Almighty in the city

Chapter One Hundred and Seventeen

"Master, at least until the end of this international sports exchange meeting, our people must be the young master who can't be taken away forcibly." Baixi seemed to have expected it to be like this a long time ago, and waited for a while until Baishanhe After he finished cursing, he continued to say in a calm tone, "Moreover, if the young master can take the China Team to win the tennis team championship, or win the championship in the men’s singles, I’m going to be strong, I’m afraid It’s not easy either."

"What the hell is going on!" After Bai Shanhe scolded, his emotions gradually receded, "I know that kid can play tennis, but his skills are a few kilograms, and I know exactly! His skills, Let alone playing against professional players from Europe and the United States, even in the China Team, there are a lot of people who can abuse him! How did he overturn the Geely team alone?

Although Tang Yunfeng on the opposite side made a look like don't listen to insults, his ears were sharply erect. Obviously, he was very curious about this matter in his heart.

"It's like this." At the moment, Bai Xi will collect, about the young master Bai Yifan's results at the international sports exchange meeting, and the process of the game, he said on the phone in detail.

In the end, he hesitated, gritted his teeth, and continued: "I have contacted five professional clubs and invited three retired Grand Slam champions. They watched the young masters match that Bai Hao passed back from China. After the video recording of the time, all gave an evaluation."

"What evaluation?" Bai Shanhe had a very bad premonition.

Bai Xi swallowed his saliva, gritted his teeth and spit out four words: "It's super skill."

"Fantastic skills?!" Bai Shanhe slapped his slap on the table of the Eight Immortals in Huanglimu, Hainan. "That kid really has such skills?! What does he want to do! Do you want to change career to become a professional tennis player? This rebellious son! It's not doing business right! I'm so angry!"

His voice hasn't fallen yet. The Hainan Huanglimu Eight Immortals table, which was slapped by him, has already made a "Kaka Kaka" sound. The chessboard and tea cups on the table are all shaking violently.

Tang Yunfeng gave a wry smile, tapped his feet lightly, and directly moved back three positions with the Grand Master's chair under his butt.

In the next moment, this table of Eight Immortals with a value of at least one hundred thousand yuan was torn apart, sawdust splashed, and the chessboards, chess pieces, chess baskets, and tea cups on it all fell down.

With two "bangs", two colored glass tea cups from the official kiln of Song porcelain with a value of at least one million, fell to pieces.

"Master?" Bai Xi was obviously also on the phone, hearing the movement from the Baishan River, and suddenly couldn't help swallowing saliva.

Baishanhe's anger remained unresolved, and he slapped it again. He also smashed his chair made of Hainan yellow pear into a pile of scrap wood.

It took a full seven or eight minutes before he snorted and said to Bai Xi on the other end of the phone: "Star me on that rebellious son and wait for my next instructions! I don't believe that he can't be cured. Up!"

"Yes!" Bai Xi replied, and then said, "One more thing is about Mr. Lin Fengxian, President of Lin's Bank, and his daughter, Miss Lin Wanyu."

"Wan Yu, that girl." Bai Shanhe's gloomy complexion finally improved a little when he heard the name, "Why, did you find her whereabouts?"

"Yes." Bai Xi replied, "she seems to be with the young master now."

"What?!" Bai Shanhe was taken aback, "Is she with that Nizi?"

"Yes." Bai Xi replied affirmatively, "In the live video of the young master overturning the Geely team, the camera cut to the audience several times. We found Miss Lin Wanyu in the camera. According to another news from Bai Hao, Miss Lin and Young Master were on the same international flight, and their seats were connected together."

Baishanhe: ""

"In addition, we have another discovery from the video--" Bai Xi thought for a while, and told Bai Shanhe the conclusion that the family psychoanalysts had drawn after studying the video repeatedly. "Master, it seems We are paying fortune."

"Nonsense!" Bai Shanhe snorted coldly, "It's up to you to tell me!"

"No." Baixi said, "The girls who were with Miss Lin seem to be interesting to the young master. One of them is still a popular female star in Korea and China. As for the identities of the others, we It is still under investigation."

Baishanhe: ""

"Master, the above is all the news about the young master and Miss Lin. Excuse me, do you have any other instructions?" Bai Xi waited for a while, but did not see Bai Shanhe speaking, so he asked.

"No, let the people of the Bai family group stare at me that Nizi, don't take any action for now, wait for my order." Bai Shanhe said in a deep voice, and then hung up the phone.

At the moment when the phone was hung up, the current Patriarch of the Bai family finally couldn't help but burst out a foul language.

Tang Yunfeng laughed loudly and said, "Brother Shanhe, it seems that your Bai family is about to open up branches and leaves! This is a happy event. I originally wanted you to pay for the Eight Immortals table, the Taishi chair and the two glass tea from the official kilns of Song porcelain. Zhan, now treat it as my congratulatory gift to you."

Bai Shanhe glared at him: "You don't gloat for me! It's annoying, believe it or not, I let that rebellious son harm your little fruit!"

"Hehe, Yifan really wants to have that ability, I also recognize it." Tang Yunfeng was not angry, but smiled more brilliantly, "My Xiaoguo, last year has already practiced'dark power', according to the China National Art Association The strength of the martial artist can be regarded as a master of national martial arts. Your family is also ordinary. As far as I know, you are not interested in learning the martial arts of your Bai family. Now probably even the rating of the martial artist is Can't reach it."

Bai Shanhe's face turned black suddenly: "That rebellious son who is not doing his job properly!"

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