Almighty in the city

Chapter 145 You use this as a cash machine

However, Bai Yifan completely ignored these four people. After the two poems were handed over to Lin Wanyu and Qu Fairy, he raised his hand and grabbed a piece of white paper, brushed a few strokes, and finished another poem: "Ying Ju's. "

"Ying Lan."

"Five-character poem."

"Seven-character poem."

In just five minutes, ten people, ten signs, ten poems, all finished.

The eyes of the four old men were staring wider than one at this time, and they looked up and down Bai Yifan with extremely suspicious eyes.

One of them stretched out his hand: "Which one of you will come first?"

"I'll smoke first, I'll come first." Lin Wanyu passed the blank paper in his hand.

As soon as the old man looked at it, he subconsciously gave a compliment before reading the content of the poem: "Good word."

Bai Yifan smiled modestly, without saying anything.

"There are a few branches of plum in the corner, and Ling Han opened it alone. I knew it was not snow, for the secret fragrance came—" The old man quickly read the ancient plum poem on the paper, and when he finished reciting the last word, he shot Thigh, exclaimed, "Good poetry! Good poetry, good poetry, I don’t know what this little brother’s name is?"

"Bai Yifan." Bai Yifan said with a smile.

"Bai Yifan, Bai Yifan" The old man frowned and thought for a long time, but he didn't think that there is such a figure in the poetry world that can match the tall and handsome young man in front of him. Yes?"

Bai Yifan shook his head: "Without the master, it's just for fun."

The old man raised his eyebrows, thinking that he didn't want to say it, but didn't ask any more, and handed the poem about plum blossoms to the second old man beside him.

"Good poems, good words." The second old man also couldn't help sighing.

Bai Yifan smiled. This plum poem was written by Wang Anshi, a famous poet in the Northern Song Dynasty. Because of the lack of the existence of Li Bai and Du Fu, the level of Chinese poetry in this parallel world, it cannot be compared with the world before his journey. .

The four old men circulated it in a circle without disagreement, and directly gave Lin Wanyu a carved bamboo card. The front of the bamboo card was written with a number——

Forty-nine, indicating that this is the forty-ninth chapter "admission ticket" issued from them.

Lin Wanyu took it with a grin, and didn't rush in. Watching Qu Yaojing, Lin Xier, Eucalyptus, Xiao Guan, Hu Yifei, Chen Meijia, Xiao Qiu and Fan Xiaomei eight people passed the blank paper in their hands one by one. , And then change back to a piece of bamboo plaque with a number written on it.

The color of shock on the faces of the four old men grew stronger and stronger, and it was almost impossible to directly write the words "stunned" on their faces with a brush.

The requirements for each sign are different for the chanting plum, the orchid, the chrysanthemum, the five-character poem, the seven-character poem, the quatrain, and the rhyme poem, but in their opinion, the title of these signs is for this mysterious young man, It makes no difference.

Regardless of whether it is a limited subject matter or a limited format, even the style of quatrains, for him, is no different from casual five-character poems and seven-character poems.

This is so amazing!

Even the literati of the Yanjing Writers Association and the Huaxia Poetry Association do not have such a terrifying speed in writing poetry!

What's more, these ten poems are all archaic poems. This difficulty is many times more difficult than writing ten modern poems directly!

Where is this young man called "Bai Yifan"?

Could it be, who is the heir or student of the poet?

The four old men looked at Bai Yifan with suspicion, opened their mouths, and wanted to ask.

At this moment, the eldest passer-by who had just introduced them to Rong Baozhai and the Yanjing Poetry Conference, but also got up, looked at Bai Yifan and said, "Brother, I didn't see that you are still a poetry expert-how? , Also write a song for me?"

He has been paying attention here. After all, whether it is Andi, Lin Wanyu, Qu Yejing, or Fan Xiaomei, Hu Yifei, Chen Meijia, Xiaoqiu, and Xiaoguan, they are all first-class beauties, not to mention wearing a peaked cap and Lin Xier, who covered most of her face with big sunglasses, was already.

With so many beauties appearing together, everyone will be stunned.

This eldest passerby looked away, and he immediately saw Bai Yifan waving his hand, and helped the nine beauties to get the "tickets" for the Yanjing Poetry Conference. He immediately realized that he had met a "superior" and quickly I ran over to see if I could hug my thigh, and went inside to take a closer look at "Dou Shi Dou Ci".

Coincidentally, the four of Lu Ziqiao also happened to be here at this moment. After a casual glance, they saw where the girls were--

No way, the gathering of nine beauties is really eye-catching.

Bai Yifan didn't care, anyway, Lu Ziqiao came four people, and he had to help get the "admission ticket". There was no difference between writing four poems and five poems, so he gave this passerby eldest one one.

Rong Baozhai found the four old men who were sitting at the registration office. Now, instead of having straight eyes, he almost jumped up to scold his mother.

Nima, you are using this as a cash machine!

It is not enough for a person to get ten brands, and another five dollars in a blink of an eye!

Although amazed at Bai Yifan’s poems, the four old men also made up their minds. If this kid still doesn’t constrain and wants to help people with the brand, then they will leave directly. The big deal is to terminate admission early. Anyway, This kid can no longer be fooled.

Fortunately, Bai Yifan didn't irritate them anymore. After Lu Ziqiao and the four got the bamboo plaques, they all entered Rongbaozhai with the cards.

On the open space at the front entrance of Rongbaozhai, four long tables are lined up. On both sides of the long table, there are a dozen benches.

At this time, dozens of people were sitting on the benches, some in Chinese tunic suits, some in long gowns and short coats, and some in suits and casual clothes.There are different ages, except for seven or eight young people, mostly middle-aged people between 40 and 50 years old.

These people are all selected candidates for the Yanjing Poetry Conference, and most of them are from the Yanjing Writers Association and the China Poetry Association.

At this moment, there were nine superb beauties who walked out of Rongbaozhai amidst a burst of laughter.,, ..

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