Almighty in the city

Chapter 142 Have you heard of yips?

"You should be fortunate that I came a while early." Bai Yifan smiled slightly, "Otherwise, you will not only have no chance to continue participating in the next competition, but you will also be in prison."

"Humph!" Ullilberg snorted coldly, ignoring the thin young man who had been stupid, and turned to his companion, "Let's go!"

The other five players of the Will team looked at each other with unwillingness, but after looking at Bai Yifan, they finally gritted their teeth and left with Ullilberg.

"Lao Bai, just let them go like this?" Zeng Xiaoxian frowned, "This is a good opportunity to kill the Willing Team!"

"It's useless." Bai Yifan shook his head, "Catch the thief and catch the stolen goods. These six people have not had time to pick up the dirty. The cultural relics dealer was dealt with by me because of the relationship between the four of you. If they are Chinese, through criminal investigation Means, in the end, they can naturally be convicted. Unfortunately, they are volitioners, citizens of volition, and members of the volition national team. They are participating in the international sports exchange meeting—"

He glanced at the six people and glanced at the thin young man: "What's more, in the tennis team match, the Will team is drawn in a group with us. In this case, they cannot be stolen and won. The police did not dare to do anything to them rashly. Because they would be bitten by the people of Will, saying that we were afraid of the Will Team, so we found an excuse to detain their players."

Bai Yifan, the thin young man, glanced coldly, as if being stared at by a fierce tiger, he collapsed on the ground, sweating, and trembling uncontrollably.

"Do you think, why did they dare to take this job?" Bai Yifan shook his head, "That's because they have already calculated the worst result, and that result can't be done to them in the end. At most, it is China Diplomacy. It's nothing more than a wrangling between the Ministry of Will and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Will. They can eventually return to the Will intact, and then, the real big boss behind this transaction will try to help them exonerate—"

Zeng Xiaoxian said in a puzzled way: "That can also cause them a series of troubles. It's better than letting them go like this."

"Let them go. If they didn't complete this part-time job, naturally they would not get the slightest benefit." Bai Yifan smiled, "And if this matter is smashed, it will certainly cause them some trouble, but, at the same time, behind the scenes The big boss of, after helping them get rid of crime, he will definitely give them a hush fee. In the end, they have nothing to do, and they can get an extra money. You said, would I make them so free ?"

"It turned out to be like this." Zeng Xiaoxian suddenly realized, and then said bitterly, "However, it's a bunch of cheap guys, it's really frustrated!"

"Cheap?" Bai Yifan sneered coldly. "Didn't that Ulliel Borg say that I will regret it? The acquired group, I will let them understand how the word'regret' should be written."

Zeng Xiaoxian was taken aback: "What do you want to do?"

"Have you heard of YIPS?" Bai Yifan glanced at him, smiled slightly, and turned and walked towards the courtyard.

"YIPS?" Zeng Xiaoxian was a little dazed, "what is that?"

He took out the phone he had just brought back, clicked on a search page, and typed in these four English letters.

A new web page popped up on the screen of the phone.

"Ipsy?" Zeng Xiaoxian became more suspicious, and opened the official entry explanation of the search engine.

Two minutes later, he couldn't help but raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat that leaked from his forehead, and turned around blankly, wanting to see Bai Yifan: "That kind of thing, can it also cause the opponent in the game? Is it?"

His question was not answered because Bai Yifan had already left the back door.

Ten minutes later, the Yanjing police, who received the alarm call from Lu Ziqiao, rushed there. Under the identification of the thugs, they successfully found two cultural relics that had been stolen from the Palace Museum.

The veteran police officer in charge of the team held Lu Ziqiao's hand with a grateful expression, repeatedly thanked him, and said that he would help them apply for the Palace Museum's redemption of the two cultural relics.

Later, the reporter from Yanjing TV station who came to the news began to take Lu Ziqiao, Lu Zhanbo and Guan Gu to conduct interviews again.

Especially when it was learned that Guan Gu was magically a neon person, the reporter even gave him most of the shots, so he must talk about his impressions.

"Hey, this, the main thing is that we usually subtly pay attention!" Guan Gu is obviously not suitable for such interviews. As a result, after holding back for a long time without holding a sentence, Lu Ziqiao snatched the microphone. Guan Gu is a neon friend who loves our Huaxia very much, so we often introduce to him our historical and cultural enlightenment books such as "Three Character Classics", "Thousand Characters Wen", "Primary School Students' Daily Behavior Norms"."

After Zeng Xiaoxian woke up from the huge shock, he immediately saw Lu Ziqiao who was bragging, acting handsome and robbing the camera at the first glance, and suddenly curled his lips in disdain.

Just in time, Lu Ziqiao also saw him, and immediately greeted him: "Teacher Zeng! Teacher Zeng! Come and say a few words!"

After speaking, he introduced to the reporter: "This is a famous radio host in Shanghai, Teacher Zeng Xiaoxian, and also our roommate and good friend——"

Before he finished his words, Zeng Xiaoxian had already "flyed" over in a whirlwind, grabbing the microphone in his hand, facing the camera lens, and posing in an extremely stinky pose: "That's right! The good man is me, I It's—Zeng Xiaoxian!"

"Where have you been, Lao Bai? I didn't answer the call after several calls." In a calligraphy and painting shop in Liulichang, the fairy Qu took Bai Yifan's hand and walked in while complaining, "Let me see. This Qing Dynasty calligraphy and painting should always be true, right?"

Bai Yifan looked at her amusedly, shook his head, and dropped an [identification card (primary)] on the calligraphy and painting she was pointing at. Seeing the result of the identified line, he shrugged and laughed. He said: "It's a pity, it's still fake." ,,.

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