Almighty in the city

Chapter 147 Is it so fast?

"Which junior is this?" A middle-aged man wearing a tunic suit and gold-rimmed glasses glanced at Bai Yifan among the nine women, frowned, and asked a companion next to him.

"I don't know, I haven't seen it, I have no impression at all." The man also looked at Bai Yifan carefully, and then shook his head with certainty, "It shouldn't be someone in our circle."

The middle-aged man nodded and said: "I don't think it is like. The juniors in our circle, not to mention how humble and low-key, but at least not so frivolous."

"It seems that he should be just a poetry lover, not a poet who specializes in poetry." His companion also nodded, "But if you can bring a group of people in by one person, you should still have a bit of stuff in your stomach."

"Let the young people in the circle try his depth first." The middle-aged man looked around and saw that the young people in the room looked gloomily in the direction where Bai Yifan was. He was even more eager to try, and suddenly smiled and whispered.

"Hehe, we shouldn't have done anything." His companion also laughed, "This is a matter between their young people."

After a pause, he added: "In fact, it's a good thing to suddenly jump out of such a person. At least, in this case, these boys should be going all out."

While the two people were talking in private with laughter, the many older contestants on the bench were also making similar exchanges.

Soon, it was five o'clock in the afternoon.

Accompanied by a loud gong, this generation of Rong Baozhai's boss walked out of the main entrance of Rong Baozhai.

This is a middle-aged man wearing a Tang suit, with a bald head and a complete body. Only with the pair of Lotos glasses on the bridge of his nose can the knowledgeable person understand that this is a big net worth not to be underestimated. Local tycoon.

"Lao Bai, his glasses seem to be the'Private Order' version released by Lotos five years ago?" Lin Wanyu professed to poke Yifan Bai.

"Well, there are only three hundred pairs in the world, and the cost of a'private order' for each pair is between 200,000 euros and 300,000 euros." Bai Yifan nodded, "This is a big tyrant, tut, he wears it on the bridge of his nose. With a Ferrari sports car."

Eucalyptus glanced at him with some curiosity: "Unexpectedly, Lao Bai, you are also a knowledgeable person."

Lin Wanyu can see the extraordinary effect of these glasses because she is the daughter of Lin's Bank, one of the seven major Wall Street banks. Eunice, who has served as the CFO of Lin's Bank for five years, has no idea about this. strange.

However, Bai Yifan was able to recognize the pair of glasses in an instant, and he still used an extremely positive tone, which inevitably made her feel a little curious and reverie.

Bai Yifan glanced at her and said with a smile: "Before MIT dropped out of school, a roommate was a local tyrant in the Middle East. He happened to have seen him."

Eucalyptus smiled, without saying anything.

Chen Meijia, who was sitting behind the three of them, murmured: "Buying two or three million glasses for a pair of glasses, this bald guy is crazy."

The three laughed at each other, and they all couldn't help but smile.

"Everyone." The boss of Rong Baozhai drew out a folding fan very elegantly, and the scholars and ancients made a choreographer. "Thank you to all of you in the field of poetry for being able to join this year of the Yenching Poetry Conference. It is still the old rules. Rong Baozhai will issue the topic, and you will fight poems and poems. Those who win will stay, and those who lose will withdraw. After ten questions, who can stand on the field is the leader of this Yanjing Poetry Conference."

Qu Yaojing curled his lips and said, "That means winning ten games in a row is enough to be a champion. It doesn't seem to be difficult, right?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Rong Baozhai’s boss had asked someone to put on a stick of sandalwood: "Because I have new friends every time, I will say a few more words-this stick of incense will burn out in about ten minutes. Before, you must write the poems or words, otherwise it is a waiver. Only those who pass the first question can answer the second question, and so on, until the ten questions are answered, or there is only one person left on the field, the game is over ."

He raised his hand as he said, "Now, please prepare to take the topic."

Immediately there was Rong Baozhai’s guy, who gave everyone banknotes and hard boards, and the first question came out as well--

Write a poem or word with "poem" as the topic, and the genre format is not limited.

The women did not write, but looked at Bai Yifan together.

Bai Yifan smiled, put the hard board under the paper, and the pen was flying. It took almost a minute to write an archaic poem.

Because of the nine daughters, Rong Baozhai's boss also paid attention to him. Seeing that he had finished writing at this time, he couldn't help but smile lightly: "This little brother, has he finished writing?"


"Fuck! Nima is so fast!"

"It's been less than a minute, right?"

"Is he just drafting a draft?"

In the surrounding discussion, Bai Yifan nodded, and handed the piece of paper in his hand to a guy who rushed over.

The guy took it and delivered the paper to the owner of Rong Baozhai.

"Good word." The boss' eyes lit up slightly, and then he began to read silently. After a while, his eyes were brighter and he smiled, "Good poem! Brother, choose a painting."

As he said, he raised his hand and pointed at the row of calligraphy and painting on the second floor.

"Fuck! That's the first question?"

"I knew that this guy has two brushes! Nine in one, nine of them are all top grades, this is so incompetent, no one believes it."

"It's too fast! Only a minute has passed. I see other people are still drawing the draft, he has already written it? And still pass the level directly?"

"Awesome! This is called a master among the people!"

Bai Yifan was not polite with him, nodded, and looked at the women and said, "Which one of you picks first?"

"I'll talk about it first. Of course, I'll pick the one I chose first." Lin Wanyu raised her finger to the second floor of Rong Baozhai, "Counting from left to right, the fifth picture--",.

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