calmly: "That's because some people don't open their eyes and have to come to provoke me. The people in my Bai family are so good to be bullied? They haven't demolished their municipal institutions. Save them face."

It seemed that they were thinking of their prosperous years. The two looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

At this time, the customized version of the Apple phone Baishanhe put on the table rang.

Bai Shanhe looked up and saw that it was the housekeeper Bai Xi who was calling, frowned, picked up the phone, connected the phone, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I found the whereabouts of the young master." Bai Xi's voice came over the phone.

Bai Shanhe's eyebrows suddenly raised: "Finally found the whereabouts of that Nizi! Very good, bring him back to me. If he dares to resist, he can just tie it back!"

"Cough cough" Bai Xi the housekeeper gave a dry cough, a little embarrassed, "Master, I'm afraid I won't be able to bring the young master back for the time being."

Bai Shanhe's face sank, and he said coldly: "What?"

"Master, he is representing the China Team, participating in the tennis event of the International Sports Exchange Meeting just held in China." Bai Xi said.

"With that kid's tennis skills, can he get into the national team?" Bai Shanhe sneered disdainfully, "I know, then Nizi must know that I have sent someone to China to search for his whereabouts on a large scale, so I don't Knowing what method was used, I got into the national team so that I would be jealous of him by three points, so I didn't dare to do it in a fair manner, right—"

He snorted coldly and said lightly: "It's okay, you just have to bring him back. For China Sports General Administration, I will naturally send someone to negotiate. The big deal, pick one or two sports stars and let them endorse one or two products. After spending tens of millions in endorsement fees, I don't believe that those people will still be biting on this kind of thing."

"" Bai Xi on the other end of the phone was silent for a while, and said awkwardly, "Master, it is indeed possible to do this under normal circumstances, but this time it is really special."

Without waiting for Bai Shanhe to ask questions, he has continued: "Master, he just picked the entire Geely team by himself. At this time, even if we spend several hundred million in endorsement fees, Huaxia will definitely not allow it. We forcibly took the young master away."

"What?!" Bai Shanhe shot the case, "Did Geely grow up eating shit? He could actually be picked by himself?! Nizi! He is demonstrating to me naked! He is mad at me! That's it!" ,, ..

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