Almighty in the city

Chapter 138-Liuli Factory

In China, Yanjing’s most famous snack street, Bai Yifan, who has changed into casual clothes, is "sweeping the street" with the girls and Zeng Xiaoxian and feasting on it.

Lin Xi'er, wearing a pair of big sunglasses and a black peaked cap, was mixed among the girls, playing and eating while walking, but it was a playful addiction.

"Local tyrant Bai, please do something?" Lu Ziqiao was holding a paper bowl, stuffing takoyaki with cheese sauce in his mouth, and said to Bai Yifan vaguely.

Bai Yifan is eating "One Piece" at this time——

A large squid stringed on a stick was wrapped in various spices, fried, and sprinkled with seaweed seasoning twice. It was fresh and fragrant and full of taste.

While eating, he nodded to Lu Ziqiao and said, "What's the matter?"

"Teach me to play tennis after I go back." Lu Ziqiao's eyes suddenly showed a look of longing, "I am not demanding, just learn the tricks you just used to abuse auspicious guys."

"You have it." Chen Meijia glanced at him disdainfully, and threw the popcorn in her mouth, "Just your athletic cells, and you want to learn the skills of the local tyrants and dream of your spring and autumn daydreams!"

"Hey, what's wrong with my motor cell?" Lu Ziqiao refused, "Look at my height, it's not much shorter than the local tyrant white; look at the muscles in my hands—"

Hu Yifei disdainfully said, "I am embarrassed to show off some muscles for the goods that were killed by me.

"You are the devil, who can win you." Zeng Xiaoxian burped, "Lao Bai can convince you in tennis. In other respects, it is probably not your opponent of the devil, right? Exhibition Bo."

"My sister is not a woman at all--" Lu Zhanbo just started to see Hu Yifei's murderous eyes sweeping, and quickly added, "She is a great woman! Fighter! Scholar!"

"Female soldier, I'm still a female mage!" Qu Yaojing smiled from ear to ear.

"You are not a female mage, you are a female fairy." Lin Wanyu said, and the lottery in her hand poked into the paper box held by the fairy, poked a ball of fried ice cream and delivered it to her mouth.

Fairy Qu rolled his eyes suddenly, and said in a bad mood: "I am a female fairy, you are a female foodie!"

Lin Wanyu didn't get angry either, she giggled and said, "I don't dare to fight for this title with Little Earthworm. If you want to talk about food, all of you together are not her opponents!"

"Why!" Xiaoqiu quickly argued, "I only ate two chicken legs in sauce, a bowl of powder-coated meat and a lotus leaf cake."

"That's not enough, do you want to eat all the snacks on this street before you are willing to give up?" Fan Xiaomei smiled and tapped her head.

Xiao Guan smiled without saying a word, still so quiet.

Lin Xier just finished an egg pancake. She was drinking freshly squeezed soy milk. She looked at the people enviously and said, "I can only go shopping like this when I go to Europe and Mijian, but for a year I can't go a few times."

Eucalyptus smiled and said, "If you go to Shanghai in the future, you can find us. On weekends, everyone will cover you and you will definitely not be recognized."

Lin Xier was surprised: "Really?"

"As long as you don't seduce me casually---Elder Bai of our house will do." There was a bit of sourness in Qu Fairy's words.

The women burst into laughter, Bai Yifan touched his nose, shook his head and gave a wry smile, watching his nose and his heart, focusing on the "One Piece" on his hand.

Stopped eating in the snack street, talking and laughing, staying for more than an hour in a blink of an eye.

Afterwards, everyone walked along this quaint street around the roots of the old Yanjing city wall.

After walking down dozens of small shops along the way, the faces of Lu Ziqiao, Zeng Xiaoxian, Guan Gu Magic and Lu Zhanbo showed a hint of tiredness, but the girls were getting more and more excited.

Seeing that the front is suddenly becoming crowded again, Lin Wanyu asked curiously: "Where have we gone?"

"I'm here in the Liulichang." The owner of a shop selling all kinds of wood combs next to them introduced them with a smile, "From here, it is our largest antiques and wenwan market in Yanjing. The origin of the Liulichang must be traced back. In the Qing Dynasty, it was a must-visit place for tourists who came to Yanjing."

"Really!" The girls suddenly became interested.

The boss smiled and said, "However, when buying things in the Liulichang, the tricks must be bright spots. Since ancient times, there has been a mixture of fish and dragons. The number of people who punches is many times more than the ones who missed. It is not like my home comb. You can tell at a glance what material it is."

This last sentence was obviously advertising and soliciting for his shop.

"Just for the boss, I will buy a set of combs today." Qu Yaojing waved his hand proudly, "Sisters, pick whatever you want, I will pay the bill."

As soon as the voice fell, and the girls hadn't moved yet, Lu Ziqiao had already rushed into the store.

The girls suddenly burst into laughter, and they also went in together.

"Brother, don't you go in and choose one?" The boss saw Bai Yifan standing there without moving, so he smiled and handed him a cigarette.

"No, thank you," Bai Yifan shook his head.

The boss lit the cigarette for himself: "Come to visit Yanjing?"

Bai Yifan nodded: "I think so."

"You're not superficial." The boss looked through the floor-to-ceiling windows and glanced at the girls who were choosing combs inside, with a smile on his face that a man could understand. "By the way, how did you do it? Teach the old man. ?"

"What did you do?" Bai Yifan pretended to be a fool.

"Your girlfriends--" The boss took a cigarette and lowered his voice, "It's all superb, there seems to be a beautiful Korean beauty in it?"

Bai Yifan smiled and said, "All are my friends."

"Don't talk nonsense with me, brother." The boss also smiled, "The way these superb beauties look at your eyes and those who look at your four friends are completely different things."

Bai Yifan laughed and said nothing.

Upon seeing this, the boss did not ask any more.

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