Almighty in the city

Chapter 141 You Will Regret

"There is anyone else?!" The middle-aged man frowned and gave the two thugs a fierce look.

The two thugs were also taken aback, and at the same time there was a trace of aggrieved expression on their faces——

The conscience of heaven and earth, the two of them checked Lu Ziqiao and the four of them, and after confirming that there was no one else, they walked in through the back door with the two of them. Who would have thought that it didn’t take a few minutes. There is another person!

"Lao Bai (local tyrant Bai) help!" Hearing Bai Yifan's voice, Lu Ziqiao and the four were overjoyed, and even ignoring that they were pinched on their necks, they screamed desperately.

"The four of you are really more tossing than Wan Yu and the others." Bai Yifan has easily climbed up the wall of the courtyard at this time, and is looking down at the middle-aged man, the two horny thugs, and those two The four of Lu Ziqiao, whose thugs pinched the back of their neck, showed a helpless wry smile on their faces, "Can't you let me worry about it?"

The middle-aged man's face was gloomy, and he waved to his other four men.

"Master Zhang." The four brawny, shirtless men ran over and immediately understood the situation behind the house.

"Take him, then check carefully to see if there is anyone else." The middle-aged man ordered, "In addition, let Xiao Si go and stop those volitional men-horses, how come I am so lucky? Can meet a fool!"

In Xiaosikou, the paperweight used by Emperor Chongzhen of Ming Chongzhen who he volunteered to contribute to the Palace Museum was originally intended to be sold to a neon chaebol.

Who knew that the neon man sent by the chaebol to pick up the goods was a fool, and almost took the police directly to their pick-up location.

Although the incident was not exposed in the end, the Neon Man still vomited the paperweight matter in order to get a mitigation of punishment.

As a result, the Yanjing Cultural Relics Administration and the Yanjing Police launched a joint operation. They carried out two rounds of carpet searches, scared him to find a younger brother, made up a reason, took the initiative to hand in the paperweight, and ended the matter.

Unexpectedly, less than two years have passed since this incident. Today, he encountered a few more idiots of will!

The middle-aged man was very angry, so after he decided to clean up the five guys who might be thunderous sons, he would also teach the will guys a lesson later.

However, before some of his thugs rushed up, Bai Yifan had already jumped off the fence lightly, and without seeing how he moved, he came to the two brawny men who had caught Lu Ziqiao's neck in some way.

Then, he raised his hand and pinched the necks of the two people. The two hunky guys seemed to have been given a fixation method. The whole body was involuntarily stiff, and they couldn't even move their fingers. .

"Master Zhang! It's weird!" The two of them were terrified, and quickly reminded them.

Bai Yifan smiled slightly. Seeing that there were three more thugs rushing towards him, his hands slightly lifted, he actually directly lifted the two brawny men who weighed at least two hundred jin in one hand, and then lifted his arm. Dump, threw the two people forward.

"Fuck!" The three thugs yelled and hurriedly picked up their companions.

At the same time, the four of Lu Ziqiao, who had their necks liberated, also hurriedly hid behind Bai Yifan.

"Why did you provoke the material dealers?" Bai Yifan asked a bit irritably.

"We are not to blame." Lu Ziqiao quickly argued, "We happened to see a few williams. One of them was the brother of the william who was overturned by you at the airport that day. Aren't we playing games now? We are surprised. A few wills, don’t take a good rest in the Olympic Village, adjust to meet tomorrow’s game, how come here to go shopping, so we want to see what he is doing here—"

"Then, you were caught, right." Bai Yifan shook his head helplessly, "Fortunately, you responded quickly and sent me a voice prompt and the location of the mobile phone was on. Otherwise, the four of you will fall down today. It's bad."

Lu Ziqiao smiled flatly and said, "What can happen with you."

Bai Yifan shook his head and smiled bitterly. He didn't bother to say anything to him. After instructing him to "be careful", he already stepped on it a few steps.

The three thugs took over two companions who had lost their ability to move. At this moment, they had just stabilized their figure, and suddenly they saw Bai Yifan voluntarily send them up, preparing to raise their hands and beat them.

As a result, the arms of the three were slapped by Bai Yifan.

Wherever his slap was shot, the arms of the three of them immediately lost consciousness. After a few strokes, the hands of the three of them were fixed there as if they had been sprayed with bone water.

The middle-aged man had already eaten, and then he realized that he had run into an expert, and he couldn't care about his thugs anymore. He had to run away with oil on his feet.

Before he even ran two steps, he felt his neck tightened, and then he fell into a "dog shit" with a "puff", and a terrified expression appeared on his face at the same time: "This brother, it's all a misunderstanding, misunderstanding-- "

He was only halfway through his words, with Bai Yifan's kick on his face, and he flew out sideways and hit the wall. After landing, he spit out broken teeth and blood.

Bai Yifan glanced at him coldly and walked towards the front courtyard.

Outside the gate of the courtyard, there was a quarrel.

Bai Yifan walked over directly, opened the door, and saw Ulliel Borg who looked like a human-shaped lion.

"It's you!" As soon as Ulliel Berg saw Bai Yifan, his face instantly filled with evil spirits.

"Unexpectedly, when you came to China, besides playing basketball, you also took a lot of side jobs." Bai Yifan glanced at him contemptuously, "But unfortunately, you have no chance to do this side job."

Ullilberg was taken aback, and then, as if suddenly thinking of something, he glanced at the courtyard, and said fiercely: "You can do it! You will regret it!", ....

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