Almighty in the city

Chapter 144 Yanjing Poetry Conference

This person said, pointing to the second floor of Rong Baozhai: "Have you seen the line of calligraphy and painting? Rong Baozhai gave it to those who have outstanding performance in this Yanjing Poetry Conference."

After a pause, he seemed to feel that what he said just now was not enough, and added: "This year, Rong Baozhai took out a picture of "Mountain and River Sheji" by Master Fu Baoshi as the winner's color head! Tsk tsk, light This painting is worth no less than a million!"

Chen Meijia was startled when he heard it: "Take a million famous paintings as the winning prize? This Rong Baozhai boss is really a tyrant!"

"Haha, this is already the tradition of the previous Yanjing Poetry Conferences." The person laughed, "Every time, Rong Baozhai will come up with a famous painting worth about one million, as the winning prize for the final champion. Because of this, the Yenching Poetry Conference held by Rong Baozhai will become more and more famous. Some poets and poets will even come from all over the country to participate in it to meet friends."

Bai Yifan nodded and said, "This Rongbaozhai is good at doing business. With a mere million of calligraphy and painting, he has laid a solid foundation in the literary and art world, established his reputation, and increased the gold content of the brand. No wonder he would say this colored glaze. Half of the factory was developed by this Rongbaozhai."

Lin Wanyu rolled his eyes at this time, and suddenly pulled his hand and said, "Lao Bai, can you write poems?"

"What are you doing?" Bai Yifan knew what she was making when he heard what she said. He smiled and shook his head, "No."

"Is it true or false?" Lin Wanyu stared at him suspiciously.

Bai Yifan smiled and said, "You can treat me as if you really won't be better."

"That's it." Lin Wanyu laughed "chuckled", like a weasel preparing to steal a chicken.

Bai Yifan raised his hand unhappily and flicked on her forehead: "It doesn't matter if I will or not, anyway, I won't participate in this kind of boring competition."

Chen Meijia reminded: "The champion can get a famous painting worth one million for nothing!"

Bai Yifan rolled his eyes: "Not interested."

Lin Wanyu rolled her eyes and suddenly said coquettishly: "Then write me a poem, and I will use it to make an'admission ticket'. Didn't the elder brother just say that as long as he can be selected, he can get a calligraphy and painting for nothing? ."

"You still want to be cheap?" Bai Yifan was speechless.

"What's cheap is not cheap." Lin Wanyu "chuckled" and laughed, "Just for fun! Anyway, I have to wait for Teacher Zeng and the others to come here, so why don't you just keep watching outside like this?"

"That's true." When she said so, Fairy Qu was also interested, "There are three and three outer layers, densely surrounded, grandma, I can't even see the head of the person who fights poems inside-Elder Bai, If you really can write poems, just write one for us and let us change VIP tickets."

When she said this, the other women also cast expectant glances at Bai Yifan.

Obviously, they were full of intense curiosity at this time for the Yanjing Poetry Conference.

Bai Yifan was helpless, so he nodded and said: "Then say it first, I will only help you get the'ticket'——"

"We want'tickets'." Seeing his promise, Lin Wanyu, who was holding his hand, immediately took him and walked to the alley with the word "Registration Office" standing beside it.

Rong Baozhai set up two tables for the Eight Immortals at the entrance of the hutong. There were two people sitting behind each table. They were not too young, at least they were in their 50s or 60s.

When Bai Yifan was pulled by Lin Wanyu and walked over with the girls, the four of them were dozing off.

Today was originally the last day of the Yenching Poetry Conference. Those who want to sign up have tried it in the first few days.

Moreover, it’s almost half past four in the afternoon, and there is only the last half an hour left before the end of this poem conference. Their registration office has not opened for more than two hours. There are four people sitting there. All are a little drowsy.

"Old sir, we need to sign up." Lin Wanyu took Bai Yifan to the table of the two Eight Immortals. Behind them were Eucalyptus, Lin Xier, Qu Fairy and other women, Yingying and Yanyan, all of them were standard big Beauty has attracted a lot of attention here.

The four old men were also refreshed. They looked at Bai Yifan and then at the girls. One of them nodded and said, "Who is going to sign up?"

"Report everything." Bai Yifan smiled helplessly.

The four old men were taken aback for a moment, but they didn't say anything.

The old man who had just spoken out took out a lottery and said: "One person draws one, and then writes a poem or a poem with the proposition on the sign as the topic. As long as the four of us have three of us, we can enter the venue. "

"This is fun!" Lin Wanyu first drew a lottery.

Qu Yaojing followed closely, and then Yudi, Lin Xier, Fan Xiaomei, Hu Yifei, Xiaoqiu, Xiaoguan, and Chen Meijia each drew one.

Seeing that half of the picks were lost in an instant, Bai Yifan gave a wry smile, and also raised his hand to randomly draw a sign.

"I am Yongmei." Lin Wanyu said.

"I am Yong Zhu." Qu Fairy said.

"I am Yong Ju."

"I am Yonglan."

"I take the mountain and river as the subject."

"I want to write a five-character poem at will within five minutes."

The women tweeted all the requirements on the lottery they had drawn, and then all looked at Bai Yifan.

The four old men were not surprised either. In the past few days, they have encountered at least five or six groups like this. As long as they can pass the poems, they don't care whether it is written by someone in the team.

Anyway, it's just an "entry ticket". When the time comes to fight poems, it will be real swords and guns, and you can't make fakes.

Then, they saw Bai Yifan picking up the pen on the table, grabbing a cut piece of white paper, writing a poem, and handing it to one of the beauties: "Ying Mei."

Then, he grabbed another one and brushed a few strokes: "Yong bamboo."

The eyes of the four old men suddenly widened--

Nima, is it so fast!Write two poems in one minute?Want to scare us!,, ..

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