Almighty in the city

Chapter 146 When is this your home?

Originally, because of the tense and dull atmosphere that the final poem was about to begin, it was completely disturbed by the laughter of Yingying and Yanyan.

Watching nine superb beauties stepping out of the front of Rong Baozhai, not to mention the contestants sitting on the benches, even the onlookers on the innermost three floors quickly surprised their eyes. Up--

what happened?

What is this?

Where are so many beauties popping up?

Is this the star model Rong Baozhai invited?

Doesn't it look like it?

When everyone was speculating, suddenly, there was a sharp eye in the crowd watching the party. He directly saw Lin Wanyu walking in the forefront, holding a bamboo card with the number "Forty-Nine" in his hand. He was suddenly surprised. Yelled: "Damn! It's a contestant!"

With his call, those onlookers who were close to the party immediately saw the bamboo card with the number "Forty-Nine" written on it.

Moreover, not only the piece in Lin Wanyu's hand, but the nine beauties who walked in first, everyone actually has a bamboo card with a number in their hand!

At this moment, the crowd of onlookers suddenly exploded--

"I have watched the 5th Yanjing Poetry Conference, and I have never seen so many beautiful contestants!"

"Rong Baozhai is amazing! It takes a lot of effort to find a beautiful woman of this level, let alone an understanding of poetry!"

"Now nine, it seems that this year's Yenching Poetry Conference, there is a good show to watch!"

"Haha, that's right. Fortunately, I came early and grabbed a good place, otherwise I will miss the next big show!"

Amidst the discussion, the contestants who originally sat on the benches also cast various glances at Lin Wanyu and the others, both surprised and suspicious.

Especially those young people, all of them sat up straight at this time, trying hard to show the appearance of a talented and talented man.

This directly led to the fact that when the six Bai Yifan came out, no one looked at them at all. Whether it was the people on the bench or the onlookers around, everyone’s attention, at this moment, was all focused on Lin Wanyu. The body of these nine women, Eucalyptus, and Qu Fairy.

Lin Xier subconsciously pressed down the brim of the peaked cap.

Seeing this, Fan Xiaomei smiled and hugged her, and at the same time gave Xiaoqiu and Xiaoguan winks.

The two women understood, they also came up from the other side, moving forward and backward, blocking Lin Xier's profile.

"Let's sit here." Although Eucalyptus is familiar with the girls and doesn't mind some of the touches between them, she still has a kind of indifference to other strangers.

The girls had no objection, so the nine girls sat down on the empty benches near the gate of Rongbaozhai.

The few young people who were also sitting on the benches couldn't help being a little disappointed. They were also thinking about waiting for the nine women to sit down and say hello, strike up a conversation, and so on. Whoever thinks that they have no intention of coming over.

The passerby consciously walked towards the empty bench opposite.

Lu Ziqiao was faceless and skinless. Originally, he thought he was coming to nuzzle the vacant seats next to the girls, but Hu Yifei glared at him and ran to the opposite side in shock.

"Yes, let's be more conscious." Zeng Xiaoxian patted Bai Yifan's shoulder with grief, turned and walked towards Lu Ziqiao.

Guan Gu Magic and Lu Zhanbo didn't care about it. They were not interested in this at first, they just came over to take a look.

As soon as the three of them turned around, they heard Lin Wanyu's voice: "Old Bai, come and sit here."

The three of them turned their heads in amazement, and saw Bai Yifan grinning bitterly while touching his nose, and walked over there helplessly under the beckoning of the girls.

"Sure enough, people are worthy of death than people, shopping around should be thrown away." Zeng Xiaoxian and the three were speechless, glanced at Bai Yifan with infinite envy and jealousy, and went to meet Lu Ziqiao with a sigh.

Before everyone was seated, there was already a sound of discussion around——

"Fuck! What is that handsome guy?"

"Nine in the area! Fuck! It's blinding my titanium single dog!"

"This guy is a rich second-generation guy! If he isn't a rich second-generation guy, I will chop a dick on the spot!"

"Wow! That handsome guy is so handsome!"

"Handsome shit! Isn't it taller than me, better figure, three-dimensional face than me, facial features are better than me-well, I admit that he is indeed handsome than me, but the one belt nine this is really nonsense! "

Bai Yifan gave a bitterly helpless smile, looking at Lin Wanyu who smiled like a fox, a little bit angry and said, "Are you on purpose?"

"There happens to be a place here. What is our relationship? Of course I keep it for you." Lin Wanyu "chuckled" chuckles.

"Nine big beauties surround you, what else are you dissatisfied with?" Fan Xiaomei turned her head to look at him and teased, "Look around, I don't know how many people want to change this position with you. "

"That's right, we're giving you a face, okay?" The fairy Qu said something that even seemed funny to him, and suddenly laughed out loud.

Lin Wanyu suddenly pulled Yifan's hand and pointed to a landscape painting hanging on the second floor and said, "Lao Bai, I want this painting. You can help me win it later."

Before Bai Yifan spoke, Fairy Qu's eyes lit up, and he also learned to raise his hand: "I want this one and this one."

Even Eucalyptus pursed his lips and smiled, pointing to one of the pictures of ladies and saying: "I want that one."

"Brother Bai, I saw that one at Guanguan, I saw that one, I will ask you in a moment!" Xiaoqiu also came to join in the fun.

"Yifan Oppa, which painting of Changbai Mountain do I want." Lin Xier also came up.

Seeing a few women pointing at the calligraphy and painting hanging on the second floor, listening to what they said, all the contestants and the nearby crowd were speechless——

Nima, when you opened this place, you can choose which one you want. I wonder if these are the trophies that the winner of the next poem contest is eligible to choose?,, ..

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